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Why on earth would a Dr. prescribe Antibiotic for the flu?

Pumpkin Eater

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My wife has the flu (it's the regular flu, but it doesn't matter, any type of influenza is a virus) and the doctor prescribed antibiotic.


You would think a doctor would know that antibiotics don't kill viruses. To make matters worse, I read that an antibiotic can make it worse.


What the hell?

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the only intelligent reason, is that she had an ear/sinus or something infection.


ANY doc knows that antibiotics do nothin with viruses.


But, I'm no doc...

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Now that really is something that annoys me.

The over prescribing of antibiotics is one of the more dangerous practices in medicine.

It leads to mutation and immunity to its effect.

People are stupid and think that the cillins and mycins will cure things they won't.

Doctors should quit placating them.



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maybe its to deal with secondary infections if her immune system is to depressed to deal with. I am with you about overprescribing antibiotics but maybe the treatment picture for your wife is more complicated.


Its easy to second guess a doctor with only a small snapshot of the patient.

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antibiotic. no secondary infections, but I suppose that could have been what they were worried about. But there are some who say that taking antibiotics while suffering from influenza can make it worse.


If something doesn't seem right or does not make sense I will for sure question the doctor, every time.

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