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Holmgren & Heckert teleconference with fans


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Browns team President Mike Holmgren, GM Tom Heckert join Cleveland fans in high-tech huddle

By Bill Lubinger, The Plain Dealer

April 09, 2010, 4:08AM


CLEVELAND - Halfway through last year's dismal Browns season, two rabid but frustrated season-ticket holders felt they had to get the whole stadium to boycott an opening kickoff on national television just to get the team's attention.


On Thursday, the Browns invited their best customers -- holders of season tickets and club suites -- to speak directly to team President Mike Holmgren and General Manager Tom Heckert by teleconference from their Berea headquarters.


Just call in and ask them anything, fans were told. No topic is off limits. And they did, about the upcoming college draft, about offensive and defensive philosophy, about why veteran quarterback Jake Delhomme?


"It's really cool that you're doing this," said Dan from Toledo, a six-year season-ticket holder. He asked whether new free-agent quarterback Seneca Wallace would have special plays drawn up for him or just be a backup.


Wallace wasn't brought in just to hold a clipboard, Holmgren assured him. "It's fun to have him," he said, "and our offensive coordinator can get very creative in this area, and Seneca's excited about it."


Why sign Delhomme, who "arguably was the worst quarterback in the league for the last year-and-a-half?" wondered Bill of northern Virginia.


"Well, you know what, I can't argue with you too much," said Holmgren, though he praised Delhomme's leadership. Holmgren said that after a confidential conversation with the former Carolina quarterback, he was convinced Delhomme could help the team.


With the draft just two weeks away, several fans sought hints of the Browns' wish list.


Holmgren apologized for being cryptic, but made it clear their top choice might not necessarily plug a glaring hole in the roster.


"We're going to take the best player available to us," he said. "If it happens to fit at a position we need, great, but I don't want to reach and stretch to get a player just because of a need at a position. We want to get good value."


Fans learned that:


• They should expect to see their team play coach Eric Mangini's 3-4 defense, but with a more balanced run-pass offense next season.


•That the Browns don't plan to pursue a veteran free-agent wide receiver.


•From Heckert's perspective, after quarterback, the most important positions in football are left offensive tackle, an "edge" pass-rusher, either at defensive end or linebacker, and then cornerback.


Teams routinely hold fan focus groups and solicit feedback in other ways. But with Thursday's session, the Browns joined about a dozen NFL teams, Heckert's old team, Philadelphia, among them, that are combining technology with a little old-school customer relations: Make the fans feel like they matter.


It's also good business. Last season, as the Browns started 1-11 before winning their last four games, the team played to half-filled stadiums, under the threat of having home games blacked out on local television for waning interest.


Since the Browns returned in 1999, they've had nine losing seasons, five head coaches and almost as many team presidents. Meanwhile, the number of season tickets held slipped to about 55,000 last season, from 60,000 the year before.


Sports business executive Marc Ganis said the teleconference was just one of the many steps the Browns must take to let fans know they're working hard to get the organization on track.


"Let's be blunt about this," Ganis said. "These are some of the greatest fans the NFL has ever had, and they've had to endure bad football and regime change after regime change, and I know for a fact that the NFL feels they deserve better."


About 3,800, or 23 percent of the nearly 17,000 season-ticket accounts invited to participate, checked in for at least part of the hour-long teleconference, peaking at about 1,300 callers at one point.


The Browns also used the teleconference to gauge fan interest, asking participants to indicate whether they've already renewed their season tickets, plan to or will not. They also were reminded the deadline to re-up was May 1.


Holmgren has talked to fans on his Seattle radio show, but this was his first team-orchestrated teleconference. After spending about a half hour answering questions, Holmgren said, "There's a certain fan base that is always going to be there. Then I think there are fans of this team -- I could be wrong -- that are kind of worn out. I think this gives that guy a chance to hear from us how it might be different this time."


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switching out crap for ancient crap is not upgrading....


I couldnt agree more. We have a good young corp that needs to get on the same page as the QB simple as that. I dont think bringing in a flashy veteran is going to help any. I would like to see Fuerry resigned since it usually takes a year to learn the Offensive scheme.

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I couldnt agree more. We have a good young corp that needs to get on the same page as the QB simple as that. I dont think bringing in a flashy veteran is going to help any. I would like to see Fuerry resigned since it usually takes a year to learn the Offensive scheme.


I believe Fuerry wants to resign here but it is the Browns brass that isn't eager to jump to a deal. There has got to be something in the works. Maybe Kiper is right and we take Dez Bryant with the #7 overall.

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I would not have had a problem bringing Holt in here, but it certainly isn't going to break my heart. I have more faith in our young receiving corps than most, I just think a good character veteran could have helped mentor those guys without taking away many snaps. Besides that, guys get hurt.


I wasn't really a Holt fag, but I was close.

