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Survey Monday...almost April Fools

The Gipper

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?





2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


No...not the number 7 picks. Either move up for Bradford or drop down to maybe 25 and take Tebow



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


I think as a business venture, he cares for both about the same



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


Duke on both counts



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


Terrel Owens. After signing with UT Chattanooga, he went out and bought a bunch of Vols gear telling his peeps he was playing for Tennessee...I would have loved to see the look on his face when told that Tennessee team played in Knoxville, not Chattanooga...true story

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


Yes. Delhomme is better than Quinn and Seneca is far more competent than DA



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


Depends. IF Berry, SUH and MCCOY are gone than possibly if they like Claussen enough. Would prefer to trade down.



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Soccer team


4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


Want duke, think duke



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


No Question....Big Gay Ben the Pervert


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1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


They would be better regardless of who they added, IMHO. However, in Delhomme, they have a proven quantity to hold down the fort for a year or two. Wallace is no worse a prospect than Quinn at this time.


Short answer: Yes.



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


I don't believe they would use the #7 pick, itself, on a QB. Conceiveably, I could see Holmgren move up - they have plenty of picks - to grab a Bradford. But, I don't believe they will roll the dice for a QB at #7.



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


I don't respect Lerner and don't care what he does - especially with Holmgren running the show. Lerner = David Modell.



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


Butler would be my preference. West Virginia will win it.



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


Wow, a tough one. Off the top of my head - Al Davis (keeping it in the NFL)

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Here is this week's survey:


Answering my own questions


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


I am not convinced that these 2 are more talented. A Jake Delhomme of 6-8 years ago, perhaps. But not now. Wallace is a backup whose only virtue is that he was once drafted by Holmgren and Big H likes him. The Browns are in caretaker mode at QB.



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


I do not. I think they need that pick to be a defender. Like I said, caretaker mode. The Browns QB of the future will be selected a year or two in the future.



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Based on all outward appearances he has more passion for the futbol, not the football team. But who really knows. Perhaps he really justs sees them all as an investment. Perhaps it is the green paper he really is passionate about.




4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


I want the mid-major team to win. Remember, Butler is in the same conference as Cleveland State. Next choice would be WVA. At this point, I really think that WVa is the best team in the tournament, yet Izzo and K know better perhaps how to pull a team through a tournament. Frak Duke though. They have really had a joy ride through the tournament, except for the Baylor game, which I had hope they would lose to.



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


Combination of Bud Selig, the Major League players union, and the big market owners such as the likes of Steinbrenner etc. They have conspired to destroy the fabric of America's national pasttime and have succeeded in my view. It is to the point of I don't even want to look at baseball until I know that the Yankees, Red Sox, and other fat cat teams are eliminated from the title.


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1. about the same. before it was the big doof and the fidget, now we got the big doof and the midget.


2. not a qb. the #1 prospect at safety, corner or OL. then get pike in the second-third.


3. like stated above he's a business man and cares about winning=$$$$


4. rooting for butler, think wvu will win.


5. dwight howard. stupid 'superman' commercial. and from what i've heard he's a very religious person but yet leads the league in technical fouls. explain that one.

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


YES!! (hope?)


2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?




3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


i have no idea.


4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


West Virginia 2 X for homer love.


5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


what's Thursday? biggest fool...i'm completely blank right now. maybe Ocho--his tweets are asinine.

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?




2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


No way. Unless they are 100% sold on Bradford which I don't think anyone is. Take whichever defensive back Mangini like best.


3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


I think he cares a lot about the Browns but it just took him too long to realize he didn't know what he was doing. He has always spent money he just made bad hires. Now he has a guy to do that for him that actually knows football.


4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


I want Butler to win, I think West Virginia is the best team. I will be okay with anyone but Duke. If Duke gets hot from the outside though no one can beat them.


5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


I'm with you Gip on this one. Bud Selig and the players Union have done a horrible job. No salary cap. No salary floor. A small percentage of revenue being shared. No incentive to spend money recieved through the revenue sharing system (which allows the Marlins owners to pocket money every year without selling tickets). A soft luxury tax. Etc.


Every year a couple smaller market teams go all in but it will be a long time before we see a small market team have long term success. The Mariners went all in this year. We'll see how long the Phillies can keep thier talent together.


The only thing saving baseball is the fact that only the Red Sox have won twice in the last 10 years. This actually just proves my previous point though, that small market teams can only make one to three year runs.

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


Yes we are. However, it really didn't take much to improve from where we were at.



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


As long as his name isnt Claussen or Tebow, I don't care who or where they find the QB in the draft.



