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Everything posted by Browns149

  1. I agree, 2020 was a COVID aberration It gets me that for the past 4 years or so, people have been saying it’s the most talented team we’ve had since 1999. And they STILL can’t win. Maybe, just maybe, it’s the coach and or owner
  2. I still hate the stoolers more. The hatred goes back to the 70’s for me. The raturds are above the bungles in divisional hatred. But the stoolers still top the list for me
  3. And that’s what Pickett is going to be. He’s McCoy with a bigger failure because of his draft position. You can be respected in the league all you want, that doesn’t make you a good QB. Sure he can have a long career but it won’t be as a starter
  4. McCoy wasn’t horrible like the guys you mentioned, but he was/ is a careeer backup. He was never going to be an elite QB. Just like Pickett
  5. So much for the number 1 defense. They are getting lit up like Joe Woods was still here
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