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Posts posted by bjh2130

  1. 2 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

    That's almost exactly what it was. 

    Only Denzel was very generous in his depth on his side, protecting the sideline.  Delpit dropped like it was a 2 read, robbing curl to post, and didn't get back over top.


    Edit: let me phrase that by saying- strong side of the formation is playing quarters rules 4 over 3.   On the weak side everyone except Delpit, appears to be playing cover 2 rules.  

    I said this before - this defense has some issues. But right now, Grant Delpits play is the largest of those issues. 

    Thank you for confirming my suspicions. I now you did a break down on discord. Do you happen to have a screen shot of the all 22 look showing it

  2. 12 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

    Watching the final drive, by my count the Browns have played cover 6 over trips and cover 2 vs 2x2.  Then one call that had a 3x2 to the boundary where they played cover 2.   

    It's as simple as it gets.  The problem with that is, simple and repetitive don't go hand in hand because it's SO damn exploitable.  Especially at the end of the game when your pass rush is gassed. 

    If there's one HUGE fault I can find with Woods - he should have called a timeout when the Jets crossed midfield the last time and possibly went with some man coverage.   The pass off from chunk plays to time burned was in favor of NYJ at that point.  

    I haven't watched the all 22 but my thought after thinking about it sunday afternoon was that deeo coverage very well could have been a cover 6 with delpit and ward being the cover 2 side and ward was playing curl flats with a potential mable to one side of the field

  3. 4 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

    Just got done with my drive back to my place and I was thinking about this before you responded.

    ....If it's some kind of cloud or cover 2, then Delpit has to move his ass and get off that hash.   And I mentioned last week his struggles.    So Stef and Myles' post game comments sort of play to that.

    One thing is for certain. I hate seeing our secondary pointing at each other after every single completion. 

    I can't believe we aren't sitting here with the browns being 2-0

  4. 13 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

    You're describing 3 deep rules.  In which case that means ward would stay high in his 1/3.    Either coverage puts Ward at fault.

    I know what im describing and there were numerous times they ran a cover 3 with both safeties a deep third. If you listened to stef after the game and myles garrett its pretty clear both are talking about delpit. Stefanski talking about a young first year starter not understanding the coverage and garrett saying safety has to be the deepest guy there.  Our safety wasn't

  5. 28 minutes ago, BernieSuperBowl2 said:

    I can't wait for the Baker apologists to come on here and say, "But it wasn't Baker's fault the Panthers lost". Lmfao

    Too late people were talking about him being great after that 6 yard td run that 32 out 32 qbs score on with the way it opened up.

    Baker was below average today.  He is an average qb. 125 yards and a td came of 2 wide open blown coverages (too his credit he did complete the passes). Put that with a couple of well schemed rpos and run after screen passes and you account for 95% of his yards.


    To be fair, as tia and I talked about in the discord he did play better then jacoby. Brissett missed the throw on blown coverage or completely missed the guy running open altogether but that doesn't make baker good



    Edit I just ordered my cade York jersey

    • Upvote 1
  6. 43 minutes ago, Unsympathetic said:

    Yes, the cap "goes up" - but not an infinite amount.

    Obviously it's not an infinite amount but it went up 25 million this year and with the new TV deals it is forecasted to go up more than that each of the next two years. 

    However my point remains comparing ramsey to ward isn't apples to apples as when ramsey was given is 20 mil a year the cap was significantly lower than when ward got his 20.1 million a year. In very basic and elementary terms the year ramsey signed a deal that took up 10.9% of the cap and this year the deal ward signed takes up 9.6%

  7. 2 hours ago, gumby73 said:

    Agents know the new Cap revenue is coming  💰


    This is a big part people are overlooking. Jalen ramsey was extended in 2020 when the cap was going down and got 100 million. Ward got 500k more and the cap is expected to go way up in the next two years.  Corners will be getting 120 for 5 years in the next two years and if you look at it that way this is not a bad deal at all. Someone earlier asked how the browns were going to pay people with all this money flying around and the answer is simply watch the salary cap grow

  8. 1 hour ago, Vagitron said:

    Better hope the dude stays on the straight and narrow because that contract is a bomb if anything goes wrong

    Oh did you read the wording in the contract already? I'm pretty sure like all contracts there will be a morality clause that if he's not on the "straight and narrow" it will void his contract. Some players have clauses in their contract that if they get hurt riding a motorcycle or playing basketball the team can void out their contract, but you don't think the browns put anything of a morality clause in it. That's laughable

  9. 12 hours ago, Vagitron said:

    I’ve defended Ben plenty but when it all boils down I’ve never cared for how he is as a person. I defended him because he was our qb. I saw the scum bag stuff first hand. He then got all bible thumpy which no offense to anyone here I find nauseating. If I were a browns fan I’d have a hard time being excited about watson. It’s a huge risk and a huge cost. 

    What in the hell are you even talking about?  You knew Ben was a scumbag and didn't like him as a human but defended him because he's your qb. However you expect browns fans (who haven't seen their new qb be a scumbag) to not defend or be excited about their new qb. I'm just curious what makes you so special that you're allowed to defend a scumbag because he's your qb but browns fans can't be excited about their qb who is possibly (very likely even) a scumbag. 


    If you came on here and constantly shit on Ben when he played for you guys because he was a scumbag then you would have some consistency or moral high ground to stand on.  Otherwise you're just coming on here to start up shit or you're afraid how good the Watson led browns will be

    • Upvote 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    Quit in game 18?  The guy played hurt every game that mattered as to whether or not we made the playoffs.

    That's part of the Baker Hater play book? Kind of surprising because the haters bitched for the entire second half of the Season that we had a better chance to win with Keenum? But Baker wouldn't allow that to happen.


    I'm just immediately proving the comment no one north of Ohio river has heard that baker was fracturing the locker room other than me false. For the record my info is not going off Jim Donovan's word.  just did a quick search that returned that so I find it funny I'm supposedly only one that's heard it. Keep moving the goalposts

  11. 11 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

    I think you're the only one.

    Ok wait until the stories start coming out in the next few days. Here's one already is Donovan north of the Ohio River?

    Jim Donovan saying Baker quitting in week 18 did not go over well, in locker room and front office

  12. 3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

    Seems like the team cancer was obj.

    You couldn't be more wrong on this one buddy. It was actually the falling out with obj that really started fracturing the locker room beyond repair. 

    I wish I were the only guy north of the Ohio River that knew baker lost the locker room but there were 52 other players in that locker room and all the coaches that knew it as well

  13. 1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

    Regardless  of what kind of b******* you heard from talking sports heads that need to think up crap to spew in the off-season.

    I heard nothing from talking sports heads about locker room issues. I heard from someone close enough that I thoroughly trust them and have zero reason to doubt them.  Not to mention if attention was paid to the actions last year off the field but especially on the field (sideline to be precise) it was already pretty evident that the locker room was badly fractured. I had no idea how broken until this morning.

    Again I say just because some don't want baker on the team for the sake of the locker room and other things doesn't mean they support Watson on the team. I am a very firm believer the browns make playoffs last year is keenum starts and I believe they could do it this year as well.


    Lastly Watson is not the highest paid player in the league so I'm not sure where that info comes from

  14. 28 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    So the Baker haters can take solace in that.

    Just because someone doesn't like baker and how he divided that locker room (based off things I've seen this morning and actions last year) doesn't mean they support Watson. But go on your high horse

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