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Survey Monday March 1st

The Gipper

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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air

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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?





2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


Worthwhile for the mid level prospects



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?




4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Who isn't? Really?



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


I have seen District 9, The Hurt Locker, and Inglorious Basterds. Of those 3 I would vote for The Hurt Locker. But I suspect Avatar, The Blind Side, or Inglorious Basterds will win. If Inglorious Basterds wins I am done with The Academy Awards forever. They never seem to pic the movie that I thought was the best. I really have trouble understanding their decisions. I would argue that this exercise is much more irrelevent then the NFL Combine!


Thanks for the fun.


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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?


Americas Hat aka Canada

2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?

I think it is worthwhile but I do think too much emphasis is put on a few of the drills.


3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?

No but I heard about it.


4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?

Never will be afflicted.


5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


I've seen all but Blind Side, An Education and Up in the Air. My choice to win is either Hurt Locker or A Serious Man but I won't be shocked if Avatar takes it.


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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


my answers to my questions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?


My candidates: the NHL, the City of Vancouver, the Canadian Olympic athletes,

My choice: the Canadian Olympic athletes. Their government put hundreds of millions of dollars into their Olympic program in an effort to "own the podium", and with 14 Golds, they indeed were able to "buy success". (secondarily, other nations can see that if they put money into their Olympic program, it can buy them success too. Perhaps our own US Olympic Committee can apply this "New York Yankee" mentality to our own program. The Russians will certainly be doing for their games in 4 years.)

Individually, among U.S. Athletes, Hockey Goalie Ryan Miller's profile amongst the public has increased the most dramatically.


2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


Mostly indulgent. Perhaps the most important part of the combine are the interviews and intelligence tests they conduct which you don't hear anything about.



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Yes. I kept switching back and forth. With "only" about 300 dead, Chile escaped a lot better than you would think. (I know, don't say that to the families of the 300 dead). I am comparing this to the 200,000 dead in Haiti.

And the Hawaii Tsunami was a big dud. It was just like the tide coming in and out, nothing more. There was more damage in California than Hawaii, but the networks didn't pay attention at all to California.



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Generally, yes. But not so far this year. I have been paying too close attention to the Olympics. When the tournaments get started, the madness will ramp up



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


I have only seen Avatar, District 9, and Inglorious Basterds. And unlike Browns57 I thought Inglorious Basterds was the best movie of the three.

My son called me to tell me he saw "A Serious Man", the Coen Brother's movie. He and I have both really liked Coen Brother movies, but he tells me not to waste my time on this one. I guess I need to see more of these this week. I believe the awards show is on Monday.


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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?


The advertisers



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


Both...there is a bit of hype involved



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Yes. 8.8...it was so deep the tsunami's never became much of a problem



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Basketball isn't my favorite sport, so I don't get all consumed



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


About half of them...I like Blind Side


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1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?


The American women's hockey team, and the men and women's curling teams.

The American women hockey players were classy, but didn't have the offensive skills that the Canadian women had.

The American curling teams were "beginners". Next winter olympics, in Russia, they will have time to develop their skills to compete.



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


It is a very important part of different parts, for the evaluation of players. Some of the drills reveal major weaknesses that may

very well hinder the players development at a certain position. But film of their seasons, the level of competition, etc, are some other parts

that are also important, as well as researching their character.


3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Yes, - the tsunamis develop when they hit shallower shores, the Hawaiian Islands have shallower shelves right around their shores, but they are

very short, luckily for them.



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Absolutely, the snow is still so deep, our 4x4 ATV still can't make it through the drifts, and it wears you out trying to walk all the way back to the woods.

Order the couple hundred dollars worth of seed and plants, etc, for this coming year, still researching on having a world class garden, and we....



Oh. You mean that dumb college basketball thing. "never mind" @@



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:


We don't go the movies much, "District 9" royally sucks per the only two friends that we know saw it. Avatar is a beautiful amazing

special effects winner, but hardly worthy of consideration of a great movie with a great plot. I can't wait to see the one most people here

think is a great movie.

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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?

For some positions it is. For others, it is not.


3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?

Yes, somewhat.


4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?



Not sure. The easy answer might be the NHL but, as history has shown, the NHL could f$ck up a wet dream.



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


As much for the fans and to keep the NFL on the front burner, IMHO. Kind of lost its need.



