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Westside Steve

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Everything posted by Westside Steve

  1. Not that this was a very well written response but your opinion is duly noted. Was there anything else? WSS
  2. Hamas is the governing body of a sliver of land some people call palestine. I believe they are duly elected. And I'm sorry was that another speech to text glitch or did I already tell you to fuck off? WSS
  3. Maybe I wasn't clear: fuck Hamas and fuck you. WSS
  4. That was a remarkably worthless response even from you. WSS
  5. Quite possibly. And I haven't played up there for a couple of years but I always stated Dearborn when I played downtown detroit. It's always been an extremely Pleasant and friendly environment. 10 times cleaner than Detroit and everyone is personable. WSS
  6. Unfortunately it appears that anti-Semitism is becoming a stronger and stronger plaque in the Democrat Party platform. https://www.aol.com/michigan-voters-uncommitted-biden-trump-110639575.html
  7. Just saying that your butt boy the woodpecker threw a fucking fit when somebody made a joke about his parents and because he's got cccps, well whichever organ he identifies with, in his face not a peep. So fuck off Larry. With all due respect. WSS
  8. Certainly everyone here has his own style but when it comes to being an uninformed abusive prick there's nobody that does it any better than you do just for the record so you've got that going for you. As long as you're running interference for the woodpecker why don't you go back and find an intelligent conversation he's been a part of? WSS
  9. And nothing you have contributed has made it a better place so there's that. We used to have some liberals that were bright enough to have a conversation with. Heck, Chris, even Shep. All you do is whine about the board. Neo is an abusive prick most of the time Cccp and the town drunk are limited in imagination to screaming Cheetos or whatever silly names they call the ex-president. WSS
  10. Hey it's your liberals that do most of the bitching let's see if the Woodpecker chimes in on that. Let's just guess that he won't. You sir are just a hypocrite and a punk who likes to pretend he's tough. WSS
  11. First of all I may or may not delete this one but if you pussies are going to whine about somebody picking on somebody's mom or dad then maybe you should hold fire against somebody's wife. As for shaming of somebody that voted for Joe Biden I think you've done the shaming yourself. Anything else you wanted to cry about? And when Woody post something worth reading maybe it will be deserving of a response other than a picture of a woodpecker. WSD
  12. Woodpecker you haven't posted anything worth shit in 10 years what the fuck are you whining about? WSS
  13. Oh fuck yourself tough guy. So would you vote for Joe Biden if he were running against Nikki Haley or not? WSS
  14. Exactly what I said. We discussed this enough times that unless you just being hostile for some reason you should understand. As you know I don't call myself a creationist a Fundamentalist or even a Christian. I don't think I live up to the standards out expect a Christian to at least strive for. Then again I don't feel comfortable calling myself at atheist because I just don't know. And while I'm not a pro-lifer I do think there should be some boundaries about abortion. As for you when you're ready to state that you are an atheist or that you are in any time for any reason at any age abortion guy then it's probably easier for you to make a black and white answer. If you aren't 100% on either of those then I would suppose probably is a valid answer. WSS
  15. Probably not but I can kinda understand the reasoning. WSS
  16. And anybody else who might be interested. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/M1rfzkkqgTSQWHeE/?mibextid=D5vuiz Doesn't it seem like the formula or whatever for Sterilite couldn't possibly be so exclusive has to be within the imagination and creative mind of only one man? It seems to me like every invention has multiple people going down the same path in various places? I guess it's possible. An example might be if somebody dies who is written the song but never recorded it or written get down that exact song will never be recovered. Just thought that was an interesting question. As you were. WSS
  17. CIA must not be as good as we thought haha ( Surprised Joe didn't ask zelensky to turn loose a couple members of the Ukraine hit squad) WSS
  18. So I guess it doesn't really matter whose Ox is being gored here but this guy is being persecuted because he spilled the beans that some people in power didn't want spilled. Does it matter to you guys whether it's the Democrats Republicans or just the Deep State / ruling class that's gotten embarrassed by the stuff he put out? https://www.aol.com/wikileaks-assange-last-ditch-battle-000252174.html LONDON (Reuters) -WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange began what could be his last chance to stop his extradition from Britain to the United States on Tuesday, wi... WSS
  19. Not sure I've heard Trump say anything horrible about the queer community. Nor have i. I'm not a science denier though. Arrow versus Wade is more democratic than you might think. People in states or communities would be able to make the choice as to whether they want abortion anytime for any reason. Some might not agree with you or me. I think you're kidding yourself if you believe that other countries do democracy better than us except for the fact that we're not a democracy and were never meant to be. Marjorie Taylor green and governor Noem are both young. Would you vote for them against Biden ? WSS
  20. Just like you whine about people calling Joe Biden or the Deep state that controls his actions liberals. You can't think of one fucking hardcore right-wing thing that anybody associated with your personal Boogeyman MAGA. If and when a Conservative candidate gets voted in because of your pet voting method then you will be shitting your pants about that. What can I say. I'm about the only guy on here who has ever said he was okay with a moderate candidate. When your feet are put to the fire the only thing you can say about Joe Biden is that he's not liberal enough for you so there's that. Third party does not equal good bad or anything else. WSS
  21. Well she does check the two major boxes required for the guys that rely on identity politics, might be the trifecta if she is actually gay or trans. WSS
  22. No Doubt but I don't think it would be the moderate one that would hold your attention. And let's face it Republicans loved Ralph Nader because he drew votes away from the Democrat party. Democrats would probably love to see Nikki Haley as a third party to draw votes away from the Trump camp. WSS
  23. Bob, the Woodpecker isn't voting for any moderates. You can take that to the bank. And regardless of what he might say he loves him some braindead vaccine conspiracy theories. Kennedy's problem: we are a pretty shallow class of Voters and he talks funny. And that's not even a joke. WSS
  24. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/YBmcBMzXV9jeqTW8/?mibextid=D5vuiz 😀 WSS
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