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Posts posted by cccjwh

  1. 3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

    Fine with me partner. The choice is yours, you're a little bit older than me so if you're lucky you've got another 15 years. You should be able to stay in the house for that long.

    The virus will probably keep spreading through people who won't get very sick from it. But why wait till September? Why don't you post when 20 year olds start dropping like flies.


    Because your record on this virus has been spot on so far right?


  2. 54 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    Speaking of Genius... Trump trump Trump trump Trump trump. Look the virus is spreading because young people don't and shouldn't give a shit, more cases cases don't mean anything, cases jus people testing positive whether they are symptomatic get sick or not. Young people have almost nothing to fear if they get it. That's the bottom line

    Young people also don't worry about allergic reactions to Geritol.

    So don't get your bowels in an uproar.


    I guess only US young people don't care. Probably cause they listen to people like you. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

    Obviously you can't read.  He said deaths not positive cases among liberal fuck wads like you.

    I quoted the meme genius, there is nothing about "deaths" in the meme or his post(he only posted the meme). The one that says the spike in cases is because there are more tests being done. That little blue line in the graph is the percentage of positive tests. Non Cheetos Jesus, I'm not sure which is a bigger problem with Trumpers, the arrogance or the ignorance.



  4. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/505806-mexico-closes-border-in-arizona-as-coronavirus-cases-in-both-country

    The Northern Mexican state of Sonora — which borders Arizona and a small portion of New Mexico — is toughening border restrictions this weekend as both regions experience a surge in coronavirus cases.  

    In anticipation of the Fourth of July weekend, the state government announced plans to place filters at Sonora's main border cities to turn back tourists and those traveling for other nonessential purposes.

    “We are all going to be on alert at this time to prevent them from coming, whether they are Mexicans living in the U.S., Americans or those who want to come to spend the weekend and put a greater burden on us regarding COVID,” Senora Gov. Claudia Pavlovich said in a statement to the Arizona Daily Star.

  5. 1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

    Business insider, where the dumbass is the Global Editor In Chief.

    • Overall, we rate Business Insider Left-Center Biased based on story selection that leans left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record.

    Factual Reporting: HIGH

    Make sure not to read it, you wouldn't want to come out of your bubble.


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