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Everything posted by DieHardBrownsFan1

  1. I think that is your wish, but in reality it will be almost 9-0 in Trumps favor. You watch to much communist news on MSNBC.
  2. Me neither. I know Putin is a snake as is Zelinski. As is Biden.
  3. The Vladimir Putin Interview (tuckercarlson.com)
  4. They are talking about the Ford Plant location that was ripped down. It's very close to the Airport (less than a mile) so it would be a good location for development.
  5. Anything that c u n t is against, I'm automatically for.
  6. Also as Senator 'dumb **MASK**'😁😁😁😁😁😁
  7. Biden blowing hot air. Of course the WH is going to say 'they're successful'. All experts agree that he telegraphed his intentions for almost a week, and that most missiles, drones, etc were moved before any bombing. Just another political stunt by the demented old fucker and his incompetent staff.
  8. Actually been here since 2008 but forgot my password to my original account when Steve took over (DiehardBrownsFan). So you're the newb.
  9. After almost a week, telegraphing it the whole time. What a fucking loser Biden and his shit SecDef are.
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