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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. This would not only open the flood gates for illegals but also US citizens who have been separated from children due to arrest.
  2. Coming to theaters this fall... Charlie's Angels: Dwayne Johnson, Dave Bautista and John Cena Andre the Giant movie staring Danny Devito SHAFT reboot starring a Quadriplegic, LGBTQIPFHD, white, single mother as SHAFT." Sandra Bullock as Blade. Snow White: starting Kevin Hart Betty White has been cast to replace Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones Black Panther movie; starring Rosie O'donnell
  3. They made the Black Little Mermaid and didn't get the rage they were looking for so now they go after James Bond...
  4. "Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view," Axios reported. "Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo) had a favorable view." "Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%," Axios added, whereas "capitalism was 56% favorable; 32% unfavorable." The firm that conducted the poll gave the results to Axios on the condition that it not be named because it works "with all parts of the party." A top Democrat involved in the 2020 congressional races told Axios: "If all voters hear about is AOC, it could put the [House] majority at risk. he's getting all the news and defining everyone else’s races. Socialism is toxic to these voters." The poll's results match numerous other polls that have been taken on Ocasio-Cortez and socialism. A June poll from inside Ocasio-Cortez's district found: They don’t like her. She has a more than 2:1 ratio of unfavorable (50.88%) to favorable (21.37%) in public opinion. They don’t trust her. Only 10.75% thought she had their best interests in mind in quashing the Amazon deal – 32.60% said she didn’t. They don’t want her. 33.44% are ready to vote against her, and only 13.30% would vote for her. "A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday morning found that 23 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the member of Congress, while 36 percent had an unfavorable view — a -13 overall approval rating," Vox reported in March. "This new poll isn’t a one-off finding. Three prior surveys — one in January from Morning Consult, one in February from Fox, and a third in mid-March from Gallup — all found that more Americans had negative views of AOC than had positive ones." A NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll from March found that, of socialism in general, "only 18% of respondents approved, while 50% of respondents disapproved." People are seeing the light through the darkness the left creates.
  5. Personally I don't care either way if it's a good movie I will watch it. But it looks to be politically motivated.
  6. Haley slams Dems' 'disgusting' silence after Mexican flag raised at ICE facility LA Mayor Eric Garcetti releases video directed at illegal immigrants amid ICE raids: 'We are in this together' CBP finds $1.7M in methamphetamine inside SUV at US-Mexico border Bernie: Pelosi too tough on AOC’s squad, says they are ‘the future of the Democratic party’
  7. Do you fear.....on American soil!
  8. Estimate: Illegal immigrants made up 23 percent of U.S. foreign-born population Armed man shot, killed after attacking migrant detention facility with flares amid anti-ICE protests
  9. House Dem Caucus rips AOC staffer for criticizing lawmaker: 'Keep her name out of your mouth'
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-dems-use-obama-era-photo-to-promote-hearing-on-kids-in-cages “Last week, members of our committee visited a detention center at the southern border and discovered grotesque treatment of children,” the first tweet, posted Tuesday afternoon, said. “This week, we are examining the inhumane treatment of the children in these detention centers.” But the tweet included a photograph taken by The Associated Press in 2014, during the Obama administration, showing migrants in detention in Arizona. The Trump campaign flagged the soon-deleted tweet and noted the image comes from a time when current Democratic presidential primary front-runner Joe Biden was vice president. “House Democrats are promoting their 'civil rights' hearing on ‘kids in cages’ and ‘inhumane treatment’ with a photo from 2014, when Joe Biden was Vice President,” the tweet read. “So dishonest!” According to The Daily Caller, House Democrats then put up a new tweet with a different photograph -- also, it turns out, from the Obama administration years. That tweet was soon deleted as well, after it was noticed by their Republican counterparts on the committee. “You all know that’s a picture from 2014, right? Remind us who was President then,” the tweet said.
  11. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff makes stunning admission about the Green New Deal https://video.foxnews.com/v/6058612249001/#sp=show-clips “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Chakrabarti said to Inslee’s climate director, Sam Ricketts, according to a Washington Post reporter who attended the meeting for a profile published Wednesday. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing,” he added. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/aocs-chief-of-staff-admits-the-green-new-deal-is-not-about-climate-change/ AOC Chief of Staff Compares Moderate Dems to Southern Racists
  12. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2019/07/12/protests-ice-aurora-immigration-raids/
  13. With this latest report on the allegations of sexual harassment less than 24 hours ago, Tyrus nevertheless made his regular Friday afternoon appearance on Perino’s The Daily Briefing. And while no mention was made of the inappropriate texts, Perino and Tyrus did engage in a chummy chat on working out and puppies. https://www.thedailybeast.com/tyrus-texts-fox-news-dana-perino-airs-playful-interview-with-colleague-who-sent-lewd-texts-to-britt-mchenry
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