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Dste Ace

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Everything posted by Dste Ace

  1. Where the fuck was THIS Mitt Romney back in '12?
  2. Never mind. Josh is definitely running in '24. He's trying to do a "I feel your pain" riff but he's certainly no Bill Clinton.
  3. Looks like the MAGAverse most likely formed a circular firing squad with today's patriotic stunt. Congress is in the required 2 hour debate over whether to count Arizona's electoral votes. The oral bloviating has ceased--Kelly Loeffler just withdrew her opposition to Arizona's electoral votes. Rand Paul said that he seriously doubts that, after Arizona, there will be any objections to the certification of any other state. I'll still wait up to see if Josh Hawley will really go that far.
  4. You're gonna love what his investigators are finding in Hawaii. I hear it's "unbelievable". Of course, no one has heard from his investigative team since 2011. I guess Hillary must have had them whacked.
  5. Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked what he thought about the existence of extra-terrestrial life and if they would ever visit earth. He said his biggest fear was that they have already been here and have written us off as hopelessly primitive and not worthy of their attention.
  6. Same thing happened in West Virginia with Robert C. Byrd. Motherfucker's name is on EVERYTHING in this state. Buildings, roads, interstate rest areas. His last term as senior Senator was spent in a wheelchair, drooling (literally), his aides having to tell him how to vote, fucking embarrassing. He had old man face. https://youtu.be/jLWWxIxg--E And the ignorant motherfuckers in WV kept sending him back to DC every six years. All he had to do was show up and start playing the fiddle in their town and he was gold. Our congressional leadership--Democrat and Republican---remind me of the old Soviet Union. A bunch of old fucks beholden to nothing but the acquisition and use(abuse) of power. Problem is there are no younger congressional members--on either side of the aisle--who are capable or worthy of true leadership. And who are also beholden to nothing but the acquisition and wielding of power. I find it a damning indictment of the United States that the "best" candidates for President were Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Fucking unbelievable. A lifelong conman extraordinaire from Queens and a guy who, as my brother-in-law says, "has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel".
  7. "Over?!? Nothing's over 'til we say it's over!!! Was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?!?" Oh...sorry. I thought I was in a different room...
  8. Not altogether inaccurate---Trump won 67% of the vote in WV. Mountaineers are strong in The Cult.
  9. Texas AG Ken Paxton is under FBI investigation for bribery and abuse of power, namely, that he used the power of his office to help/protect one of his big donors. He has also been under indictment for securities fraud for the last 5 years. Many people say he is merely using this stunt in order to prove his loyalty to Trump, that he is fishing for a pardon...nah, that could never happen.
  10. Beat me to it. On further review, one would be hard-pressed to correctly discern which was the parody and which was the actual proceeding. Actually, the SNL version is probably the more dignified of the two.
  11. Neither she (nor any "witness" testifying in the "hearing") was under oath. Several times during the hearing, Democrat's suggested the witnesses be put under oath and were met with outrage and indignation by Republicans in the Michigan legislature. On another note, check out Rudy reaching over and trying to shush her when she is talking over everybody, R and D alike. How fucking crazy do you have to be when RUDY(!) is saying, "Jesus Christ, you need to tone it down."
  12. Actually, under Georgia election law, the signatures have already been verified twice. When you request a mail-in ballot, the signature on the Request envelope is matched with the signature on record before they mail you a ballot. When the ballot itself is received by the election workers, the signature on the Ballot envelope is then matched with both the signature on the Request envelope and the signature on record. Facts. As Bill Murray said in 'Meatballs', "It just doesn't matter." If a team of people assembled by Lin Wood and Sidney Powell to count the ballots were hermetically sealed in a room guarded by a team of Navy Seals, and the count still came out in Anyone-but-Trump's favor, they would simply bring forth another conspiracy theory. It just doesn't matter.
  13. In related Powell-Wood circus news from GA: according to Breitbart, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are secretly working for the Dem's by encouraging Georgia Rep's to stay home and not vote in the run-off. In the comments section, BB readers are turning on BB ("They're the new FoxNews!!!!!!!!) A brother could get whiplash trying to keep up with MAGA purity requirements.
  14. In theory, perhaps. But since 2000, the only time deficits matter is when a Dem is in the WH. Trump has seen the fastest increase in the debt of any president--almost 36% from 2017 to 2020. And nary a peep from anyone on the right. All of that is about to change in 3...2...1...
  15. In related news, Republicans indicate that deficits now matter.
  16. Well, you know the old saying: "Buy high, sell low..."
  17. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pennsylvania-judge-throws-out-trump-lawsuit-biden-win Oh...my mistake. I forgot FoxNews is no longer on the approved reading list.
  18. I'll be waiting with bated breath for this 'evidence'. It's coming, you'll see.
  19. They've gotten their asses kicked over 2 dozen times in court over the last 2 weeks. But sure, wait for court. They've got the evidence. You'll see.
  20. FFS, last night even Tucker Carlson said for Powell to quit fucking around and show us the evidence already.
  21. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/13/trump-legal-team-cases-dropped-436492# Of course, that was before: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/14/giuliani-trump-legal-plans-436475# Yes, let's give the pyromaniac control of the Zippo...
  22. And then there's this... https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/14/trumps-media-battles-for-maga-436502#
  23. Lawyers for the Trump campaign have dropped a lawsuit seeking a review of all ballots cast on Election day after finding that Biden's margin of victory couldn't be overcome. Earlier, the judge threw out paper and electronic affidavits the Trump campaign collected from voters after Trump's lead attorney acknowledged that some of the forms were 'spam' and not legitimate voters. Said the judge to Trump's attorney, "Let me just clarify. Your solicitation of witnesses yielded some sworn affidavits that you yourself clearly determined are false and spam, as you phrased it?" "The ones you couldn't prove are false you submitted to the court?" the judge said before granting the county's request to to exclude the evidence. Yeah, judges love it when you lie to their face in court. Law and order, baby.
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