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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. Taki squared says farewell. Kinda liked that dude. Good for him though, payday and all. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2024/03/former-browns-linebacker-says-goodbye-to-cleveland-on-instagram.html?utm_campaign=clevelanddotcom_sf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3Q220x9EyKo2RVvsbZb-gvs-cVPm9mJz9p6g2v1tB0mGzMQ66whXqgg9w_aem_AaMwvM7BqFsNCFX67q86FVYxyMmI-w7OUZna4bqToPeZflMJLLOHRmnzPizyalJslR4
  2. Yes! I get the other side of the argument too. Who could have forecasted the existence of stealth bombers and nukes in 1776? You know how people will hang a horse shoe or a photo of the Dave Clark Five over their doors to ward off evil spirits? That’s kinda like what the second amendment is for America. I kinda like the perception that we’re a nation full of gun freaks not to be messed with. And l appreciate you gun freaks for picking up my slack. I’ll support you as best l can with my machete and Dave Clark Five photo.
  3. I figure this will moisten some panties.
  4. That’s why you give Joe a bazooka. Duh… Bazooka Joe!
  5. Well that’s downright unAmerican. Every apartment complex should have landing strips and complimentary bazookas.
  6. I kinda like the idea of anti-aircraft missiles on my roof. Like some people have solar panels, except l’ll have a rack of anti-aircraft missiles. It would totally be for show, just to look cool. Maybe swivel them around at a neighbors house if they piss me off. Maybe l could scare them into mowing my lawn for a few years. But l’d honestly rather have solar panels. But to your point, yeah, missiles would be way cooler.
  7. I suppose the idea is to go toe to toe with the govt if it comes to that. They have AR 15s, we should have AR 15s They have tanks. We should have tanks. They have bazookas… Bazookas!
  8. Ah hell, l got a vintage Vietnam era machete for “protection.” How much protecting it’ll do? Who knows. I’d like to think no one needs guns. Or tanks. Or bazookas. Maybe bazookas. Ok, not bazookas. Bazookas.
  9. I’m not a gun guy, like, at all. I don’t want one. I don’t want the responsibility of owning one. If the world goes to shit l accept l’m likely a dead duck, and that’s ok. I appreciate the second amendment though. The spirit behind it is keen, that our govt has potential to become an asshole entity, as govt entities are wont to do, and we need to be able to push back. So AR-15s, sure. There should be trusted community members that have those. Maybe tanks and bazookas too. Especially bazookas. I don’t want a bazooka though. I really like saying bazooka though. Bazooka.
  10. I love Nick Chubb. I’d like to see him retire a Brown. Nick Chubb, no matter what.
  11. Any of you guys watch cooking shows? It’s sort of a Sunday morning thing my gf and l do, and much to her chagrin it’s how l discovered Mary Berg. She’s a total dreamboat my dudes. Very animated, kinda nerdy, and very charismatic with great facial expressions. I could watch her for hours. She’s Canadian, so that’s close to Cleveland, right? Yep welp, linky mclinkerson… https://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/mary-makes-it-easy
  12. I’m cool with Sweden. Never been there, but l get the impression they have their shit together. I’m not a fan of their fish. I’d much rather eat a bear, or a worm. I was a fan of their bikini team back in the day.
  13. I read this one. Really plays on fear of Chinese immigrants. My favorite quote! ”When those multi-tasking "Marxist-Americans" are allowing record numbers of Republic-crushing illegal immigrants into America while simultaneously trying to Hoover up our AR-15s, I start to smell a stink badger in the perfume aisle.”
  14. I’m a bit behind on all this, but ranked choice. That’s like my top choice is worth 10 points, my second choice is worth 8 points, third choice worth 6… yeah? I like this idea. It means you’ll get viable or at least interesting candidates coming outta the woodwork, free from the constraints of all the weird party shit. We’ll likely get new political parties. Wherever there’s a cause, there will be a party where that cause is their main thing. We’ll get a second amendment party! They’ll have dudes with bazookas in political ads. It’ll be badass.
  15. Fucking Al Gore. He’s kind of a genius. Somehow he wrangled the entire idea of “nature is cool” and slam dunked it on to the Democrat platform. Conservation and conservative literally have the same root word. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, started the national parks. It was a great idea. I’m a fan. I have no idea why the Republican party let that cause slip away. While l understand the questionability and nuances on what is or isn’t good for the environment, the idea that our planet is necessary for life and malleable is a valid concern. We have seen how our interactions with the environment can have consequences. Browns fans all know about the lake catching on fire. There’s gobs of people out there that love this planet and want to make it sustainable for the long term. It’s a good and admirable goal. And for those of us that consider that in voting, Al Gore has somehow hijacked most of them to the democrat cause. Hats off Al Gore.
  16. Dang dudes, this is a depressing read. Fwiw politics or whatever it is that has you so down is only a piece of the puzzle. There’s good people doing good things out there everyday. Focus on that for a lift, or better yet, participate in it. Are any of you involved in any civic groups or put in hours with non-profits? It’s easier to see the bright side when you are proactively involved in it. It’s a hassle but if you could bottle the reward and sell it you’d be a millionaire.
  17. Saw this on the interwebs, thought it was a good discussion topic. I’d honestly go Mexico. Mexico City or Monterrey. Maybe San Juan, PR as a wild card. We got a Canadian team (and used to have two), so why not Mexico?
  18. Michigan does have a pretty large population of folks of middle eastern descent. Lots of good Lebenese restaurants, if you’re in to that kinda thing. I can sorta see how sympathies might lean towards the folks in Gaza there.
  19. He’s still plans to serve out his term which runs through Jan. 2027. We’ll see how that goes…
  20. I accept that TDS is a thing. The weird thing to me is the lack of concern that it’s a thing, almost like it’s a “haha funny” thing instead of a “some people will lose their minds and melt down and he will be opposed at every turn and nothing will get accomplished” thing. It’s a valid concern.
  21. Bill Nelson of Josh Cribbs?!? Pfft
  22. Now there’s a reference not everyone will get, haha. I’m a fan of the flick “Get Yourself a College Girl” so l know the song. Some great music acts in that flick. The Animals, Jimmy Smith and the Dave Clark 5. Mmm hmmm.
  23. Thanks for chiming in Katfan! Go Browns!
  24. Is that any different than how people respond to anyone or anything they dislike? We dislike someone, we find supporting material to substantiate our dislike. Didn’t we all take some degree of revelry in Ben Rothliesberger’s unmasked sleaziness? I just assume that anyone bashing Trump doesn’t like him, and same for Biden. Overtly stating that is unnecessary as far as l’m concerned. I can figure it out with context.
  25. Van Buren had a wild facial hair game. He had these weird cheek burns thing going for him. Sorta like side burns but just on the cheeks.
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