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


I think Lerner cares most about owning sports franchises. That being said, you don't pay a Holmgren to come in unless you are serious about improving your team.



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


Want Butler, Duke will win it.


5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?




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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?




2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


I think they should trade up


3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Seem like he prefers Soccer


4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?




5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?




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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?

2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?

3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?

4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?

5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


1. Yes

2. No

3. Both equally

4. Based on local sentiment: Duke and Duke

5. Tiger Woods


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1. about the same. before it was the big doof and the fidget, now we got the big doof and the midget.


2. not a qb. the #1 prospect at safety, corner or OL. then get pike in the second-third.


3. like stated above he's a business man and cares about winning=$$$$


4. rooting for butler, think wvu will win.


5. dwight howard. stupid 'superman' commercial. and from what i've heard he's a very religious person but yet leads the league in technical fouls. explain that one.


Mik...I don't agree with you on #1 but MAN you had me laughing my @$$ off!!!! LOL!


As for mine:


1) Yes. Not even close. Even if Jake is over the hill, he knows how to play the position successfully at this level.


2) Trade up for Bradford or take one later but do not use #7. DB or trade out.


3) Neither.


4) Rooting for Butler big time. Wouldn't mind seeing WVU win it but I think that the NCAA will conspire to hand it to Duke (just kidding).


5) Gilbert Arenas

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On #3 someone noted that Randy Lerner has an Aston Villa tattoo, but no Browns tattoo. Now, I don't know if this is true, or how anyone could have gotten a full body inspection on Randy, but if it is true, would it not be indicative about where his passion lies? Either that, or he did it on a bet.

Has anyone else heard this story?

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On #3 someone noted that Randy Lerner has an Aston Villa tattoo, but no Browns tattoo. Now, I don't know if this is true, or how anyone could have gotten a full body inspection on Randy, but if it is true, would it not be indicative about where his passion lies? Either that, or he did it on a bet.

Has anyone else heard this story




I have heard the story and would suspect the guy played soccer as a high schooler or younger,



Even if his passion is soccer, it doesn't mean he is ignoring the team.




It's pretty easy to see he is putting his resources(money and effort) in to the team.


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In theory, this is supposed to be Tim Tebow's girlfriend. In my opinion, if true, she has really reached below her level:






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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


Actually the answer here is, hell yes. One caveat is it's attitude dependent.



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


No. Take one later. I want stud defense.



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Well now Gipper, we have done this one before haven't we! :) I can't be sure but I am on the case over here trying to find out how much time he is spending in Warwickshire (My county) I never thought in my 20 odd years of being a Browns fan that I would live closer to the Browns owner (by about 4,000 miles) than you guys!!! I will report back. lerner-300x400.jpg Urrggghhh, it hurts me to see our owner wearing Villa colours - it might as well be yellow and black for what it does to me.


The pressure is mounting on Lerner to stump up more cash this off season for villa (off season starts around May time) Villa will not qualify for champions league football this year and this will result in pressure for more expensive players to be brought to the club in the off season - he has already pumped around 287 Million USD into Villa for players!! The love affair could be cracking.



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?


WV for me, I had a really good night out there many years ago. Who will win it? Duke - just a guess. I must get ESPN.



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


Jamie Dukes.

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?





2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?





3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Aston Villa



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?





5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


San Antonio Holmes



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I should be working but instead I am slightly obsessed with understanding if lerner has more heart for Villa or the Browns. I have found out today that Lerner has a TATOO of the Villa crest above his right ankle - can this be true!! WTF! Where is his browns helmet? I am beginning to get creeped out.



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I should be working but instead I am slightly obsessed with understanding if lerner has more heart for Villa or the Browns. I have found out today that Lerner has a TATOO of the Villa crest above his right ankle - can this be true!! WTF! Where is his browns helmet? I am beginning to get creeped out.


Looking at that picture, it is easy to see Randy tends to favor soccer. Here in the states, soccer, while gaining in popularity today was a 2nd rate sport back when Randy was a kid.


This isn't to say all the kids who played it were pansy's, but a large portion of those kids were. It doesn't take much to run around a kick a ball once in a while....I can hear randy's mother...."Good job honey, you kicked a ball the other way!"


Yep...soccer was mostly for the frail kids.


In the end, I don't care what he likes best as long as he funds what needs to be done here....and so far he has.


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Looking at that picture, it is easy to see Randy tends to favor soccer. Here in the states, soccer, while gaining in popularity today was a 2nd rate sport back when Randy was a kid.


This isn't to say all the kids who played it were pansy's, but a large portion of those kids were. It doesn't take much to run around a kick a ball once in a while....I can hear randy's mother...."Good job honey, you kicked a ball the other way!"


