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Posts posted by Gorka

  1. 7 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    "As introduced, expands the definition of 'law enforcement officer' to include a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit; provided, that the permit is not suspended, revoked, or expired, for purposes of authority to carry a firearm under certain circumstances," the summary for the bill reads on the Tennessee General Assembly website."

     the term enhanced regarding the permit would make me think it would be something akin to security guards? In which case it doesn't sound particularly outrageous. Does it to you?


    Yes, appears to be either an 8-hr. course, or if you possess one of the following:



    Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit:

    To be eligible for the enhanced carry permit, Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1351(e) requires applicants to complete “handgun safety course” approved by the Department of Safety that includes “both classroom hours and firing range hours” (exceptions made for certain law enforcement and military personnel). The specific contents of the course are regulated by the Department of Safety.

  2. 5 hours ago, BaconHound said:

    Stay on topic Cal. Is it ok for a former president to remove classified documents from Washington and take them home to another state? The law suggests no but I’m interested in his supporters’ take.

    Orange man bad!

    Thats my take. Ya happy now?

  3. 59 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    I think the Woodpecker, who is the number one proponent for eradicating American history, is using the phantom book burning epidemic to remind us that Biden voters can't, and shouldn't be expected to behave like human beings. Maybe I'm missing his point. But I do agree with him, any of you guys who still own slaves should free them immediately.


    There are bigger fish to fry, but do you want to see the NFL go out of business? 

    Peterson compares NFL labor to slavery | FOX Sports

  4. 5 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Oh, exactly...  Their fanbase is fairweather to the nth degree....  Out at dinner tonight talking to a guy ( New York transplant) and a Jets fan.... Well, his wife (supposed mega Bengals fan) isn't staying for the second half of  our Super Bowl party.. Can't stand the suspense? Yeah, I'll be mean..  Montana to Rice... you're one short on heartbreak,  The Drive, The Fumble.... At least you made it to the Super Bowl...   

    I can handle OBJ gloating, or Carpetbagger Kroenke spending his way to a (probable) one and done SB win....  But as far as I'm concerned.. Dem Bungles need to wait around another 30 years or so to get to another Super Bowl....

    Plus the fact the Rams will be out of sight out of mind, but you gotta live with Bungle fans.

    Who Dey!?!?!

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 2/10/2022 at 5:50 PM, calfoxwc said:

    Having said that, I really am rooting for the Bengals to win completely.

    I'm hoping thy have an incomplete win. lol

    GO BENGALS ! (sqealers and ratbirds won't be happy. YES !)

    The teams or their fans? I take it you mean their fans.

    Their teams have won multiple Super Bowls. Unlike many of us Browns fans their unhappiness will probably be short lived and will never approach the bitterness many Brown fans will feel after watching the confetti rain down on the wrong orange uniforms.  

    I'm rooting for the Rams in hopes OBJ does nothing to contribute to the win. Thats the best scenario I can think of....unless if I was a bad boy and wished OBJ broke his leg or got COVID and was inactive for the game.



  6. 22 hours ago, Browns149 said:

    So everyone is even. 

    And none of did anything to change anything 

    Again, GREAT!!!!

    Except that until this trucker protest, you've never whined about prior protests never accomplishing anything. Particularly Antifa and BLM protests.

    Why not?


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  7. 58 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

    But the Rams also started out in the CLE.


    Yes. Completely forgot about that.

    What's also funny is that 3 of the 4 teams that never appeared in the Super Bowl... DET, HOU, and JAX, those cities all have at least hosted one.

    Talk about never even smelling a SB.






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  8. On 2/8/2022 at 9:56 AM, BrownsfaninPa said:

    As a long time Browns fans, this team has had major losing seasons. Year after year we as fans support, and cheer for this team to be a great team as it once was, so long ago. It could not  get any worse after losing all 16 games several seasons ago. But  this team is looking good. After the 2020 season, and making it to the playoffs, all NFL sports anchors and reports were all cheering for the Browns. And then the start of the 2021 season. WOW, what energy, high expectations, predictions of this team going to the top. We had the offensive power and even more power on our defense. And what happened? This team struggled and just could not get a win to save their season. All of the NFL was surprised to see this team fall from grace in one season. Now its the off season and we as fans have to start over, hoping and pulling for this team to get back to their full potential and win this division. I will be cheering and hoping for a much better up coming season. And if this 2022 season becomes a losing season., then its back to saying the same old Browns, losers once again, division bottom dwellers. 

    I don't think so. Perhaps only mildly surprised. These are the Browns we are talking about.

  9. It's probably best you young pajama boy lefties tell yourselves this is fake news for your own sake.

    You know who you are .

    The rise in myocarditis affects mainly people younger than 40.

    CDC Makes Major Admission About Rushed Vaccine Timeline and Heart Inflammation (townhall.com)

    In October a number of European countries limited Moderna's use due to an alarming number of myocarditis cases. 

    The Swedish health agency said on Oct. 6, 2021 it would pause using the shot for people born in 1991 and later as data pointed to an increase of myocarditis and pericarditis among youths and young adults who had been vaccinated. Those conditions involve an inflammation of the heart or its lining

    Meanwhile an Oxford University study show the risk of myocarditis for young people is higher from the vaccine than it is from natural infection.

    CDC Makes Major Admission About Rushed Vaccine Timeline and Heart Inflammation (townhall.com)

  10. 22 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

    Sorry Beavis. I'm not a cult member so I can have my opinion. I know you cultists have made up your boogieman left to justify your lack of morals and principles. Book banning has been one of the conservatives favorite past time. I always wonder why the banned The Catcher in the Rye (terrible book), but it seems many conservatives saw it as "anti-white". Doesn't that sound familiar. Don't forget all of the banning for the Satanic Panic. 

    Any of you cultists could have said yeah this is bad idea, but you are just train way to well. You have to defend everything your groups does and own the libs not matter what. It is your whole life after all. I think banning books is a bad idea, no matter who is doing it. 


    Uh -huh, as I predicted.  A deflection full of mumbo jumbo. 

    You are so consumed and mired in liberal muck.

    Take your blinders off and take note of these books banned by school officials.

    Should they be banned? 

    Liberals Ban Conservative Book List. Now You Know the Books to Read! • Gary DeMar


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