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McCoy Making A Great Impression


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Colt McCoy ambles up to cattle call for rookies

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sports writer


POSTED: 08:42 p.m. EDT, Apr 30, 2010




Cleveland Brown's quarterback Colt McCoy signals downfield to a receiver during rookie football mini-camp at the team's training facility in Berea, Ohio on Friday. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

View larger version>> BEREA: ESPN analyst Jon Gruden told Colt McCoy he would have to lose his drawl for his teammates to understand him in the huddle.


But even before the Browns drafted him with the 85th overall pick in the third round, the University of Texas quarterback had learned to play along with the folksy cowboy theme.


''Just joking around with coach Mangini I told him we rode horses to school and tied 'em up in the front of the parking lot,'' McCoy said. ''He liked that a little bit.''


Browns coach Eric Mangini said he took a lot from that far-reaching conversation.


''I heard all about how they breed cows, how they fix the fences. I could move down to Dallas now with the stuff I know about cattle-raising,'' Mangini said.


Perceived as the Browns' quarterback of the future, McCoy met the media Friday on his first full day at the Browns' rookie minicamp and embraced his roots.


''I did come from a real small town, a farming community,'' McCoy said. ''We're all hard workers, pretty blue collar. I feel like that's the same situation I'm getting into here. So I couldn't feel more comfortable.''


McCoy grew up in Tuscola, Texas, a town 10 miles south of Abilene with a population of 726 in 2008. His father, Brad, was his football coach at Jim Ned High School. His grandfather owned a farm where Colt spent his summers and free time doing chores.


Asked his favorite, McCoy said, ''Nothing. Building fence and hauling hay and having to wake up early and feed the cows, and doing all kinds of crazy stuff on the farm. It definitely taught me a lot of values at an early age.''


Mangini likes what those days on the farm instilled in McCoy.


''He's used to getting up early and working hard, two things I like,'' Mangini said. ''Anybody who's been raised with a solid work ethic, usually that carries over to everything they do.''


McCoy's rookie year might be filled with grunt work after Browns President Mike Holmgren said last week that he does not want McCoy to play this season. McCoy might not be happy with Holmgren's projected slow track, especially with 35-year-old free agent Jake Delhomme and ex-Seahawk Seneca Wallace ahead of him, but he didn't utter a negative word about it.


''I do see myself playing in the long term,'' McCoy said. ''I want to be out there. I'm a competitor. I asked them what my expectations should be coming into camp. They said 'Do your best,' which I've always done. Second of all, 'Come in here and learn. Be the leader of your draft class. Get to know these guys. First one here, last one to leave.' That's exactly what I did in high school and at UT.''


McCoy has already become the leader of his draft class, at least in terms of national attention. Mangini had barely finished his opening remarks Friday when he was asked his first impressions of McCoy.


''Wow, didn't take long,'' Mangini said.


''All these guys are swimming and with quarterbacks they have that much more information, they have to learn the whole offense and have to run the offense,'' Mangini said. ''All that considered, he did well. He picks up the information fairly quickly. He's throwing to a whole different group of guys and hearing a lot of different approaches in terms of plays we're calling. Overall he had a nice first day.''


McCoy said he wasted no time getting going.


''I had the playbook on my doorstep the next day [after the draft] and I've been studying it hard,'' he said. ''It's a little different with the terms, but a lot of the concepts, a lot of the routes, a lot of the protections are very similar.''


Take it easy


The highlight of the afternoon practice was when 6-foot-7, 300-pound defensive lineman Cliff Geathers, a sixth-round pick from South Carolina, ran downfield on a special teams drill and leveled former Ohio State punter Jon Thoma. Standing in a line across the field, Thoma was holding a pad in front of him.


Asked if he liked what Geathers did, Mangini said. ''Yes and no. I talked to him afterward. You appreciate his size and explosion, but not against a guy who's 130 pounds. What I explained to him, he had to go down under control, control the bag. You like his enthusiasm. It's like turning a battleship, once the momentum gets going, it's hard to move. He's got to be conscious of the smaller kids on the playground.''


Call me, LeBron


The Browns' first-round pick, Florida cornerback Joe Haden, is still waiting to hear from his hero, Cavaliers star LeBron James.


''Somebody tell him to text me,'' Haden said. ''Some of his people got in touch with my people, but I haven't really talked to him yet. I know he's trying to win, but I'm just trying to meet him.''


Help on the way?


Mangini said the Browns were still discussing whether to add a veteran wide receiver. Their most experienced receiver at the moment is Pro Bowl special teamer and WildDawg quarterback Joshua Cribbs.


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I really like everything that I keep reading about this kid. I also like that they mentioned the fact that they are still debating bringing in a veteren wide receiver. I know Zombo hated the idea of bringing in Holt. I didn't. But why wait until now when the best vets are taken already?

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Colt the redneck actually shot the shit with mangini?

Welp that should put colt beyond the back burner and back to the pasture, thats a far bigger mistake than bothering the coach by going to his office with problems during an online porn session! ;) hehehehe


Seriously you really have to like McCoy and as we keep hearing more its becoming more apparent that this kid has the tools and the leadership ability to eventually be our starter, i know some homers dont like him because he isnt a 7 ft slug with nothing but a rifle arm but eventually folks will figure out that a determined ,scrambling ,football smart QB can be a great asset and win a lot of games...thats also why i think wallace will win the starting job or at least play better than jake after he is injured or benched after an interception fest...;)


And dont get me wrong here i have no problem with jake he is a great guy but at 34 i think his best days which were only mediocre at best are behind him and if he can outright win the starting job more power to him and hopefully the browns but i just dont see it...i see a hungry and talented seneca wallace finally getting a legit chance to start with jake delhomme as the competition and if we keep 4 QBs i would hope its harrel and not ratliff...ratty is a poor mans DA at the very best..

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It just FEELS a lot better going into the season with these three guys. I'd love to see McCoy play for us BUT as a Browns fan, if he's playing this probably means very bad things for us. I think Colts year is next year or the season after that UNLESS he just comes in and outplays everyone. A long shot...but he's a longhorn, who better to attempt it!?


Also loved the little blip about Geathers. Too funny!

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