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Everything posted by Browns149

  1. Wolf will be gone too. This is just posturing so the Browns can say “Hey, we tried to keep him” Just like they did to Dorsey OUR OWNER SUCKS!!!!!!!!
  2. Not sure we can do that in WV. But underwear betting sounds like something WV would be in on😂
  3. I don’t think it is either. I have very few of those. Ironically, the space shuttle blowing up is one of them. And the anniversary was today
  4. Jimmy has made this organization look bad since he bought it This is a minor blip compared to what Jimmy has done
  5. Ok. I watched the first half against NO The Cavs suck. They play ZERO defense. And they can’t shoot outside of 2 feet I’m no basketball expert, but this team looks like they have NO coaching and don’t seem interested in being coached They gave up 74 points in the first half. I miss the days of Charles Oakley and Rick Mahorn. Games should be 92- 90. IMO
  6. At 12:30 in the afternoon also. Many people with little kids on the road at that time. Not good at all
  7. Is Kobe’s death going to be one of those “I remember where I was” moments?
  8. My problem with this situation is this Depo and Berry were here helping to pick players on a team that went 1-31
  9. MLB just wants this to go away. The players won’t get in any trouble from the league But if the Astros play the Dodgers. I wouldn’t dig in too much 🤪
  10. I don’t live in Ohio anymore. But it is less than a mile from my house. And I can bet on sports legally from my phone
  11. I’ve never seen that movie. Is it about a bunch of rich guys , running around, doing what they want, with no ramifications? That sums up the Browns season for me
  12. Can you go to court, get a conviction, and then file a civil suit?
  13. Is there a thread on “WHY” you are a Browns fan?
  14. Now if we can some PROFESSIONAL OUTFIELDERS
  15. I did live in the city limits from 1972-1982. Then my parents said “to hell with the stupid bussing” and we moved to North Olmsted.
  16. If Rosenhaus won’t represent you anymore, then you have REAL problems
  17. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to pull off that move. Johnny ran himself off the team
  18. From Cleveland. West side Now I live in New Haven, WV
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