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Draft Defense, and more defense


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Let's build a blue collar defense here that kicks ass and takes names. I'm so sick of these fruity QB's and whack-job WR's ... let's load up with guys that hit hard and put this team back on the map.


We just got this forum back to being cool by ridding the last Quinn Fems off the site ... let's get tough once again and establish a defense here and pound it out running game.

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With the report that we are sitting tight and not moving up, I feel better that we will make another non-sexy pick ... the kind that build tough ball clubs.


I hope we stay put and go defense again.



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Let's build a blue collar defense here that kicks ass and takes names. I'm so sick of these fruity QB's and whack-job WR's ... let's load up with guys that hit hard and put this team back on the map.


We just got this forum back to being cool by ridding the last Quinn Fems off the site ... let's get tough once again and establish a defense here and pound it out running game.


We are still holding court in my book.


Defense and a tough ass run game. Expect to see a road grader OL next.

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Once again the Zombster proves to be the draft day guru.



--But I'm going to punch the first guy that gets gay about "Colt"


If you followed this entire thread, there should have been no surprises in the draft. We went Defense, Defense, smash mouth run game, picked up the Road Grader OL, and got the pretty boy QB without the speedo bathsuit skelton in the closet.


If I didn't have my Home Opener today for league play, I'd already be drinking.

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Our defense has gotten a lot more physical if anything this off-season.


What I really like about the guys we've picked up (Haden, Ward, Fujita, Brown, Gocong) is that they can all tackle. All three of the secondary guys are known to be physical. Our secondary has been competely flipped.


We should NEVER AGAIN have to watch Adams and McDonald on the field at the same time. That makes me happy.

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Our defense has gotten a lot more physical if anything this off-season.


What I really like about the guys we've picked up (Haden, Ward, Fujita, Brown, Gocong) is that they can all tackle. All three of the secondary guys are known to be physical. Our secondary has been competely flipped.


We should NEVER AGAIN have to watch Adams and McDonald on the field at the same time. That makes me happy.


I don't mind Adams, but I love that you pointed out that we've become more physical with an emphasis on tackling. Great point, and can't wait to see the transformation this fall.

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