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Everything posted by TexasAg1969

  1. Better yet just leave out the peas and give me a smoked sausage sandwich. I'll decide which BBQ sauce to use.😋
  2. He was not much a a presence when he was on the 53. There was a reason he got placed on the PS.
  3. Inquiring minds want to know what does Ghoolies' muse inspire in his thoughts this week?😱😁
  4. Monu-mental task to say the least.🙃
  5. I don't care about any of it until I see it confirmed we are in the playoffs. Just beat Houston. And finally I get to see that game live rather than the recording I am watching now of the Chi/Browns game.👍
  6. The Bears/Browns game is on NFL Network this evening at 1 am Eastern time, mid-night here in Texas. So I'm recording it.
  7. My parents and youngest kid sister lived in Adelaide for 5 or 6 years when he worked for Mobil Oil. They loved Australia. Have a great time but stay away from any kind of snake you see there because they have several of the world's most deadly.
  8. Heh, I don't mind being 3-1 after getting a miracle kick off a muffed on-your-back reception. I'll take it any day of the week. Shoulda been a 23-20 loss, almost as predicted.
  9. The real leaders on this team like Myles, Joel, Joe, Amari, etc. have these guys all believing they will play all world when their number comes up. So that's exactly what they do.
  10. This team is the Kardiac Kids in all phases of the game..offense, defense, special teams, coaches!!💓💓💓💓
  11. Lucky I got to see the last 3 plays in our area because the other game was over. When that Bear had it on his back in the endzone I went, "Oh shit.......................................Yeah!"
  12. And Myles was fined $25,000 by the league for his ref comments.
  13. And then Browning being real. LOL!😁
  14. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! 👻 https://www.google.com/maps/@40.8896153,-81.5978286,3a,75y,162.95h,92.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4Iir_nFbRZaRMwoKOjpZ2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  15. Cinncy 20 Minn 17 (Browning is real) Colts 21 Pitt 10 (No real QB = not many points) Rats 24 Jags 17 (they miss Kirk more than most realize) Good guys 21 Bad Guys 24 (injuries finally catch up with us)
  16. Yep, get a montage of plays where Myles is being mugged one way or another and nothing ever gets called.
  17. And take responsibility unlike the same said Huey. I'm sure he thinks Grambling was an anomaly as well.
  18. Yep I had to record the last game Midnight our time Wed night on NFLN.
  19. I have a nice ranging harmonica and haven't a clue on how to play it, but I have a granddaughter convinced I am a musical genius with it because I can ad lib anything I want through it and make it sound real good. But if I were asked to repeat what I just played, I'd be outa my league. It's just fun making a lot of sounds with it and stringing them together for laughs (and applause). LOL!🤣
  20. Sounds like just a very good love song. But the song in the background in the original is an anti-war song.
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