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Everything posted by FY56

  1. Is there no one thinking about you Cheetos?
  2. I clearly understand the anger, but I don't think it would ever come down to someone shooting a ref,. This aint soccer.
  3. Round up all the demonrats and ship them off to Canada and I'll bet the Reps could solve all our woes. A hypothetical....if you had the choice of only one party taking on the responsibility of putting this country back on the right track, with no interference, which party do you feel be better suited..., the Reps or the Demons? That should really be a no brainer. Imagine a country strictly run by liberal demonrats...after unanimously voting to pay reparations to blacks they'd start fighting amongst each other on who should be paying .lol
  4. Well Cal, you changed my mind. Perhaps Woodys too. After reading that he may give RFK a pass on being an anti-vaxer.
  5. Don't look at it that way man. The game is evolving!
  6. It should be. Unlike spearing with the helmet, many of these "hip drop" tackles look harmless. A 15yd penalty for a tackle that was harmless ain't gonna sit well with fans.
  7. It's astonishing to me how these people just don't get it. Bottom line is that Hamas stands by their belief that Israel has no right to exist. Their only objective is for Israels extermination. Peace is out of the question. To a rational person...Hamas being committed to Israels extermination would put the question of "methods" on Hamas.. See Hitler.
  8. But does that really indicate that the president has the final say? If I'm interpreting that correctly, a report to Congress must be submitted 30 days prior to the president "proposing such a determination". I'm sure the demonrats wouldn't want a Republican president to hold such a power without Congress having a say.
  9. FY56


    "Let's go Brandon, Lets go Brandon, Lets go Brandon......"
  10. When it causes you TDS snowflakes to have meltdowns then yes of course its a win. The audacity of this leftwing nut to blather about a "miscarriage of justice" when it is his side that has been actively engaging in it. MSNBC Commentator Has Meltdown Over Trump Bond Reduction
  11. If indeed a threat to national security, then yes of course. Makes it not up for debate. Being that both Reps and Dems are united on this is a good indicator.
  12. Despite objections from players and union. It seems like a terrible idea. I suppose a defender could just try just going for the legs. If the hip drop is the only way of keeping the receiver out of the end zone, then it's gonna happen every time anyway. Take the penalty.
  13. No. Its not worth a shot. You're just being goofy.
  14. Right, its crazy how that happens, but in your post you considered them as being in the minority. I'm not sure about that. We're assholes to immigrants? I lost you there. And they are actually illegal aliens.
  15. Lets see how you two monkeys play. Now you have no choice but to admit that the $475 million was absurd and dirty...aimed at trying to destroy Trump. Right?
  16. And that surprises you? Glad to see you've finally gotten the hint.
  17. It seems the more handed out, the more that cross. Gov Newsome announced free healthcare coverage to an additional 764K illegals atop the 1.1 million already covered. It now becomes our duty to also teach them to fish? So what you're implying is that they had no work ethic in Mexico?
  18. Yeah, it's probably not proper, even if doing so comes so natural with liberal trolls like him.
  19. What was that other stupid shit you used to do that you thought was so clever?? A. Memes B. Whataboutism ? ?
  20. What do you mean by "feelings"? Do you mean "opinions" ? Having opinions is the idea behind a message board faggot. This is far more an issue with your feelings, not anyone else's.
  21. She didn't know what "Lets go Brandon" meant when she joined in with that chant either.
  22. Since this is a message board, turning up hearing aids wouldn't do much good. For crying out loud Canton you old fart, put on your reading glasses! lol
  23. He also has a tendency to make others palm readers.
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