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Westside Steve

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Everything posted by Westside Steve

  1. What actually never fails is a moron that makes a stupid argument finds out he's incorrect and can do no better than to repeat the word cultist Add infinitum, or should I say Ad nauseam. WSS
  2. It's a presidential proclamation. Meaningless grandstanding. It is actually as binding as a proclamation by Cal. WSS
  3. Biden pardoned 11, stooge. After letting them rot for first two years of his regime. WSS
  4. Personally I'm down with the Kenny Rogers theory of survival. Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. WSS
  5. While you're at it try to guess which of those ailments are going to get the Lion's Share of the headlines? At least until the Democrats can figure out a way to fuck with the election because of heart disease or cancer. Hahaha WSS
  6. According to Dennis Lewin but I will still find a way to get up to the cedar Lee. WSS
  7. 📸 Watch this video on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/r/qc2vwfXgjr5hZcFw/?mibextid=D5vuiz
  8. Is this the one that kills everybody? https://www.aol.com/covid-variant-jn-1-now-213318799.html WSS
  9. Good morning folks I just approved a handful of new members. If you are one of them check in and say hi. I passed over 3 of them just because the login name sounded a little iffy. One login name was Cleve Sux so with all due respect that guy can blow me. Also I approved one from Rams fan I figured what the hell. Stop in and get some abuse. WSS
  10. Yeah, sure it's a symbolic stunt but I get it. Just waiting for a flood of lawsuits from kids who are busted for shoplifting before the big Democrat cities decriminalized it. WSS
  11. Well good. So did DJT. WSS https://www.aol.com/biden-pardons-marijuana-nationwide-heres-135757530.html President Joe Biden announced he's pardoning every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.
  12. Being the world's currency. And yes this has been everybody's fault for decades possibly the worst offender the current Administration but plenty of blame to share.
  13. Couple of points. You are absolutely right about not taking care of business when he had both houses. Could have made some hard decisions that would cause a bump in the economy but they'd be forgotten well before the end of the four years or before the House and Senate turned. As far as Citizens united? Somebody is going to be in charge of what the public gets to see and I'm just as happy with it being billionaires than the liberal media. WSS
  14. It's already in his butt of course they are actually interchangeable. WSS
  15. "A young conservative has no heart; an Old liberal has no brain." Or something along those lines. WSS
  16. No Doubt there's a disconnect between political habits of The Young and the old. And I don't expect kids who think they will live forever to give a shit about end of life stuff. Just pointing out the difference in values. Seems even when I was a young liberal I wasn't anti social security. WSS
  17. For all the hand ringing about attacks on our democracy from lefties at other idiots this shines a pretty harsh light on the dog and pony show our electoral process has become. Oh hell, probably always was. WSS
  18. Not a foreign concept but it does seem they prefer to tax people in order to support criminals Ukrainian grifters and illegal aliens over those who have spent their lives earning a few years of retirement. https://www.newsweek.com/young-americans-turn-against-boomers-over-social-security-1852732
  19. One should correctly draw the distinction between prisoners and hostages. WSS
  20. Thanks for posting this. So apparently repeating Hitler's phrases verbatim never really happened. By the way did you know that Hunter Biden at Adolf Hitler both painted pictures? How can you stand for this? WSS
  21. Well depending on your own party colluding with foreign Nationals to influence the election is reason for impeachment correct? Number two again according to your party blackmailing foreign leaders who may have dirt on people close to you and withholding Aid is worthy of impeachment correct? Plus we know that Joe lied about his ignorance of hunters business dealings.. WSS
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