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Posts posted by FairHooker11

  1. 1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    You don't get it yet. This is a test case to eventually withdraw the security clearances of Mueller's team members so he cannot complete the investigation. If he gets away with doing this to those who oppose him one by one, then he goes after key members of that team one by one. We have a bunch of pussy Republicans in congress who are too afraid individually and collectively to do anything about it until we eventually have what Trump wants, an all-powerful despot. We created two powerful documents to get out from under the last 🤴 . Wake up and smell the loss of the Constitution. Separation of Powers is a concept poorly understood today when the legislative branch cowers and the Supreme Court gets stacked by one man. Ask yourselves if you are willing to sacrifice that just for the sake of having your agenda in place.

    if this is about Brennan and Ohr losing their clearances 

    with brennan who basically parrots the russian collusion thing on tv

    while back in his CIA days - had NO intel to back up such claims?


    I mean it really makes Brennan (like his boss then) a bystander in his own administration? 


  2. On 6/12/2018 at 7:50 PM, JAFBF said:

    so what gives? I like the stuff you post  - it is mostly thought provoking, but really this is kinda ridiculous

  3. 3 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    It's a giant deep state conspiracy - they've tried stonewalling it for months and months.

    It did NOT HAPPEN.

    If we hadn't elected Trump...our gov would be corrupt, out of our countrol.

    These deep state dirtbags are right out of a movie about dirty corrupt people in our gov.

    and to me it looks brilliant on Trumps part - knowing whatever he says can and will be used against him... 

    he carefully chose what was to be the dagger in the narrative that like you say has been going on for his term so far... deep state never trumpers etc

    I really dont care if it looks like hes buddy buddy with Putin, seems like stuff can and will get done in spite of the hair on fire Sheet being said today 

    • Upvote 1
  4. the "freaking out" seems to be from all the objections made today by ALL of the media and many of our politicians on both sides over Trumps handling of the Helsinki Summit talks...

    I mean really - what better culmination of accusations made over Trumps election than to have him say what they wanted to hear today -

    and that is simply admit that the Russians were responsible for Trumps victory....  Not Trump. not his  campaign - Not the voters

    This is what they were expecting to get from Trump and then to  use it against him.  

    And it didnt happen.

    The media, Shumer , McCain and all those who vomited up thier opinion today show exactly why that when they go all out in the tirades against the POTUS,

    they FAIL.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 7/10/2018 at 5:56 PM, JAFBF said:

    Well isn't this interesting.

    I knew we were going to get 5 Supreme Court Justices from Trump, now I know where the other two are coming from (RBG is #3).




    Talk about a cataclysmic power shift in the Supreme Court - the Left is going to totally freak.


    Yeah, O appointments are toast once this issue is settled.

    It's going to be pretty wide spread too (8 years worth).


    Doubt it ?




    He doesn't.




  6. well there you go.....

    hey Sen Merkley - kind of looks like typical social work done in every US city huh?

    if you are a bad parent guess what happens to your kids? they go to a shelter of some sort 

    if you are caught breaking US immigration laws by entering in ILLEGALLY, guess  what happens to the kids? 

     when their parents enter criminal proceedings, has been criticized in recent weeks for increasing the proseuctions of illegal immigrants under a "zero-tolerance" policy that critics say leads to those separations.


  7. 20 hours ago, JAFBF said:

    Oh, this is good.





    Do ya'll really think he's this incompetent ?




    Got a good laugh out of this at least :)



    Mr. Burns "EXXCELLENT"

    gotta add this - as a sidebar to Stuarts post regarding the 3 Judges rebuking Mueller

    the Russian companies and citizens: Indictments showing up to court to find out whats what

  8. wanting to comment on the post 3/4 the way up but not wanting to "quote" it is like sitting in the window seat on a plane next to 2 fat guys

    you want to get up but decide maybe to just wait instead....

     some Bailey guy says that Scott Pruit uncovering  EPA projects for what it really is?  A "slush fund" for democrats.

    why not rinos /  establishment types as well?  

    in a related abuse....doesnt anyone not think that the model for those money mad politicians is to create the mother of all slush funds (single payer notwithstanding) - the ACA?





  9. 10 hours ago, JAFBF said:








    This deals with some major players.


    @Jack - Jack Dorsey (Twitter)

    mz the pussy the pussy the pussy the pussy the pussy - Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

    ES - Eric Schmidt (Google)

    JB - Jeff Bezos (Amazon/WaPo)

    EM - Elon Musk (Tesla/SpaceX) - I believe Musk has been flipped to the good guys.

    SH - Steve Huffman (Reddit)













    when   BB administration autocorrects  


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