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Yes. I watched live feed on Fox News several times throughout the day.


4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Much less than I used to be. Maybe NCAA basketball is over saturated.


If UCONN makes a run, I am pretty interested. If not, more of a casual interest.



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:


I haven't seen any of them.

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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?


Canada.....Already reaping short term benefit of being nation to win most gold medals 2010



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


Certainly meaningful to those who's schools do not provide for other opps to meet and greet pro team reps....i.e Pro Day



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?

I was tuned in for the arrival of tsunami in Hawaii....no show.. Nevertheless, i would still be looking over my shoulder and would keep the surf board at home until more time has passed



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Used to be my fave....Seems to have lost lustre.....College hooops has changed so much with all the goood players leaving after their frosh or soph years...Used to be you could watch a kid develop over four years and some would be bona fide stars to root for....not anymore



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9 Excellent flick....not normal sci fi fan but this movie was very watchable

An Education

The Hurt Locker great character study of how humans react to the horror of war.....although not realistic still well made and provacative

Inglorious Basterds.....the type of film that needs to be viewed more than once...many different compontents to consider


A Serious Man


Up in the Air



think it might be the year for quentin tarentino......for a dude who stays high most of the time he comes up with some well made and entertaining media.......pulp fictiion remains one of my favorites....."Zeds dead, baby"

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5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:


We don't go the movies much, "District 9" royally sucks per the only two friends that we know saw it. Avatar is a beautiful amazing

special effects winner, but hardly worthy of consideration of a great movie with a great plot. I can't wait to see the one most people here

think is a great movie.


I did not think District 9 "sucked" by any means. I thought there was in fact a very poignant story there. Remember, the story took place in South Africa, so the whole thing had a whole underlying, biting social commentary to it re apartheid.

The only thing was that in a couple of spots there were some very gross scenes (but I suspect they were so gross so as to point out the dehumanization that was felt toward the....uh, well, de-humans....but you know what I mean.)

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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?

Mancuso and her sexy look with tiara on her head...Get ready for commercials, posters, etc


2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?

Too much emphasis/hype, people tend to forget what they saw of a guy during his college career and focus too much on his numbers at the combine and pro days.


3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?

8.8 is a pretty big earthquake, of course I heard.


4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?

Not yet but once the conference tournaments are over and the seedings are announced I may come down with a big case of that annual affliction.


5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air

Have not seen any of them yet so no opinion on a winner.

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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?




2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


I think it's worthwhile especially for the coaches and coaches, GMs, etc. It's nice to see a bunch of prospects competing and being measured against eachother in one building. Overated? Maybe. Worthwhile? Yes.

3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Heard about the Earthquake but not the Tsunami. WOW


4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


I dig March Madness. They definitely have it right in terms of the tournament. College football obviously can't do 65 teams, but they could certainly do 8 couldn't they?


5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


Only saw up. It was pretty good.


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The American curling teams were "beginners". Next winter olympics, in Russia, they will have time to develop their skills to compete


Since someone brought up curling, did anyone else watch the women's gold medal match? Canada dominated the whole tournament, went up two going into the 10th (last) end. Gave up two after a fairly routine shot to win it. Then with the hammer in the 11th, missed a tougher shot by aboot a 1/4 inch to lose it. It was devastating. It felt like a tough loss even for me, an US citizen who has never even known someone who has curled.

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Yes, Canada was very, very talented. I was rooting for the Americans, as always, But the Americans, specifically Debbie whatshername,


just had trouble when she needed to make a simple shot. They lacked touch in a huge way. At times, all she had to do, was just get


it there to the button, but she'd wimpy it, and it would stop way, way short. Or, she'd finally give it more weight, and it would be a bit too far.


The other gals were better. Debbie, at one point, even took herself out of the position where she'd go last.


The American men - eh, a bit crooked here, a bit overthrown badly there.


They tried. But the Canadians, I believe, have curling as a #2 sport.


I have never heard of a curling set up in our entire country. But it seems like it would be fun to try it sometime.

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1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?


ABC's Dancing with the stars.



2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


Worthwhile in that it gives guys in the fringe a shot at impressing and helping teams choose some gems they may have overlooked. Too many of the big names are pussing out saving it for homefield Pro days.



