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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Sorry Cal, we only care about the families of the terrorists especially since they were oppressed and hell Israel aren't exactly angels. Plus hamas said so.
  2. Everything well said, but I also believe that not only is this a lame excuse used to pander to a certain race but the entire concept is against progress. We should be working our way to unite to where what color doesn't matter, just qualifications and character. Always the focus is on race and skin color.
  3. Who exactly is pushing for under-educated people? I ask because you keep bringing it up as if someone out there or any of us are saying that. If anything is ruining a kids education it's the indoctrination bullshit. We can talk about slavery all day if you want, I learned about it in school. Who gives a shit? You just can't go through a topic and not bring up your slant for your white supremacy point of view. No one is trying not to teach about it. Did you see the average pay for teachers? That's a good wage and they have healthcare and they get a pension. My kids are getting into teaching. My oldest graduated valedictorian and just graduated college and is going back for his masters. My daughter is going to college to teach deaf children. If I didn't think they earned a fair wage I would have directed my kids in a different direction. Myself not knowing much about teaching deaf children, I did try to redirect my daughter but she has a true passion for it. Seriously, all schools across this country don't teach the same things the same way. Luckily my kids happened to have a great school program but it wasn't too filled with political garbage. Thinking the right or conservatives only do things out of hate or all the ignorant reasons you list is an immature view. "(And no, college isn't for everyone. Yes, skilled trades folks are intelligent and can be very successful, etc etc etc and whatever else I'll hear about in responses because I didn't cover everything)" -Woody This right here is typical woody. It shows not only how insecure you are but that you don't speak honestly and don't dare ponder other view points. Always worried and trying to limit responses.
  4. Schools have a right to ban perverted books. Drag shows are lewd, certain places also have the right to ban those. The right to abortion doesn't exist. But in all those cases(a whopping 3) you're talking about isolated instances. Abortion may or may not be banned in certain states.
  5. We value teachers and it does show in their pay, healthcare and retirement. My main point is it's not pay that prevents them from teaching, it's political bs. You're still ignorant and immature to understand when someone says passion should be the driving force. I clearly said not JUST pay. However I just realized I'm referencing something you said about the best teachers leaving because of pay. Trying to offer you better insight into something you pulled out of your ass, my bad. Please prove the best teachers are leaving and then prove it's because of pay. That's why people treat you like a dumbass, you constantly put words in peoples mouth and twist anything they say. If you don't hear what you want you throw a temper tantrum.
  6. Sure dumbass, it seems to be the only time you care about rights.
  7. Good thing he has all that money to hire all kinds of attorneys huh?
  8. I don't think they're underpaid. To be the best teacher it should be a passion not just a paycheck. With that said, I think they get paid fairly. Also, the education system in a lot of communities is a cess pool of political ideals. Who wants to teach things they don't believe in? A teachers job isn't to worry about math being racist, numbers don't lie, 2 + 2 will always equal 4. Everyone could always use a raise, but the problems with teachers lies in the system. If you value education then teach about subjects correctly. Stop trying to indoctrinate students and hire teachers that have standards and know how to separate their personal beliefs and lives from education.
  9. Honestly, there's a lot of animal lovers out there and this will make some kind of impact on her votes for sure. I don't blame them, people in power and influence need to hold themselves to higher standards and think about their actions more carefully.
  10. As far as Noem goes if true, it was a dog she received from another family that had problems with it. She tried to help it but it bit her and attacked a neighbors livestock. Then she decided it needed put down. She's right, that's farm life. I don't know much about it, sounds cruel but what do I know? If she has a history of repeatedly doing this then I'd say everyone has something to be upset about.
  11. It's strange how you like talking about yourself.
  12. I don't know why you pretend the Browns forum is any different. They were talking about someones wife all because they didn't like a trade deal. If you're going to cry over things on the internet go outside.
  13. And all the FBI can do is warn us that a terrorist attack is imminent.
  14. That only proves one thing, you're all dumbasses.
  15. Then they can revert back to the old standard like we're trying to do lol.
  16. Imagine being so dense as to not comprehend a countries conviction to it's culture and traditions. Just like the lefty dumbasses, anyone who doesn't think like them are some form of racist or some type of -phobe. Not everything revolves around financial gains, especially at the expense of losing your countries identity and security. Dumbass cult How embarrassing, dipshit calling Japan names.
  17. He makes me laugh cause he's gotta be one of the most miserable people I know. I love miserable people like him.
  18. Interesting, can you post some numbers in comparison. Not arguing, just curious.
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