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Tackling Issues


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I am curious what everyone thinks about why we can't tackle anyone. Not practicing enough? Too busy trying to strip the ball instead? We just have really poor tacklers? Lack of effort?


I am beginning to think it's a horrible combination of all of them.

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I think our guys are trying to strip the ball, trying to arm tackle and are trying to it too high. Those are all symptoms of bad coaching or players that are complete idiots that aren't listening to coaches.

When I was in hs and played nt, you ONLY tried to strip the ball if more than one of you were there to make the tackle, and ten it would be guy #2 on the hit that would try to strip. Guy #1 to hit was responsible to hit LOW and WRAP up the defender and start pushing back is a 2nd guy was coming in, take down if no one else was close.


You ever see that Ice Cube movie "The Long Shots"? It's like what was said, you start with fundamentals, you block, you tackle, you win.




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I am curious what everyone thinks about why we can't tackle anyone. Not practicing enough? Too busy trying to strip the ball instead? We just have really poor tacklers? Lack of effort?


I am beginning to think it's a horrible combination of all of them.


I think far too many coaches assume players at the pro level have no need to work on fundamentals...that they are in place & will remain there. Doesn't it seem funny then that the truly GREAT coaches, in ANY sport, seem to be the ones who STRESS, TEACH, PRACTICE, & REHEARSE fundamentally sound play?

It comes down to coaching...I rest my case.



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ya i agree its pure coaching, and player has the ability to run up to a person and wrap their arms around then and not let go. the fact that we arn't is because romeo doesn't realize it, and won't teach teh basics. we have all this sloppy arm tackles, and diving eyes closed at their legs hoping to do something. people are tryign to make hits, and not trying to tackle teh guy

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I think far too many coaches assume players at the pro level have no need to work on fundamentals...that they are in place & will remain there. Doesn't it seem funny then that the truly GREAT coaches, in ANY sport, seem to be the ones who STRESS, TEACH, PRACTICE, & REHEARSE fundamentally sound play?

It comes down to coaching...I rest my case.



I agree with mike its all on the coaching simply put if they cant tackle they should be released regardless of the situation the team is in it serves to tell the others your job is not a right it has to be earned and if you cant do the job we will bring someone in tommorow that can...


Most of our players have the raw talent and thats the problem they are still raw romeo and his sorry sacks below him prefer precoached vets for a reason and if you look at wimbley you see why.. this kid is not being taught or moved around enough to find himself and thats poor coaching/training/teaching/developing/mentoring and motivating our coaches suck and if you look closely you can use the wimbley example for every position on both sides of the ball including DA which was poorly coached as well as lacking the natural abilities to learn on his own unlike wonderboy..


Our special teams coaching appears to be decent so it is exempt from this rant..

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I have stated this before in another thread...


...they all looked like they were 'breaking down' into classic tackling positions instead of acting instinctively and laying some wood.


Other than Davis and McGinnest our entire back 8 are YOUNG!!!

Jackson, Williams, Wimbley, Hall, Wright, McDonald, Bell all have 3 or less years of experience. Even our EXPERIENCED guys (Jones, Pool, Adams) have 5 or less years.


What this tells me is that they are OVER COACHING TECHNIQUE. Early in the year we were tackling well...but getting burned by the big play. Basically we were over-pursuing and out of position on occasion. Instincts can do that to you. Now, they have harped on breaking down into proper technique so much that the players are THINKING about tackling and are being left flat footed.


They need to get back to flying around and hitting people. Give up the occasional big play, so what. I prefer that over getting embarrass backing up and arm tackling because they are too busy thinking to make the play!!!


It is the coaching...and the YOUTH...that is the problem...but not that they DON'T coach....but are making the players THINK on the field. They can't do that and be fast. Let them play!!!


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