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Brandon Marshall to Dolphins

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If anyone can straighten out this dude, the Tuna can.


The Miami Dolphins have acquired wide receiver Brandon Marshall(notes) in a trade with the Denver Broncos, ESPN reports.


The Dolphins give up a second-round pick in next week’s NFL Draft and what is possibly an additional second-round pick in 2011, sources said.


If Marshall passes his physical in Miami today, he will sign what will be one of the most lucrative deals for a wide receiver in NFL history, according to the report.


In addition to the Dolphins, the Seahawks reportedly were making attempts to land Marshall. Tampa Bay also showed interest, and the Jets also considered trying to deal for him before they acquired Santonio Holmes(notes) from the Jets earlier this week, ESPN says.


This is the second consecutive offseason in which the Broncos made a blockbuster trade. Last year, they dealt QB Jay Cutler(notes) to the Bears.

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If anyone can straighten out this dude, the Tuna can.


The Miami Dolphins have acquired wide receiver Brandon Marshall(notes) in a trade with the Denver Broncos, ESPN reports.


The Dolphins give up a second-round pick in next week’s NFL Draft and what is possibly an additional second-round pick in 2011, sources said.


If Marshall passes his physical in Miami today, he will sign what will be one of the most lucrative deals for a wide receiver in NFL history, according to the report.


In addition to the Dolphins, the Seahawks reportedly were making attempts to land Marshall. Tampa Bay also showed interest, and the Jets also considered trying to deal for him before they acquired Santonio Holmes(notes) from the Jets earlier this week, ESPN says.


This is the second consecutive offseason in which the Broncos made a blockbuster trade. Last year, they dealt QB Jay Cutler(notes) to the Bears.


I know we want character guys and we have holes to fill but why do we not even try to land Holmes oe Marshall. This is a little questionable IMO. We better find one hell of a receiver in the draft!!!!!!

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Good job McDaniels. You have successfully become the Cleveland Indians of the NFL. What's oing to happen when the Broncos suck and he gets fired after two years. All they accomplished was gutting the offense and pissing the fans off.


At least Rex Ryan had enough sense to keep Mangini's guys when he took over.

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Gotta agree, IF the asking price was two second rounders, you've got to wonder why the Browns wearn't even trying? I know Mangini wants character guys but his mentor and his mentors mentor are willing to take chances on guys with AMAZING talent. We may've missed on this one....



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I was just speaking with a friend of mine about all of this and he was thinking the whole Miami scene is something Marshall would want more than Cleveland anyway. (warm weather, hip town etc)


I'm not completely disappointed we didn't get the guy but do think despite his troubles, he could've been worth the risk. (especially with the way we pick our players)

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I was just speaking with a friend of mine about all of this and he was thinking the whole Miami scene is something Marshall would want more than Cleveland anyway. (warm weather, hip town etc)


I'm not completely disappointed we didn't get the guy but do think despite his troubles, he could've been worth the risk. (especially with the way we pick our players)


yes i agree with your friend. i believe players have at least a vote in most cases. teams don't want players trying to block it stalling to sign or unnecessary media backlash etc.


re: Marshall i think it was completely about Miami and the $$ and he's going to be awesome.


not sure why he never dug Denver...i don't feel the city's sentiment here yet. poor BQ had a chance when Marshall was still in town. first Hillis, now Marshall...wtf?

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Gotta agree, IF the asking price was two second rounders, you've got to wonder why the Browns wearn't even trying? I know Mangini wants character guys but his mentor and his mentors mentor are willing to take chances on guys with AMAZING talent. We may've missed on this one....



Mangini ain't calling the shots on trades. Holmgren and Heckert are. I doubt they want Marshall's drama queen act.

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I doubt they want Marshall's drama queen act.


nor the contract that would await him. why are we all sweating wide receivers? we have bigger problems. solidifying both lines and the defensive backfield should be our main concern now. massaquoi and robiskie should both be better this year and i'm sure wr will be addressed somewhere in the draft.


yea brandon marshall is good, so was/is terrell owens. but they both did things bad enough that their teams wanted them out. so why sign him for tons of money just to have him come in and f up the whole team chemistry and then trade him a year or two later because you realize you made a mistake? him in miami will be interesting to say the least. can i say NITELIFE?

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Mangini ain't calling the shots on trades. Holmgren and Heckert are. I doubt they want Marshall's drama queen act.



But as Holmgren stated, he isn't going to make a move if the coach isn't behind it or at least involved. I tend to agree though, they don't want ANY part of Marshall's baggage and really who can blame them? Rison's crap didn't work out too well here and he was pretty darn decent stat-wise when we got him.

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Man, Miami's got 3 "above average" receivers already, with Marshall providing a legit #1 threat, those guys are only gonna improve. Their passing game is probably going to be scary

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