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Here is what happens when simpletons are allowed to vote


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Another face of the liberals in the Democratic party.


This fool isn't very bright, but still trying to manipulate liberal style.


Crossed the bridge between intelligence and stupidity, and walked twenty miles.




But attribute it to man made global warming, and Mzbeetlejuice will come back


and defend it angrily, I'll bet.

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D Georgia.


That explains a lot right there.






Easy now....that is getting close to personal....we're on the same side.


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Tip over & capsize?.....God help us all!

As stupid (or high) as that nitwit is, the voters who elected him are even MORE stupid than he is. The man can barely SPEAK!

The biggest problem in politics tends to be the voters who elect these morons....just my opinion.


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I still can't believe the guy said that. LOL...


Meanwhile, Algorish is trying to limit his


dumb things said going public, by restricting the media.


I reckon Gore buys Guam tipping over.... @@



2214384-1245935692-220x165.jpgNobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore holds his medal and diploma at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway on Dec. 10. Gore was awarded the prize for sounding the alarm over global warming and spreading awareness on how to counteract it. (AP Photo/Odd Andersen)


Gore gets camera-shy for N.C. speech, limits media


Posted: 4:31 p.m. Tuesday

Updated: 11:48 p.m. Tuesday


RALEIGH, N.C. — Former Vice President Al Gore may have won an Oscar for his documentary on global warming, but he appears to be a little cool toward the camera for a speech in North Carolina.


A Gore aide said Tuesday that media members will only be allowed to record video and audio of the first five minutes of Gore's talk at Duke University on April 8. Photography will also be limited. Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said the restrictions are standard for his talks but she wouldn't say why they are in place.


Duke spokeswoman Scottee Cantrell said Gore will speak for about 45 minutes and take questions collected from students.


Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his advocacy of environmental issues, particularly his push to highlight global warming.

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