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Survey Monday Disaster week

The Gipper

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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?



2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?



3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?



4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?



5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed

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Here is this weeks survey:


I will answer my own questions.


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?

I will probably watch the 1st round, then depending on if I am watching TV I will flip back and forth for the rest of it...or be doing something else.



2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?


I think justice was served, if not preserved. From this standpoint: I don't think that they had the evidence to convict him. It was just a he said, she said deal, and that is not enough for a small town prosecutor to take on a high profile defendant. It probably wouldn't be enough for him to take on Joe Blow off the street. This doesn't mean he didn't do something, just that it could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he did. What he probably did was grope her..and there was certainly no penetration. But our system requires more than he said, she said.



3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?


Borderline surprised. I didn't think he would win, but I thought he would do OK. Being in it until the the final 9 holes is a bit of a surprise for someone who had not played in 5 months.



4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?


Well, my son may already have the Gorillaz, and I bet my daughter already has the New Moon soundtrack. I personally was never that big a Hendrix fan, but the historical aspect of this album could be worthwhile. But I won't buy it because I haven't bought anything in a long time.

But, I guess I could do the old geezer act and say "of course I am not surprised that it is #1, the music then was just better". To an extent, I believe that. But there is still good music made today, so though it is not a surprise, it should be a surprise. Though, perhaps we should give credit to the younger generation for discovering this music.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord, after all, the rest of our history is based on a foundation that started with this event.

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed

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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watc


The first round. After that I'm not interested.



2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?


Unsure. But with this being the second time something like this has happened, I'm thinking he skated.


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?


Not really. The guy is super athletic.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?


Hendrix for sure.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:


1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed



I'm thinking the assasination of Lincoln.

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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?

All of it


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?

Justice probably served, but I think neither the Rooneys nor the NFL are done with him. He will not walk away unscathed.


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?

Slightly. He is a great golfer, but he was out of competition a long time & he had no idea to WHAT he may return...fan, media, & player response.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?

Hendrix (I'm 63-Hell, he's the only one I know!)


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed

1775...Reason well stated previously.



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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?


Thursday and some of Friday (depending on if my D&D group is meeting Friday or not)


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?


I don't think that those are the only two answers.


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?





4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?


I wouldn't purchase any, no cause lots of today's music sucks.



5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed


The Battle Road... if not for that, we may not have become a Country. Every other event that happens in US politics afterwards would not have had the same significance if we never became a Country.


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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?

2 days (CollegeFest is during the last day)


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?

Im confused at this reference...


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?

No. Hes Tiger.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?

Jimi Hendrix. With the exception of The Barenaked Ladies and Gorillas, the other two are bs


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed


Thats insane that there was that many in such a short amount of days on the calendar...very coincidental.


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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?


A lot. All of Thursday and Friday, probably start watching the 5th round on Saturday as the Browns currently have no #4's.


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?


There wasn't enough evidence for anything serious to happen.


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?


Yes. A top 5 finish at the Masters is a great performance regardless of how the field is doing. He is definitely one of the two or three best golfers ever.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?


Where did you find that because that doesn't sound right at all. Could you give a link? I would be shocked if that was true. :huh:


I own 4 BNL albums, so I guess I would choose them.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed

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LeBrent. Just go to the Billboard website....But I will admit, I took this from the "Rock Album" category. I did not see on there an overall comprehensive genre listing. It may have been broken down into Rock, Country, Rap, etc. This was from the Rock chart.

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Note to Thaak: You said you would not buy any of today's music, , but if you note the #1 album was by a guy named Jimi Hendrix. Newsflash: Hendrix died September 18th 1970...almost 40 years ago. And obviously this music was made before he died. So I don't know how you can categorize this as "today's music". Like I said, I probably won't buy it because I am not buying much in the way of music these days, plus I was not the biggest Hendrix fan....though I recognize his status as a Rock God.

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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?


95% of it. Best time of the year for us Browns fans.


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?


He skated IMO. Wears a condom, DVD's of the hallway deleted (not the VIP room).


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?


To be honest, no. Now that he was not Soma-f*cking porn stars the night before he can concentrate on what he does best.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?


Hendrix. Hell, Dark Side of the Moon was in the top 100 for like 90 years. Nirvana's releases always do good. Good music is good music. If memory serves me correctly, when they digitally remastered Robert Johnson's recordings he was in the top 100, 70 years later. Beatles did it 40 years later.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed


It's got to be 1861, one of the most gruesome wars in our history. At least on our soil. Followed by Lincoln's assassination.

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The Gorillaz make some good music. Dude is from a band called Blur. A staple of my music growing up in England.


Right, on the 5 acts....I assume everyone knows Jimi Hendrix and what he was all about. Tell the truth now...does anyone not know Hendrix?

A mentioned, my son is a big Gorillaz guy, and I have heard their stuff and it is pretty good,mostly.

BareNakedLadies is a big name act. (but to be honest with you, I have not followed them, but I hear they aren't bad)

She & Him I have never heard of.

The New Moon Soundtrack is of course from the "Twilight" movie sequel. It is a mix of stuff from classical like Debussy to ambient music to some current stuff which I don't know. My 15 year old daughter could tell you all about it if you are interested.

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Note to Thaak: You said you would not buy any of today's music, , but if you note the #1 album was by a guy named Jimi Hendrix. Newsflash: Hendrix died September 18th 1970...almost 40 years ago. And obviously this music was made before he died. So I don't know how you can categorize this as "today's music". Like I said, I probably won't buy it because I am not buying much in the way of music these days, plus I was not the biggest Hendrix fan....though I recognize his status as a Rock God.


