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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 1 hour ago, Jax said:

    Maybe some good will come out of these Trump persecutions.

    well, I know where to start. If they want to declare that paying a blackmail to a whore is "election interference".....

    the fbi and doj kept hunter's laptop out of the election, too.

    and the cia, fbi, dnc, doj..... worked up the fake "russian collusion" to interfere with that election.

    So, they should all be arrested and thrown into the slammer after a "trial" like they like goes against them.

    clusterfook comey should be in jail for lying to congress. Fauci should be in jail for lying to congress.

    Joe biden should be in jail for everything he does.

    higgardly slimy clinton should be in prison, too. A men's prison.

    That is why they will do everything they can to keep power.

    Drain the swamp. Lock them up.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    I wonder what happened in your life to give you your current view of women. Or maybe you're just a product of your time and environment. 

    well, jacknife jill, and moochelle, and the women on the view are nasty, dishonest, stupid, terrible, mean, wicked and they reek of sluttiness.

       So, you are so stupid that you think those I mentioned are all the women in the United States?

    tell us how that works, woodpecker.

    the population of our country is said to be 341,667,323.

    roughly half are women.

    so, slutty jill, full of crap moohelle, and the women on the view are not

    all women.

    Therefore, you are as ignorant and dishonest as your nanny.

    and you are allegedly an engineer? and you don't understand that 6 <> 170,833,662 ??? LOL



  3. 35 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    It’s not like we didn’t see every bit of this shit show coming, but ultimately it’s what we wanted, so here we are. But wait, there’s more.

    Sentencing and appeals and other trials and other bullshit and an election. It’s embarrassing. 

    Many experts, even from the lib media, have said the "trial" was bs.What's sad is, our justice system is ridden with corrupt swamp creatures who apparently will do ANYTHING? to stay in power.

    I mean, when the corrupt judge sided with the prosecution every time, etc etc, and refused to allow the election law expert testify that there was no crime committed, right there the fix was in.

    and the defenses other witness, that contradicted the sicko liar - the prosecution objected to anything he tried to answer to any question, the judge bitched at him for nonsense reasons, interrupting him.

       new york is really a crap hole. and our country is being badly damaged. and I fear that in the near future, in terms of months, we will be getting hit by terrorist actions by the cells that have come across our border.

     Dangerous times.

  4. 1 hour ago, nickers said:

    Trump just won all 50 states, bitches! This was all DC theater to destroy Trump by any means necessary and did it with Soros blood money It’s still a win and Trump will not face one day in jail and doesn’t prevent him from running for President Trump will still be able to campaign well into November FYI: Constitution states it “does NOT bar felons from holding the highest office” They’ve awakened MAGA country Let’s fuckin goooo!

    It seems the left is overtly pushing for a confrontation with the rest of America - giving us the finger, and wanting us to complain, so they can call us domestic terrorists and throw the rest of America into....their fsb like court.

  5. dammit. and anything iran gets - they will be sure to get it to russia and china.


    Congressional Republicans Find Evidence Biden's Iran Envoy Downloaded and Shared Classified Docs

    "A week ago Semafor broke a major story about a secret effort by the Iranian government "to bolster Tehran’s image and positions on global security issues — particularly its nuclear program — by building ties with a network of influential overseas academics and researchers." One of the people recruited into this group was Robert Malley, Joe Biden's special envoy for Iran. Malley brought Ariane Tabatabai into government. Tabatabai ended up as chief of staff to Christopher Maier, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, the Defense Department's top counterterrorism official. Tabatabai remains on the job even though we have emails from her checking in with Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officials about what her views should be on various subjects."

  6. 15 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    If they aren’t unanimous, wouldn’t that be a hung jury? In which case Trump would win. If this judge is encouraging them to not be unanimous, wouldn’t that be favorable to Trump? What am l missing here? 

    It's very strange in a "get Trump" way. this dirtbag judge needs to be disbarred.

    Apparently, as I understand it, the jurors can disagree on points, so if four will only say "guilty" on one count, and four only will say "guilty" on another count, and the other four will only say "guilty" on another count, this corrupt sob will consider all three counts a fake "majority".

    Meaning, it's unheard of, from what I gathered in the discussion on the radio.

  7. With hamas hiding weapons in and below schools and hospitals and united nations buildings etc.....

    palestinians are used as human shields for those weapons, and to protect hamas themselves.

    Don't  blame Israel for the war to survive - it's hamas that declared war with the Oct. 7th massacre.

    I have to fault the pro hamas palestinians for willing to be shields, with their families probably not knowing?

    and terrorists would be happy to make the civilian deaths happen, and blame it on Israel, for propaganda purposes.

    They shoot their own palestinians if they try to receive the aid. hamas=palestinians? steal that aid, and actually

    are responsible for starving out the innocent "palestinians".

    Cultural hatred out of a warped religious viewpoint - has been their downfall all these decades.

    they have only themselves to blame.


    IDF: 'Small' Munitions Used in Deadly Rafah Strike Could Not Have Caused Such Devastation by Themselves

  8. On 5/28/2024 at 7:24 PM, JAFBF said:


    Ah, the GF (Thug) Mural   .   .   .   everyone remember this ?




    Wasn't too long after this happened :






    Seems this wasn't too well received   .   .   .  



    Just a note, that the Toxicology Report surfaced again (maybe it matters more now?)   .   .   .  


    Thug had enough Fentanyl in him to kill an Elephant, but yea, it was  murder   .   .   .   🙄


    the false narratives are worse than hamas, pro-"palestinian" protesters, russian kgb, communist china "media"....

    and some monkeys and welfare babies just happily suck it up.

    Seems that their hostility is that they can't control everybody else.

    • Like 1
  9. May 2, 2024NATO allies condemned Russia's behavior and called on the country "to uphold its international obligations." "These incidents are part of an intensifying campaign of activities which Russia continues to carry out across the Euro-Atlantic area, including on Alliance territory and through
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