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Everything posted by Apereg11

  1. Yeah I'm just gonna stop responding to this thread because at this point it's a huge waste of time. I've had ZERO issues with the others team I'm investigating (I've posted my survey on fan forums for all the teams I'm looking at). This could just be because I'm a Ravens fan, or it could be because you all are just stubborn old men who won't take 30 seconds out of their day to help someone out (like seriously you won't die by filling out a survey that you deem to not be 100% accurate). I've stated my reasons for the Browns 2018-2020 "rebrand" numerous times, so if any of you want to take the time to read the whole thread, be my guest. I'm not even going to give any of you the satisfaction of saying you "broke me down" or "defeated me" because you honestly didn't. I've never really had any negative views towards the Dawg Pound, but this whole discussion has really showed the true colors of the Browns faithful. I guess one positive that come out of this is that you guys truly do represent your team because just like a "dawg" once you bite, you don't ever let go. Good bye to you all.
  2. Thank you again for the constructive criticism, and trust me I wouldn't lie about being a high schooler because of all things that puts a larger target on my back. As I mentioned in my first response in this thread, my definition of a rebrand is more of a mentality change surrounding the organization. I didn't pull this definition out of my ass. I have been researching marketing in sports for the past three months and the identity of a team is what people tend to consider most when choosing their fandom. In my survey it mentions only the hiring of Stefanski as part of the rebrand, not the Freddie Kitchens disaster. With my definition of a rebrand, the Warriors wouldn't be considered a rebranded team over the past ten years because their identity as being a title contender hasn't changed (besides last year, but that was because of uncontrollable injuries). Mountain Dew adding a new flavor would also not be considered a rebrand with my definition because the company has the same identity in the public's eyes.
  3. See, this is the real criticism I can actually take. Thank you for not insulting me just because I'm not a Browns fan, and I'll make sure to go nowhere near Fort Lauderdale.
  4. Can you name a time where I was childish and insulting? I was the one who has been man enough to admit I was wrong about the Browns' history and ask for forgiveness. Also I'm a senior taking all college classes, and this is technically part of my homework.
  5. Do you feel accomplished for attacking a child? At least the rest of the people here have the dignity to correct me with facts and offer suggestions for my survey. I don't understand how an adult can feel dignified by saying that.
  6. I'll be a man here and admit I was wrong. I shouldn't have included the 80's playoff loses in my original explanation. I understand that the rebooted Browns of '99 are a completely different organization than the one that moved to Baltimore in '96. I also want all of you to know that I'm not including the background of each team in my synthesis paper, so your beloved Browns reputation won't be tarnished. I should have also mentioned that with my definition of a rebrand, I view the 2014 Browns as also having rebranded. The 2018 point that I clarified in my survey was an attempt for the Browns (yet again in my eyes) to reverse their reputation because they knew they had a lot of young talent and a new reputable coaching staff. In regard to the Jags, their recent rebrand was the opposite of what I view the Browns rebrand to be. The Jags are going from a defensive minded Super Bowl contender to a rebuilding team who's only real identity is looking forward to the future where as the Browns are going from an unsuccessful team (in the 21st century) to one that looks to be a contender for years to come with loaded young talent.
  7. One last time I just ask as a fellow human if any of you would be willing to help me out and fill out my survey (5-10 more responses would be ideal). This whole thing wasn't meant to be an attack on the Browns in any way. I know it's not often that a Ravens fan appears on a Browns fan page, so I know obliterating me with facts must have been tempting and enjoyable. This is a lot to ask for, but if there's any way that the few people who filled out the survey can share it with close friends or family, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all again and I wish you all the best of luck on Monday night against Baltimore, it's gonna be a good one.
  8. And yes, numerous fans of the Washington Football Team were more than willing to fill out my survey.
  9. Look guys I'm sorry for offending your beloved Browns, but I was just trying to clarify why I considered the past few years a rebrand for Cleveland. You all have the right to your own opinions, but so do I, and thankfully you guys aren't the ones grading my synthesis paper. I'm willing to put AFC North differences aside here and just ask a fellow human for some help with my research project. The survey only takes about 30 seconds to complete, so please consider taking some time out of your day to fill it out. Thank you again.
  10. In my research paper I have the ability to define "rebranding" as practically whatever I want considering I'm the one conducting the experiment. I'm not just thinking about team name, location, and uniform changes as rebranding, but rather the identity of a team as a whole. The personality and attitude that a team portrays is what fans cling to the most when choosing their fandom. During the 21st century and practically for their entire existence, the Browns have been perennial losers. Through the heartbreaking playoff loses in the 80's to the constant QB carousel, the Browns have been the epitome of failure and that attitude has been reflected to the public. With the changes to the team listed in my survey, I pointed out the steps that the Browns have taken to reverse their misfortunes and change the public's view of the franchise as a whole. That's why I said that the Browns have "rebranded" since 2018. Let me know if there are any mistakes in my logic (I am a Ravens fan after all), and thank you in advance for those who participate in research process.
  11. Hello NFL fans! I’m Adrien Peregoff, a senior at Glenelg High School in central Maryland. This year, I enrolled in a mentorship class where the goal of the course is to create an original synthesis paper on a topic of your choosing. Being heavily interested in all aspects of the NFL, I chose to research how the on-field team performance of a recently rebranded NFL team affects fan acceptance of the rebrand. For the data collection portion of my study, I’ve created a survey for fans of NFL teams that have recently rebranded. Since you are a fan of a team I’ve chosen to observe, I kindly ask if you would take the time to complete this survey. All you have to do to complete the survey is click the link below, answer all the questions to the best of your ability, and then press the submit button at the bottom of the page. Your help is greatly appreciated! Link: https://forms.gle/35CesaLdg4JYWDiq5
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