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Posts posted by DieHardBrownsFan

  1. 9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

    Here's an honest question for the cold Warriors everywhere. Seems like we see more and more United States businesses refusing to do business with Russia. Among others McDonald's will lose about 50 million dollars a month by locking up there stores. Others are listed in this article.


    I'm curious as to where that lost profit is going to be made up?




    What's worse is that they are going to quit importing Russian Vodka.  I'll have to start drinking Grey Goose.

  2. 2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    I'm talking about Putin trying to reconstruct the old Soviet Union one piece at a time. Funny thing is he has awakened the Euro-Union (including brexit Britain) as to that fact which is why they are all now rushing in arms to Ukraine and troops into new NATO members nations.


    You've made it clear in the past you don't care about Putin/Russia. But you are not addressing the fact that most of the pressure to "saber rattle" as you say are Republicans who have been pushing him to do more at a faster pace that he has done so far while he is trying to walk a fine line so as NOT to inadvertently involve us in WW III. As to the pinch at the pumps he is now trying to actually work with Venezuela again and I am sure Exxon is telling him more about the fields now opening up in off-shore Guyana which are even more extensive and easier to process than Venezuela's heavy crude. Obviously more than that has to take place with other oil producers and he has to shut the greenies up by reopening the Canadian pipeline options.



    And it kind of surprises me (though not really) how blind trumpians are to what Trump did in Helsinki and his comments about withdrawing from NATO which encouraged Putin to carry on with his long term plans. To try to claim voting against him would not have led us here is either intentional blindness or just not clear thinking. Putin's goal all along has been crystal clear just as Hitler's was. And we know where appeasement led back in the 1930s. The Eurounion now sees clearly we have a repeat of history taking place.

    I'm sorry this may lead to a possible re-opening of the draft, but at the moment that's quite a stretch to think that is where it leads. My family has answered the country's calls every time all the way back to the "insurrection" against King George all they way up to my youngest 1st cousin who just retired as as a Marine LTC in their artillery with two tours in the Gulf Wars. And I have a grandson now turning 14 who is talking about joining up upon HS graduation when he is 18. Now sometimes I will admit that they answered the call on the wrong side as was the case for a great, great uncle, a great, great grandfather (whose brother in Maine fought for the Union) and great grandfather who were all in Texas Cavalry units in the Civil War. And I do not expect that most families have that long line and tradition of every generation answering when trouble threatens our freedoms here. All of mine volunteered and none were drafted. And when people like fake bone spurs trumpy call people like us and McCain suckers, I admit that just added to my already existing disdain for that lying con artist. To expect me to vote for a man with no principles whatsoever with attitudes like that is a bit much to ask or expect, especially since I believe Putin was headed here no matter who was prez or what they were doing to try to stop him. Trump being President would have made zero difference. We'd still be facing the same dilemma, how to stop him now without appeasement. And again don't you find it somewhat ironic that Lindsey Graham, trumpy's biggest ass kisser, understands that?

    Your and Hoorta's obsession with Trump makes you blind to the facts as they are today.    Biden/Harris are demented and incompetent.  Weak.  Putin sees this and decided to act now.  Just as Rocket fat man Kim decided to resume missile testing.  They see a weak incompetent dotard as leadership in t he USA.    Putin would never have done this if Trump were President.  Now, wait for China to invade Taiwan and you can blame that on Trump too.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    Of course it's true. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive. Ukraine her leadership and citizens may certainly be on the wrong end of the Russian invasion but that has nothing to do with the fact that the country is a corrupt cesspool. Second worst in Europe and worse than Russia which I assume is pretty bas.


    They are not worse than Russia.  The Russian government is not only corrupt but evil.  I hope they all burn.

  4. 8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:




    The scientists from Florida State University and Duke University also found that 90% of children born in the US between 1950 and 1981 had blood-lead levels higher than the CDC threshold. And the researchers found significant impact on cognitive development: on average, early childhood exposure to lead resulted in a 2.6-point drop in IQ.

    Subtle ageism.

  5. 5 hours ago, JAFBF said:




    Older article (long) that covers Uranium 1, Burisma, Iran, Russia, and Argentina / France.










    What happens to Ukraine's debt if they are "annexed" ?



    Much more, but ties in Burisma, Energatom, and a few other Energy Companies .


    LOOMERED:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Loomer

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