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So after the draft..where does our team stand

cribbs is the man

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So we picked up a CB, 2 safetys, a O-lineman, a WR, a RB, a QB, and a DE/OLB.. What do we still need before the season through free agency/undrafted free agents?


DEFENSE: I think even with the addition of Ward (history of injuries) and Asante (might not make the roster) we still need a ball hawking free safety. someone who is fast, instinctive, and can get some interceptions.


Also we need more depth at DL, esp with Rodgers' situation. We are aging and have marginal players other than Rodgers..


OFFENSE: I like the Carlton Mitchell pick, I think we may have gotten a steal, but I think our recieving core is probably still the weakes spot on the team, which really frustrates me that we picked 2 guys in the second round last year that both have pretty low ceilings.. I wouldnt hate another reciever joining our crew...

We'll see about McCoy, obviously the jury is still out. Good value pick though, pretty low risk for a potential starting QB.

Other than WR I dont see many needs on offense anymore, although another lineman never hurts..



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I think TJ Ward is goin to be a beast. He has good speed and is a hard hitter who can make plays on the ball. I do think we might think about gettin TO in here as much as i hate to say it, but i think he could teach these young guys a thing or 2. I do agree with the D-line issue.

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coming into the offseason i saw the main needs as QB, SS, FS, CB, RT, TE, DE, LB not particularly in that order.


OL-with Hadnot gone and St. Clair proving to be deficient that leaves the latter, Pork Chop, Pashos, Ghiaciuc and Lauvao to fill those positions and provide depth, right? i think i'm missing a couple no-names (Yates, Kooistra, Capizzi, Murray etc?) but they would seriously have to come out of nowhere. i'm not convinced here.


DL-trading Corey Williams should make finding Robaire, Shaun, and Kenyon's future replacements a priority soon. Rubin has potential but Mosley and Schaefering are pretty weak imo.


DB-i miss Sean Jones and losing Pool to the Jets (concussions) made safety one of the biggest needs imo. we have Abe Elam and Mike Adams at absolute worst and they make an okay baseline but we need to improve dramatically before i'll be satisfied. if both these rookies drafted solidify the position i'll be ecstatic. Haden will should lock up the CB position.


TE-Watson and Moore will hopefully round out the TE's with Royal blocking and Estandia providing depth. i liked Gaines and thought we passed on about a hundred thousand options in this area today>>>disappointing.


QB, WR, RB & LB look good for this year on paper but a lot of question marks. in any of these areas we could be spectacular at best and mediocre to serviceable at worst (pretty specific huh?).


i think they hit on them all either in FA, trades or the draft and we could be solid or we could still have holes. a lot of cracks to fill at this point, but we're filling them with mostly unproven yet young and talented quality players.

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So we picked up a CB, 2 safetys, a O-lineman, a WR, a RB, a QB, and a DE/OLB.. What do we still need before the season through free agency/undrafted free agents?


DEFENSE: I think even with the addition of Ward (history of injuries) and Asante (might not make the roster) we still need a ball hawking free safety. someone who is fast, instinctive, and can get some interceptions.


Also we need more depth at DL, esp with Rodgers' situation. We are aging and have marginal players other than Rodgers..


OFFENSE: I like the Carlton Mitchell pick, I think we may have gotten a steal, but I think our recieving core is probably still the weakes spot on the team, which really frustrates me that we picked 2 guys in the second round last year that both have pretty low ceilings.. I wouldnt hate another reciever joining our crew...

We'll see about McCoy, obviously the jury is still out. Good value pick though, pretty low risk for a potential starting QB.

Other than WR I dont see many needs on offense anymore, although another lineman never hurts..



not real impressed the draft,in fact a little disappointed.

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