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This Week's Manly Men Survey.

The Gipper

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OK, this week's survey comes from various comments I have heard on ESPN Radio the last several days regarding essentially "what men like". I will first give the radio commentators views, then my own, and you can decide who you agree with. (ladies are welcome to give their views as well)


1. Radio guy says that real men like "consistency" in sports championship series; that men like it when you have a Lakers/Celtics NBA Finals or Yankees/Dodgers or Cowboys/Steelers etc. (assuming that the team these "men" root for is not otherwise involved" I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men like new blood, fresh meat. They like it when a new team like the Saints make the Super Bowl, of if The Cubs would win the World Series. Nothing is more boring, putrid and nauseating than another Celtics/Lakers Finals.

What do you think?



2. Radio guy says that real men like going to the same place over and over again on vacation. That they like going to Vegas 3 times a year to gamble and sit by the pool, or to go to Maui or some such place year after year. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men are adventurous. They like going to new places and seein new things. They like to land in Vegas but then go out to The Grand Canyon, or Zion, or Death Valley or The Mojave, or to Sedona. Someplace new. They might want to spend a night or two in Vegas, but then go elsewhere and see other things. (and I am a guy that owns a timeshare in Vegas)

What do you think?



3. Radio guy says that real men go glassy eyed and tune out if you talk about history, be it world history or sports history. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men love history, the forced that created this world and nation, especially military history and the like. And sports history.

What do you think?




4. Radio guy says that real men like women who like sports. I say that guy is Big F**king Pussy Whipped. Men don't want women that know sports as well as them. Its a threat to our masculinity. Men want to be secure that as least in one arena: sports, we are superior. Its OK for a girlfriend or wife to know a little about sports,, but just a little.

What do you think?




5. Radio guy says that real men like to be able give movie quotes upon demand from the likes of The Godfather, Ferris Beuhler, Airplane, Pulp Fiction, Caddyshack and the like. I say....the dude finally got something right. I wholeheartedly agree with him. Men love nothing better than pulling out a "We're going to the mattresses" or a "Don't call me Shirley" or a "they call it a Royale with cheese" or a "Its in the hole".

What do you think?

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1) New Blood all the way! I hate old and stale. Of course I love routing for the underdog too.


2) Something new please! While consistency is something nice, you can always find that consistency in when you go, how you plan the vacation, and all the logistics there-of. Find something new to explore, that's what I like!


3) If it is a bit of history that I don't know anything about and couldn't care less about, then yeah, I go glassy-eyed. I mean I couldn't care less about the history of art or 17th century literature. Just not interesting to me. But the history of the world, religious history, some political history, and especially sports history? Bring it on!


4) I like women who like sports. But what I like more, is women who don't mind that I like sports. I especially like women who don't mind that I like sports and also don't mind if I spend my Sunday's watching sports. There are other conversations I would prefer to have with women than sports stats though.


5) I'm not great on the quotes thing... but yeah, they can be fun!

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Just a note: The "Radio Guy" who made these comments were more than one guy. One was Kincaid who I think does either Saturday or Sunday mornings. Another was Kasilias who fills in for Greenburg. There may have been another guy. Neither Greenburg or Golic were involved in these comments.

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OK, this week's survey comes from various comments I have heard on ESPN Radio the last several days regarding essentially "what men like". I will first give the radio commentators views, then my own, and you can decide who you agree with. (ladies are welcome to give their views as well)


1. Radio guy says that real men like "consistency" in sports championship series; that men like it when you have a Lakers/Celtics NBA Finals or Yankees/Dodgers or Cowboys/Steelers etc. (assuming that the team these "men" root for is not otherwise involved" I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men like new blood, fresh meat. They like it when a new team like the Saints make the Super Bowl, of if The Cubs would win the World Series. Nothing is more boring, putrid and nauseating than another Celtics/Lakers Finals.

What do you think?

When Cleveland teams are done for the season, my interest is also done. The only team I can remotely root for that has had a history of success is the Montreal Canadiens.Hell with Boston/LA


2. Radio guy says that real men like going to the same place over and over again on vacation. That they like going to Vegas 3 times a year to gamble and sit by the pool, or to go to Maui or some such place year after year. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men are adventurous. They like going to new places and seein new things. They like to land in Vegas but then go out to The Grand Canyon, or Zion, or Death Valley or The Mojave, or to Sedona. Someplace new. They might want to spend a night or two in Vegas, but then go elsewhere and see other things. (and I am a guy that owns a timeshare in Vegas)

What do you think?

