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Everything posted by FY56

  1. FY56


    This is a public defender in Seattle https://www.instagram.com/p/C5Y8Kx2J02A/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again
  2. But not in these places either Joe.
  3. FY56


    If you watch Democrats and really pay attention to what they say and do, you will someday realize they are attracted to evil like moths are attracted to light. Like mutilating children for life with puberty blockers, hormone injections and irreversible "gender-affirming" surgery including castration and mastectomies. That's why gender procedures on children must be outlawed by states and at the Federal level. 1). Children cannot give meaningful legal consent to have their bodies irreversibly transformed for the rest of their lives. 2). Parents or guardians cannot make the decision to have their child's bodies irreversibly transformed for the rest of their lives. It's the child's body, not the body or property of the parent.
  4. FY56


    Hey dipshit, the evidence should be blinding to you by now. When are you gonna ever come here to finally concede the truth that this entire Trump fiasco was not to go after a crime, but to go after a person?
  5. LOl...we're devastated by that one cccp. What we believe is that this is not about going after justice, it's all about going after the person. It is so crystal clear, that even liberal Trump haters believe it, but why should they care if this threat against democracy doesn't affect them. Just get Trump. Do you believe it cccp?
  6. That reminded me of this blast from the past..."imagine Mr. Speaker, a world without balloons"..
  7. Where actual crimes were committed.
  8. I don't read the garbage you post. No one does. I don't know how many times I must repeat myself. When there is selective prosecution, none of what you post matters. I prefer listening to Harvard Law professor and Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz who happens to be a liberal democrat and not a Trump supporter.
  9. Everything hinges on the makeup of the jury.
  10. FY56


    Thats right you clown, that's when I stopped reading. Same crap. Hope someone else patronized you. Wouldn't want all that effort to go to waste.
  11. Thats why abortion is such a difficult issue. The SC is in no position to give abortion a yes or a no, due to so many factors and variables...(rape, incest, the how late or early in the pregnancy, etc.) The death penalty is murder too, according to liberals. That is why who dies and who lives is left up to the individual states, as the case should be involving abortion. Abortion being protected as a human right would mean all abortions, even later term and being killed after being born alive would be protected. I would guess that in the hearts and minds of the SC they believe that such a gruesome procedure, and it is gruesome, especially when it involves the late term termination of a life is something that is not and should not be Constitutionally protected under the guise of civil rights. Since it has been determined by the SC that abortion is not protected under the Constitution, going forward If abortion were to be decided on a federal level as you suggest, I would presume it would involve an additional amendment?
  12. Why not? You just said you felt he got off. You opened a discussion meant for this forum you dimwit. Well he did get off. OJ's jury reminded me of those all-white juries of the 50's and 60's that made it customary to acquit white racists of murdering a black person. Same shit, only the colors are reversed.
  13. Your story is that you're so fucking stupid. Chances are those families don't read the Browns Board
  14. Except that his peers were white people. Lived in a white neighborhood, hung out with mostly white people and had a white "house boy" and white girlfriend. He wanted little to with black people, like the ones on that jury that saved his ass. ...oh and he also owned a white Ford Bronco. lol .
  15. FY56


    Nice deflection there Baby Steps! So was I able to get through to you?
  16. FY56


    Oh geez...you drew a parallel but for some reason not in its entirety you dimwit. Many fans acknowledge Watson is a dirtbag but he gets a pass in hopes that he is the one to take the Browns to the promised land. I just happen to think he also sucks as a QB. I won't deny Trumps was dirtbag when he was a Democrat. And I don't adore him. As you may adore Watson. Your constant accusations are getting old, but you must make them because it makes you feel smart.
  17. FY56


    What? I don't like to have to read a post more than once to be able to understand what the fuck you just typed. Type in English. I never was wrong. I never said he wasn't a dirtbag. I don't care if he was a dirtbag. It had no bearing on his job as president, nor will it if he should become president. Do I make myself clear?
  18. Thats what you always said to your mom too, and now look at you.
  19. FY56


    Oh my! Your wit is staggering! So, during Trumps first term, how was his prior sexcapades detrimental to our country? In what way did it adversely affect his job as president? No emoticon there Baby Steps. I gotta run now, and when I come back your answer should be..."it had no effect". End of story.
  20. FY56


    Oh well, I'll admit when I'm wrong. No enoticon from Baby Steps this time.
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