I answered in two parts to your two part question. You asked first if I would purchase anything on that list (I wouldn't, as I don't purchase a lot of music to begin with) and then I answered why I wasn't surprised by Hendrix.

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I answered in two parts to your two part question. You asked first if I would purchase anything on that list (I wouldn't, as I don't purchase a lot of music to begin with) and then I answered why I wasn't surprised by Hendrix.



OH, OK, I guess I was confused. I thought that was one continuous thought. My bad.

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LeBrent. Just go to the Billboard website....But I will admit, I took this from the "Rock Album" category. I did not see on there an overall comprehensive genre listing. It may have been broken down into Rock, Country, Rap, etc. This was from the Rock chart.


Thanks, that's a lot more believable.


Most of today's most sold albums are pop, hip/hop, country, rap, but not as much rock.


Last year's top selling albums were Taylor Swift-Fearless edging out Susan Boyle-I Dreamed a Dream.


The next eight were:

Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Andrea Bocelli, Hannah Montana, Black-eyed Peas, Eminem, Jay-Z, and Kings of Leon.


Of those 10 only Kings of Leon could be considered Rock and it was the 10th most sold album. So the most sold rock album last year barely cracked the top ten overall.

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Thanks, that's a lot more believable.


Most of today's most sold albums are pop, hip/hop, country, rap, but not as much rock.


Last year's top selling albums were Taylor Swift-Fearless edging out Susan Boyle-I Dreamed a Dream.


The next eight were:

Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Andrea Bocelli, Hannah Montana, Black-eyed Peas, Eminem, Jay-Z, and Kings of Leon.


Of those 10 only Kings of Leon could be considered Rock and it was the 10th most sold album. So the most sold rock album last year barely cracked the top ten overall.



I had only checked the Billboard Charts sites. Obviously when you are mixing in Jay-Z, with Andrea Bocelli with Hannah Montana with Lady Gaga with Susan Boyle you are really mixing things up, genre wise. Like I said I did not see a single comprehensive "multi-genre" album chart. Only charts broken up by genre....rock, country, rap.

(also....I am not aware that there are any real differences between "rock" and "pop". I think it is a nefarious distinction. Jimi Hendrix very well may have considered himself "pop"...in the sense that, sure, he wanted a hit record just like anyone else.

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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?


I will DVR the 1st 2 rounds then tune in every now and then for the rest.


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?


He got away with something and he knows it but without enough spit (DNA) you must acquit!


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?




4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?


I haven't bought anything in a long time but still believe Hendrix was one of the best guitarists ever and the latest generation must agree.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed


Lexington and Concord most important but the following two dates very important in shaping American history as well. The other dates impacted America but not on the same level as the first three.


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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?

Unfortunately, all of it. I expect the Browns to move around in almost every round.


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?

He skated. And he held on to the bike seats of the cops the whole time.


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?

Not at all. He is by far the best golfer of all time. Nothing he does surprises me. Except his taste in women.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?

I would pick the Gorillaz. I already have all Jimi's stuff.

I'm not surprised Jimi is #1 either. Originality, sincerity, and substance is still the thing people look for in their music. And Jimi has it all.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed


1865. There is no telling what that fella could have established with a few more years in power.

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Here is this weeks survey:


1. How much of the draft, which is now a 3 day event, will you watch?

Unfortunately, all of it. I expect the Browns to move around in almost every round.


2. Ben Roethlisberger...did he skate, or was justice preserved?

He skated. And he held on to the bike seats of the cops the whole time.


3. Were you surprised at how well Tiger Woods performed in The Masters after a 5 month layoff?

Not at all. He is by far the best golfer of all time. Nothing he does surprises me. Except his taste in women.


4. The Top 5 albums on the Billboard Top 100 are by the following artists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Barenaked Ladies 3. She&Him 4. The Gorillaz 5. New Moon Soundtrack. Who would be your pick to purchase if you were to, and are you surprised that a guy that died 39 years ago has the leading selling album in 2010?

I would pick the Gorillaz. I already have all Jimi's stuff.

I'm not surprised Jimi is #1 either. Originality, sincerity, and substance is still the thing people look for in their music. And Jimi has it all.


5. This week in history, April 12 through the 19th the following events occurred. Which one has the most important historical significance?:

1775 The Battle Road, Lexington and Concord

1861 The South fires on Ft. Sumter to begin the Civil War

1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1906 The San Francisco earthquake hits

1912 The Titanic sinks

1945 FDR dies

1993 Waco tragedy

1995 Oklahoma city federal building bombed


1865. There is no telling what that fella could have established with a few more years in power.



You know, that last comment is very interesting and brings up a lot of speculation on how well Lincoln could have handled the aftermath of the Civil War. As we know from history, the fellows that followed him did not fare well in the eyes of historians, being among the least well thought of Presidents in our history. Andrew Johnson was subject to impeachment. Grant was felt to have run an corrupt inept admininistration. A lot of the troubles of the two resulted from difficulties associated with the Reconstruction. Had Lincoln lived could he have done better? Some historians speculate: perhaps not. That had he lived, the difficulties of Reconstruction would have weighed him down heavily as well and would have tarnished his reputation as one of our greatest leaders. His "martyrdom" however assured him of his place at the forefront of historic veneration. In essence his place in history was preserved by his death. Had he lived, it is possible his place in history may have sunk heavily. All speculation as I said.

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