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Everything posted by DieHardBrownsFan1

  1. Of course when they saw the brothers (all non grads several years older) beating the hell out of the white kid, they did nothing.
  2. I think I'm done with the boosters. Had three shots already. I'm eligible for the 4th but not planning on getting it.
  3. How about Homo, fudge packer, carpet licker?
  4. Hearings? These are democrats who tried to impeach Trump twice with the same bullshit. It's a one sided 'hearing'. You know it. Concentrate on the piece of shit you voted for who is destroying this country.
  5. Garland knows there isn't any proof. He won't look like a fool to go ahead and do it. You know it.
  6. I only have three. Diehardbrownsfan (lost the password). But can still access it from firefox because the password is saved. Progressive, which I don't remember making, but oh well. And this one.
  7. I sincerely doubt everyone is basically pro faggot and tranny.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/us/ethan-liming-murder-three-arrested-connection-brutal-beating-ohio-teen
  9. I'll bet Tex, Hoorta, NEO and Woody all watch the hearings.
  10. To be fair there is a big difference. I went in the Army when I was 17. I was still a kid. I learned how to fire the M-16 in Basic Training at Ft. Knox, KY. Then went to Infantry training at Ft. Polk, Louisiana.. There I learned a bunch of different weapons systems. Before that, I had never touched a weapon, other than a BB gun. I did learn to respect weapons and what they could do to you and weapon safety, etc. Having a kid who has no training just go and buy a weapon and ammo is dangerous. Perhaps a mandatory psych check, back ground check and weapons training before being allowed to purchase. Also a waiting period.
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