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I've never honestly fully understood bringing in "vets" when you have young talent you've drafted that NEEDS to be out on the field playing. It is why you drafted them, is it not? MoMass and Robo need to play, end of story. I wouldn't mind re-signing Furrey as he can add depth defensively and he wasn't awful as a WR. I certainly wouldn't miss him though if another team chose to snatch him up. Stucky sort of intrigues me however. After he shuck off some of that uneasiness, i thought he showed some skill. Depth is never a bad thing in terms of talented WR corps.


I believe we all will be happy fans if the Browns find themselves a burner somewhere in the draft. (and i think with this leadership, we'll do just that)

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"Why sign Delhomme, who "arguably was the worst quarterback in the league for the last year-and-a-half?" wondered Bill of northern Virginia.


"Well, you know what, I can't argue with you too much," said Holmgren, though he praised Delhomme's leadership. Holmgren said that after a confidential conversation with the former Carolina quarterback, he was convinced Delhomme could help the team."


Now THAT is funny! Walrus agrees that Delhomme has been the worst QB in the league, but thinks he can contribute to the team somehow. I love Holmgren's honesty.

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With Furrey, perhaps it is an element of nostalgia , a Brian Brennen like craving to see a white WR make plays. That is all i can figure, because in no way shape or form is the guy ANYWHERE near Brian Brennan in terms of talent level.


Looking at his age, 33 and i must say, Furrey really doesn't seem like a necessary re-signing. (i actually didn't realize he is that old)


I could see Stuckey potentially steal Robo's time,as he does a lot of the sort of things Mangini likes to see on the field. -the little stuff-

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damn it.. Furry is terrible, just god aweful.... I mean do we think that since he played defense last year he is valuable.. Lets face it he is no troy brown.. Momass is fine and the jury is out on Brian Robiske.. I think we need a WR to strech the field but i am confident we can find some one with our first 5 picks to come in an add value..


I will say this, maybe just maybe having a QB who can throw to our WR''s may make a differnce.



Brett Farve made Sidney Rice look like a god..


What about Eric Decker?

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Furrey is solely a position receiver.


Like in 2007 when it was a obvious 3rd and long and we needed a catch it was Mostly Joe J. getting those throws.


Was he a speedster?




But he new how to get under coverage and had good hands.



Now I'm not saying Furrey is as good as Joe J. but given the circumstances we were in last year thats all we could afford, and I wouldn't mind having him back another year for depth.

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"Why sign Delhomme, who "arguably was the worst quarterback in the league for the last year-and-a-half?" wondered Bill of northern Virginia.


"Well, you know what, I can't argue with you too much," said Holmgren, though he praised Delhomme's leadership. Holmgren said that after a confidential conversation with the former Carolina quarterback, he was convinced Delhomme could help the team."


Now THAT is funny! Walrus agrees that Delhomme has been the worst QB in the league, but thinks he can contribute to the team somehow. I love Holmgren's honesty.



Holmgren isn't stupid. It's impossible, based on the numbers, to argue otherwise in regards to Delhomme's play the last couple of years. Holmgren also understands that just because a guy had a couple of bad seasons, doesn't mean he's worthless and trash. Obviously he saw something in him during the interview that made him believe he could contribute to the team. Your past doesn't predict your future. If Delhomme is willing to commit to playing better and actually starts to grow as a QB, he can give us a couple of productive seasons until we can get a QB of the future.


And besides, what other QB could we have gotten (McNabb was way more expensive at the time than what he went to the Redskins for) that would have brought half of Delhomme's experience and ability?

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I received this call at my office, but I wasn't in. My secretary listened in for a little bit but couldn't tell me many particulars.


Anyone participate in this teleconference?



This guy did.


April 9 th Mike Holmgren Vows To Do A Better Job

Written By: Andrew | Category: Cleveland Browns | Comments: 10


While we may not yet know exactly how successful the new Browns regime is going to be, you can’t blame anyone for being skeptical. Lets face it, we’ve seen this dog and pony show before, and we’ve been burned by it before. Cleveland Browns fans have time and time again put their faith in new management, new coaches, new players, etc, etc, etc. The results have always been the same, though…..bitter disappointment.


So if anyone is hesitant to jump on board with Mike Holmgren and Tom Heckert, I’m not going to blame them. Personally, however, I am 1000% on board. I’m closing my eyes and I’m making the leap of faith.


I’m not saying that I think Holmgren and crew are definitely going to turn this franchise around. It’s way too early to judge that either way. Instead, what I’m encouraged by is the change in culture that Holmgren has brought to town. No more secrecy, no more power struggles, no more chaos. Holmgren is open and wants to be accountable for everything. Furthermore, he seems to genuinely care about the fans and wants an open line of communication between management and fans.

