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Everything posted by OldBrownsFan

  1. I don't see the harpy saying anything about being civil...see red highlighted from the motor city madman: Musician Ted Nugent is known for speaking his mind about the Second Amendment and hunting, but especially on politicians. He once said then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama should “suck my machine gun.” When President Obama was running for reelection in 2012, the rocker said during the National Rifle Association convention that, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” The statement attracted the attention of the Secret Service. But after Wednesday's shooting at a congressional baseball practice, Nugent has decided to be “more selective with my rants and in my words.” “At the tender age of 69, my wife has convinced me I just can’t use those harsh terms,” he said on the 77 WABC radio program Thursday. “I cannot and will not and I encourage even my friends, slash, enemies on the left, in the Democrat and liberal world, that we have got to be civil to each other.” “I'm not going to engage in that kind of hateful rhetoric anymore.”
  2. I'm going to go out on a limb and call this one a case of TDS: Wait, a man just pleaded guilty after trying to do WHAT to Trump’s limo? https://twitchy.com/jacobb-38/2018/12/02/wait-a-man-just-pleaded-guilty-after-trying-to-do-what-to-trumps-limo/
  3. This harpy has a bad case of TDS...She needs to be seen by a counselor (but not by Tex) Bette Midler Fantasizes About Trump and His Family Hanged ‘Good and High’ https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2018/11/30/bette-midler-fantasizes-trump-and-family-hanged-high/
  4. Actually Diehard the Press turned on Trump once he appeared to have the GOP nomination locked up. Before that it was estimated the MSM had given Trump almost 2 billion dollars worth of free air time. The MSM loved Trump for a while. He was on CNN, Morning Joe, and they were letting him speak without challenging him. It got to the point where even Obama was complaining. As someone who was supporting Cruz at the time it was frustrating watching Trump take all the oxygen...the other GOP candidates only got a fraction of the free media time Trump got. Now I think the reason for the MSM giving Trump all the free air time was threefold. Trump was good for ratings. Trump was blasting other republicans and the republican party (they always love that), and they believed Trump was the weakest link and if he did get the nomination he would be the easiest of all the republicans for Clinton to beat. (they were wrong)
  5. Tex I voted for him for president not pastor. 7 Things Donald Trump Has Done for Christians in 2017 https://stream.org/7-things-donald-trump-has-done-for-christians/
  6. Most pro life president ever...moved our embassy to Jerusalem...best friend to Israel (what they say), champion of religious freedom, constitutional judges...those are some good reasons for Christians to support Trump over Hildebeast who was so pro abortion she even supported partial birth abortion.. Franklin Graham: Trump defends the Christian faith https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/418180-franklin-graham-on-supporting-trump-he-defends-the-christian
  7. Sour grapes from the swamp rats...also at least a few of those denied making those statements.
  8. From an earlier post today I had with Tex: I disagree with those who say you shouldn't vote the lesser of two evils because you are still voting for evil. Logically less would be better. The time may come though when the differences aren't worth a hill of beans and at that point I will just write in a candidate. As a Cruz supporter in 2016 Trump has exceeded my expectations (as well as I am not sure if Cruz would have beaten Clinton). Here is one of the reasons I am happy with voting for Trump: Trump proving to be the most pro life president in history: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-is-proving-to-be-the-most-fearlessly-pro-life-president-in-history/2018/05/23/c72f2886-5e8a-11e8-a4a4-c070ef53f315_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.eebd6edf30be
  9. Everything is relative...compared to Cortez Trump is (almost) a genius. Any complaints I have though about Trump's tweets or his behavior the fact is he beat out a strong republican field of 16 candidates to win the nomination and then he went on to knock out the Hildebeast.
  10. Sure her socialism is not popular but her lack of knowledge is usually her biggest downfall...
  11. He is a good example of how someone can practically lose their mind with a hatred for Trump: "It was reported last year that Reines was leaving his consulting firm to protest Trump full-time. “It’s stand in front of the tank time,” Reines said about his decision to leave Beacon Global Strategies. His Twitter bio includes a quote from John Podesta that says, “Phillipe [sic] is the only person about whom you’re torn between patting him on the back and trying to get him committed to Bellevue.” https://pagesix.com/2018/05/09/top-hillary-clinton-aide-mocks-don-jr-over-vanessas-latin-king-lover/
  12. TDS. Where to start. I'll start with this one: SENIOR HILLARY ADVISER HAS MELTDOWN AT FOX NEWS WHILE WEARING NO PANTS https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/28/philippe-reines-fox-news-harlan-hill-pants/
  13. What Roberts said about an independent judiciary is nonsense and he knows it. The liberal judges try to legislate from the bench rather than following the law. There is nothing independent about the ninth circuit court who has the reputation of being over ruled by the Supreme Court more than any other federal court. We survived Obama - now we have to survive his judges.
  14. I didn't know Stan but I have been posting here on the Browns Board for a few years and this Board that he created has brought together some really good people and fellow Browns fans. This is very sad news. Praying for his family.
  15. The state legislator was way out of line WSS. We are not a Christian nation we are a nation of many faiths (or no faith all )and have the right to worship or not to worship as we choose. This legislator was so extreme he was calling for the death penalty for males who did not follow biblical laws. Hopefully the voters will take care of this legislator in a few days and send him packing.
  16. I think you have to try to distinguish between those who want a hand up and those who want a handout. Those who are helped who just need a hand up will reap good benefits while trying to help those who want a hand out will just be wasted like water being poured on a sand pile.
  17. It also has been reported she told Trump six months ago she was leaving at the end of the year. I may be wrong but I doubt if it is due to any scandal but regardless she has done a fantastic job at the United Nations. She will be hard to replace but I think Trump will get someone similar to replace her.
  18. This one worries me as someone who supports Trump. I always thought the phony Russian collusion Mueller investigation was only a ruse to start a fishing expedition to go after Trump's finances. Remember Trump has bragged about how he pays as little taxes as he can get away with. That is like waving a red flag to a bull to Trump's enemies (like the NY Times). Now that they have illegally gotten a hold of a huge amount of leaked tax information the state of New York has not wasted a minute to start an investigation. I think you are ready to hitch your wagon to anything that takes down this president and this may be the one. Impeachment was never going to happen, the dems would never get a two thirds majority in the senate, the Mueller investigation is a joke. A highly partisan New York democrat legal system with thousands of illegally gained leaked tax records might do it. Keep an eye on this one.
  19. Tex you have too much faith in politicians. Do you think Obama or any of the democrats have such high moral integrity? I don't. I don't even have a whole lot of confidence in the republicans but as Stuart once posted here I see them the lesser of the two evils by far. The republican party before Trump was not some bastion of moral values and integrity. If they were they would not fund Planned Parenthood every year. I take with a grain of salt what any politician says and I pay more attention to what they do.
  20. I know the kind of stuff Woodward wrote in his new book sells with the public but I was disappointed in the tabloid journalism and thought Woodward would have written a better book with more substance on policy instead of the TMZ stuff. It seems to be a rehash of the discredited Michael Wolff's book with anonymous stories about Trump. I heard one person yesterday say that he knew for a fact the story about Trumps alleged ranting in a White House meeting about Afghanistan was not what went down at all because he was in the meeting. He said he was impressed how Trump handled the meeting asking the generals questions he thought any president should ask about our goals , strategy to win and exit strategy.
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