Yep...soccer was mostly for the frail kids.


In the end, I don't care what he likes best as long as he funds what needs to be done here....and so far he has.


I hear you Ballpeen. But he is pumping in a lot of cash over here. around $280M. How much is the guy worth? some reports say $800M?? And he won't be making money on that. That's a big hole if so. If the guy gets a tattoo of Villa on his damned ankle he looks like he is in it for the long run. If he goes broke on us would there be a queue up Alfred Lerner Way waiting to fund us?





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I hear you Ballpeen. But he is pumping in a lot of cash over here. around $280M. How much is the guy worth? some reports say $800M?? And he won't be making money on that. That's a big hole if so. If the guy gets a tattoo of Villa on his damned ankle he looks like he is in it for the long run. If he goes broke on us would there be a queue up Alfred Lerner Way waiting to fund us?


If Randy did get to the point of putting his team up for sale, I believe that there would be a plethora of potential buyers.

However, none locally with the wealth of the Lerner's. Here is Forbe's list of the wealthiest people in Ohio:


188 Leslie Wexner 69 3.1 United States United States , OH , Columbus

366 Carl Lindner Jr & family 85 1.8 United States United States , OH , Cincinnati

366 Clayton Mathile 64 1.8 United States United States , OH , Dayton

437 Richard Farmer 70 1.5 United States United States , OH , Cincinnati

488 Nancy Lerner Beck 44 1.4 United States United States , OH , Cleveland

488 Norma Lerner 69 1.4 United States United States , OH , Cleveland

488 Randolph Lerner 42 1.4 United States United States , OH , Cleveland



This was as of 2005. Don't know about currently. The first number behind the person is their age. The second number is their worth in billions. Adding the Lerner's altogether makes them the wealthiest family in Ohio by a pretty wide margin.

Howie mentioned that he thought Randy is now worth "only" 800 million. I don't know where he may have lost 600 million bucks, unless this dowturn really affected him that badly. Also note that I believe that the Browns are owned by the ENTIRE family, perhaps in a trust. Thus, his mother and his sister are also co-owners of the Browns, but Randy is completely in charge of them for the family. I don't know if the figures quoted also include the value of the Browns. It should.

It is possible that Randy may be the sole owner of the Aston Villa team and that his mother and sister have no interest in that squad. Recall that Randy inherited the Browns from his Dad, but he bought Aston Villa on his own after his dad died.

That may be a factor in his passion.

But I agree with Ballpeen. As long as he is doing what he needs to do to financially support the team, I could care less about his passion. Hiring Holmgren to run things and to be the face of the franchise was a good thing from the standpoint of putting the franchise in the hands of competent management. I would rather have a smart owner than a passionate one. We had a passionate one here with the initials AM. He weren't so smart. It has taken about 8 years for Randy to perhaps wise up as well.

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Here is a link to the Wealthiest 400 Americans. This is more current. It is as of September 2009. I wonder how many sports owners are on this list:




Though it is possible that I may have missed some because I don't necessarily know every owner of every franchise in the 4 major sports, the only Sports owners I see here in the top 150 are:

Paul Allen #17, owner of the Seahawks and Trailblazers

Richard DeVos #61, owner of the Orlando Magic

Mark Cuban tied for #139, owner of the Dallas Mavericks

The Glazer family, tied for #139, owner of the Tampa Bay Bucs (and Manchester United in the UK)

The Charles Dolan family, #141, owner I believe of the Knicks. (this is not to be confused with Indians owner Larry Dolan, though I understand they are related.)

It seems to me that there are mucho rich people that do not have their fingers in sports. So, I think it is possible that many of the people on this list could be potential buyers of sports franchises, should any come up for sale. I mean, Michael Jordan just bought controlling interest in the Charlotte Bobcats. He is a piker compared to the wealth of all these people.

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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?


Faaack no.



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?


Faaack no.



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Faaaack no.



4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?



A Ohio State. B Somebody else.


5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?


Tiger Woods.





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Here is this week's survey:


1. Do you think that the Browns are more talented now at QB with Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace than they were with Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson?



2. Do you think the Browns should use that #7 overall pick on a Quarterback?



3. Do you think that Randy Lerner cares more about his Cleveland Browns football team or his Aston Villa ?? (just what are they....Lions? Acorns?) soccer team?


Your Owner Cares

4. The Final Four is now set: Duke, Michigan State, Butler, West Virginia. Two part question: Who do you want to win it all? Who do you think will win it all?



5. In honor of this coming Thursdays date, tell us who you think is the Biggest Fool in sports?

Big Ben (sad but True)

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