To that last point, The Browns did something pretty classy yesterday. They offered season ticket holders an opportunity to join together in a live conference call with the Browns front office. While I’m not a season ticket holder, I was fortunate enough to have a good friend who is a season ticket holder and who was unable to join in on the call, so he let me listen in with his info.


The call was moderated by Mike Snyder and began with a brief interview with David Bowens. Bowens didn’t have much new to say, he just reiterated that the team was feeling good about some of the changes and the way they finished the season last year. He pointed out that nobody on that team wants to lose and every man on that team is preparing with the mentality of winning football games.


Then, the main event came in on the call, the Czar himself, the Big Show, Mike Holmgren. I wasn’t able to record the call, but here are a few notes of interest from the call that I took note of:


•Holmgren insisted his regime will do a better job of drafting than previous regimes in the Browns organization. He is very confident in both himself and in Tom Heckert’s ability to scout players and identify players who can “step in and start immediately”. Whereas in past years we have seen Browns GMs seemingly pick guys for depth, Holmgren proclaimed he has no interest in doing that. He is looking for impact guys who can make this team better from day one. It was refreshing to hear.

•He is conscious of picking defensive players who will fit in Eric Mangini’s 3-4 system. For those conspiracy theorists who believe Holmgren intends to coach this team next year, I can just tell you that he sounds very sincere in his belief in Mangini. Holmgren mentioned that while he is 4-3 guy, Mangini believes in a 3-4 and therefore he will try to give Eric the kind of players he needs who will fit that system. Doesn’t sound to me like a guy who is building a team to take over next year. Holmgren also mentioned that the 3-4 is why he is building the defense as a linebacker-heavy unit.

•When asked about what kind of offense he wants to see the team run, and whether he will consider the Cleveland winter climate when building a team, his answer was pretty fascinating. Holmgren said that for sure when the weather turns, the Browns need to have a reliable offensive line and a punishing and relentless running game. However, early in the season when it’s warm, he said the Browns need what he calls “strikers”. He said strikers are pure speed football players who can open up a defense and are constantly a downfield threat. It seems abundantly clear, to me anyway, that he is not satisfied with what the Browns have at WR.

•When asked about his philosophy of drafting a QB every year, Holmgren backed down slightly on this. He said that while it’s his intention of drafting a QB every year, circumstances don’t always allow for that. He stressed that he will not reach just for the sake of taking a QB. They have some QBs they are interested in. If any of those guys are available within the draft slots they have them projected at, the Browns will take one. If not, they will wait and try again the following season. But Holmgren said that he feels it’s so rare to have a true franchise QB in this league, and so he will always be looking at ways he can improve that position on this team.

•Finally, the highlight of the call was a particularly brave fan who took his opportunity to ask Holmgren a question to instead give him a piece of his mind. This fan was angered by the Jake Delhomme signing and he wasn’t afraid to let him know. Practically screaming over the phone, the fan yelled out “I don’t understand how you can make this move. JAKE DELHOMME HAS BEEN THE WORST QB IN THE ENTIRE NFL OVER THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF!!!” To his credit, Holmgren kept his cool, didn’t get defensive, and simply said “Well, I might have to agree with you there.” I chuckled at this response because of the seemingly oxymoronic decision to sign a QB that you know is the worst QB in football. However, a little while later Holmgren expanded on that a little bit by asking for fans to have some faith and give him the benefit of the doubt. Holmgren said fans aren’t involved in discussions with these players, and he has a lot more information on Jake Delhomme than we do. “[The fans] don’t know the reasons [for Delhomme’s recent struggles] like I know the reasons. Trust me on this.” He’s not saying Jake Delhomme is the answer to the Browns struggles and will instantly lead this team to the Super Bowl, but Holmgren seems to have infinitely more confidence in the Delhomme-Wallace QB tandem than he did in the Quinn-Anderson tandem, and based on the results we saw last year, it’s hard to imagine things getting any worse. So I’m willing to give Holmgren a chance on this.

The draft is now just 2 weeks away, and both Holmgren and Heckert both sounded extremely excited to attack the draft. They sound like they know what they’re doing and they definitely have a plan on how to improve this football team. We won’t know how all of this will play out on the field until later this fall, but for now, things seem to be moving in a cohesive and unified direction for once. Baby steps for sure, but there’s no denying how refreshing even these small steps have been for a change.


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I received this call at my office, but I wasn't in. My secretary listened in for a little bit but couldn't tell me many particulars.


Anyone participate in this teleconference?


Out of curiosity if you were able to take the call, what question would you have asked? And who would you direct it at?

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I just listened to the teleconference and I dont understand were you get the idea that he's not interested in bringing in a vet WR. It sounded like the opposite to me he said and I quote "I think there is deffinent value in getting the right veteran receiver in here for our young guys to watch and learn from, thats an important thing. Right now our emphasis is on the draft but there is a chance before this is all said and done that we will do something else in free agency."



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