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Lived the Hawaii end of it. Interesting. Forced day off, impressed that the Civil Defense setup worked well.



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Used to be, then College ball tried to become more like the Pros, 3 point shot and 45 second clock (that one maddens me the most).



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


Only seen District 9, it's not worth an Oscar. Want to see most of the rest.



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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?

2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?

3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?

4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?

5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air


1. I really hope it IS curling. I think people like it because it looks like something most anyone could at least try without risking life and limb. If I had a chance, I'd love to take a turn in the bobsled.

2. The combine accomplishes several things: 1) gives the casual football fan a chance to see how players are evaluated 2)crystallizes opinions of players about whom there were questions 3)confuses the issue regarding players who perform better than they should given their play 4) gives players 'on the bubble' the chance to rise to the top 5) brings attention to a fairly useless 'intelligence' test.

3. Indeed. I get the feeling some people are disappointed that the tsunami watch was a dud. The lack of destruction was a blessing we should be thanking God for.

4. I enjoy watching real basketball fans go bonkers. Does that count?

5. I've seen Avatar, Up in the Air, and The Blind Side. I wanted to see a couple of others but just didn't make it to the theater for one reason or another. Of the three I did see, Avatar was the most beautiful, The Blind Side the most inspiring, and Up in the Air the best script/acting. I'd like to see more movies with clever dialogue and good acting so I'd like to see those things rewarded. I'm guessing that Avatar will win possibly because of the visual beauty and effective use of 3D which were, indeed, impressive for a visual medium.


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Here is this week's survey. Give your opinions:


1. Who will get the most long term benefit from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?





2. Is the NFL combine worthwhile, or to some extent merely an indulgent exercize?


The latter.



3. Were you paying attention Saturday to the fact that one of the worst Earthquakes in a century hit Chile, and that a potential massive Tsunami was predicted to hit Hawaii?


Not really.

There's endless quake coverage and the tsunami didn't happen.



4. Are you, or are you about to be, or are you generally afflicted with March Madness?


Can't stand it. Annoying waste of time. IMO.



5. Have you seen any of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar? And if so, what is your choice to win?



It's out in Solon if you care to go.


Last week I'd have bet it all on AVATAR but HL got a second wind is moving up the rail.

To refresh your memory, here is the list:



The Blind Side

District 9

An Education

The Hurt Locker

Inglorious Basterds


A Serious Man


Up in the Air



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only thing good queer-intino has done since pulp fiction was the grindhouse movie DEATH PROOF. and rodriguez's movie planet terror was the better of the two in that pack. he should also learn to not do cameo rolls in his own films seeing as his big j** schnozz takes up the whole movie screen. avatar should win, but don't know if there should be a separate category for over-the-top cg generated movies instead of just regular cinematography. cg has really gotten out of hand (check out the highlights for 2012......garbage).

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Yes, Canada was very, very talented. I was rooting for the Americans, as always, But the Americans, specifically Debbie whatshername,


just had trouble when she needed to make a simple shot. They lacked touch in a huge way. At times, all she had to do, was just get


it there to the button, but she'd wimpy it, and it would stop way, way short. Or, she'd finally give it more weight, and it would be a bit too far.


The other gals were better. Debbie, at one point, even took herself out of the position where she'd go last.


The American men - eh, a bit crooked here, a bit overthrown badly there.


They tried. But the Canadians, I believe, have curling as a #2 sport.


I have never heard of a curling set up in our entire country. But it seems like it would be fun to try it sometime.


Maybe the Admins of this board can create a whole new chat board: ladies curling.

Or perhaps some entrepreneur could come up with a new start up league: Bikini curling.

By God then you might get some interest in curling in this country!

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Maybe the Admins of this board can create a whole new chat board: ladies curling.

Or perhaps some entrepreneur could come up with a new start up league: Bikini curling.

By God then you might get some interest in curling in this country!


Doesn't drool on the ice adversely affect play?


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That's what she said? No?


No, she asked if drool adversely affected play. I said it makes for a slicker rock slide.

That may actually be good or bad, depending on the type of roll you want to make.

I mean look here, if you really want to get into the intricacies associated with the strategies of Curling we can do it, but, I mean, you are going to have to bone up on the rules and strategies here. Perhaps a refresher course:




I think we might all need it, if you really want to get serious.

Well, do you? Do you really want to get serious?

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