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Clinton: Rich aren't paying fair share

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(CNN) – Hillary Clinton struck a strong populist chord while wading into territory secretary of states rarely go Thursday: Domestic policy.


During a conference at the Brookings Institution on national security, the nation's top diplomat bluntly aired her own views on the nation's tax policies, saying she feels "the rich are not paying their fair share."


"The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues [like the U.S.] – whether it's individual, corporate or whatever the taxation forms are," Clinton said after clearly stipulating that these were her opinions, no those of the Obama administration.


Clinton went on to cite Brazil, long known for its high taxes, as a model of a successful economic policy.


"Brazil has the highest tax-to-GDP rate in the Western Hemisphere and guess what – they're growing like crazy," Clinton said. "And the rich are getting richer, but they're pulling people out of poverty."


"There is a certain formula there that used to work for us, until we abandoned it, to our regret in my opinion," she added.


Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/...bid=Ojx99P_8vGo



Should we try to emulate Brazil's high tax policy ? Or is she just being silly ?

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If Clinton feels so damned concerned maybe she will forfeit all of the millions of dollars she and her husband have earned. WTF! Lets just take every damn small and medium business and throw them under the bus just so their bleeding hearts will feel better.

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