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Westside Steve

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Everything posted by Westside Steve

  1. It doesn't surprise me and it is absolutely to be expected, happens everywhere all the time. That doesn't mean it's necessarily a good thing when identity politics rules the election. Muslims/jews blacks/whites gay / straight Protestants / Catholics East / West North / South IRA/ UDL Every group of people has another group of people they're pissed at. And in just about every one of these cases when you vote according to those differences you are probably not taking the best path for the country in mind. That's all. Does that make sense to you? For example did people who voted for Hillary or Obama do so because they thought that person was the best leader for the country? Or because it's set a historical precedent? WSS
  2. In a balkanized world and in a balkanized country one man's terror attack is another man's self-defense. I think you will have a hard time describing to me how supporting Hamas has nothing to do with anti-semitism. I doubt that anyone, even the Israeli army, is happy about the situation with the food trucks but you can certainly read the description of the incident. I've understood for quite a while that you and I don't share a pro-israel outlook. I give you the benefit of the doubt because you are brighter than cccp and the woodpecker. Bad things happen in war. Had Israel not been attacked they would have never taken the West Bank or the Gaza Strip but they were and they did. And I do apologize if you think I'm being a dick but how would this differ from your defense of the DC security who murdered an unarmed woman during what has been falsely labeled and insurrection? WSS
  3. So you are saying Al Gore is full of shit? WSS
  4. This is mostly for you Woody but often you've gotten upset because you think that we think you consider Al Gore an expert. I don't think you consider him an expert. Nor do you consider Joe Biden or Barack Obama or John Kerry or any other politician and expert. But I think many politicians glean their positions from people they consider to be experts. And it does seem that you are more willing to take scientists Etc to task if they don't agree with what you see as a big problem in the world. (And that really has nothing to do with my opinion which is there's not much we can do and we wouldn't do it if there was.) WSS
  5. Hey now one man's whack job Internet site is another man's White House Press conference. Haha. WSS
  6. Good idea to have all this information in one spot! Thanks unsympathetic WSS
  7. Yeah mostly because of hypocritical assholes like you. 😇 By the way since the world hasn't ended yet isn't it about time to move back the goal posts another couple miles? WSS
  8. Not really that big of a disparity. 10% from the highest to lowest? Something like that? So it doesn't really prove a lot. WSS
  9. Cal how the hell did you extrapolate global warming from the Michigan primary? And Woody we understand only the people that agree with you and Joe Biden are experts. Carry on. WSS
  10. Bad things happen when you elect Hamas to run your shit hole. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/middleeast/gaza-food-truck-deaths-israel-wwk-intl/index.html
  11. Well maybe not everyone who supports a terrorist organization who has vowed to kill every Jew from the river to the Sea is an anti-semite, possibly, but most likely they are. Mostly I think you are a stupid cocksucker who says things just to be an asshole not because you believe in anything at all. And that's just a guess. As in I guess the sun will come up tomorrow morning. WSS
  12. Not that this was a very well written response but your opinion is duly noted. Was there anything else? WSS
  13. Hamas is the governing body of a sliver of land some people call palestine. I believe they are duly elected. And I'm sorry was that another speech to text glitch or did I already tell you to fuck off? WSS
  14. Maybe I wasn't clear: fuck Hamas and fuck you. WSS
  15. That was a remarkably worthless response even from you. WSS
  16. Quite possibly. And I haven't played up there for a couple of years but I always stated Dearborn when I played downtown detroit. It's always been an extremely Pleasant and friendly environment. 10 times cleaner than Detroit and everyone is personable. WSS
  17. Unfortunately it appears that anti-Semitism is becoming a stronger and stronger plaque in the Democrat Party platform. https://www.aol.com/michigan-voters-uncommitted-biden-trump-110639575.html
  18. Just saying that your butt boy the woodpecker threw a fucking fit when somebody made a joke about his parents and because he's got cccps, well whichever organ he identifies with, in his face not a peep. So fuck off Larry. With all due respect. WSS
  19. Certainly everyone here has his own style but when it comes to being an uninformed abusive prick there's nobody that does it any better than you do just for the record so you've got that going for you. As long as you're running interference for the woodpecker why don't you go back and find an intelligent conversation he's been a part of? WSS
  20. And nothing you have contributed has made it a better place so there's that. We used to have some liberals that were bright enough to have a conversation with. Heck, Chris, even Shep. All you do is whine about the board. Neo is an abusive prick most of the time Cccp and the town drunk are limited in imagination to screaming Cheetos or whatever silly names they call the ex-president. WSS
  21. Hey it's your liberals that do most of the bitching let's see if the Woodpecker chimes in on that. Let's just guess that he won't. You sir are just a hypocrite and a punk who likes to pretend he's tough. WSS
  22. First of all I may or may not delete this one but if you pussies are going to whine about somebody picking on somebody's mom or dad then maybe you should hold fire against somebody's wife. As for shaming of somebody that voted for Joe Biden I think you've done the shaming yourself. Anything else you wanted to cry about? And when Woody post something worth reading maybe it will be deserving of a response other than a picture of a woodpecker. WSD
  23. Woodpecker you haven't posted anything worth shit in 10 years what the fuck are you whining about? WSS
  24. Oh fuck yourself tough guy. So would you vote for Joe Biden if he were running against Nikki Haley or not? WSS
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