I always like to vacation somewhere different...but we are campers and seek adventure.



3. Radio guy says that real men go glassy eyed and tune out if you talk about history, be it world history or sports history. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men love history, the forced that created this world and nation, especially military history and the like. And sports history.

What do you think?

I don't agree, but the radio guys is right. If men (& women) cared about history, there wouldn't be a bunch of Toyotas on American streets; there wouldn't be an NFL that allows franchise moves to Indianapolis, Baltimore, & Nashville, for examples.



4. Radio guy says that real men like women who like sports. I say that guy is Big F**king Pussy Whipped. Men don't want women that know sports as well as them. Its a threat to our masculinity. Men want to be secure that as least in one arena: sports, we are superior. Its OK for a girlfriend or wife to know a little about sports,, but just a little.

What do you think?

I think it's cool for women to know sports. When we get too drunk, they can answer some trivia pursuit questions for us then :)




5. Radio guy says that real men like to be able give movie quotes upon demand from the likes of The Godfather, Ferris Beuhler, Airplane, Pulp Fiction, Caddyshack and the like. I say....the dude finally got something right. I wholeheartedly agree with him. Men love nothing better than pulling out a "We're going to the mattresses" or a "Don't call me Shirley" or a "they call it a Royale with cheese" or a "Its in the hole".

What do you think?

I agree!!


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3. Radio guy says that real men go glassy eyed and tune out if you talk about history, be it world history or sports history. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men love history, the forced that created this world and nation, especially military history and the like. And sports history.

What do you think?

I don't agree, but the radio guys is right. If men (& women) cared about history, there wouldn't be a bunch of Toyotas on American streets; there wouldn't be an NFL that allows franchise moves to Indianapolis, Baltimore, & Nashville, for examples.


Its a lot more than caring about history. It is caring about more than the bottom line. If all these investment and insurance companies cared a whit about people instead of money, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today. If Detroit cared more about putting out a good product instead of money, we wouldn't see nearly as many Japanese and German cars on the streets today. If the unions cared more about people instead of becoming money-making and political institutions in their own right, then the unions wouldn't be pricing American business out of the market.


I own a Volkswagen. First non-American car I've bought. But when Volkswagen and Toyota assembles more cars in America than Detroit does, how can you say Ford is more American than Toyota?

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OK, this week's survey comes from various comments I have heard on ESPN Radio the last several days regarding essentially "what men like". I will first give the radio commentators views, then my own, and you can decide who you agree with. (ladies are welcome to give their views as well)


1. Radio guy says that real men like "consistency" in sports championship series; that men like it when you have a Lakers/Celtics NBA Finals or Yankees/Dodgers or Cowboys/Steelers etc. (assuming that the team these "men" root for is not otherwise involved" I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men like new blood, fresh meat. They like it when a new team like the Saints make the Super Bowl, of if The Cubs would win the World Series. Nothing is more boring, putrid and nauseating than another Celtics/Lakers Finals.

What do you think?



I am neutral here...I appreciate both



2. Radio guy says that real men like going to the same place over and over again on vacation. That they like going to Vegas 3 times a year to gamble and sit by the pool, or to go to Maui or some such place year after year. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men are adventurous. They like going to new places and seein new things. They like to land in Vegas but then go out to The Grand Canyon, or Zion, or Death Valley or The Mojave, or to Sedona. Someplace new. They might want to spend a night or two in Vegas, but then go elsewhere and see other things. (and I am a guy that owns a timeshare in Vegas)

What do you think?


I have to say I like the same spots once I have established I like them...though that doesn't mean I don't want to experience something new....I still head to Vegas year after year....i don't do Death Valley year after year......if you own a time share anywhere....you like the same thing year after year



3. Radio guy says that real men go glassy eyed and tune out if you talk about history, be it world history or sports history. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men love history, the forced that created this world and nation, especially military history and the like. And sports history.

What do you think?


I love history. .




4. Radio guy says that real men like women who like sports. I say that guy is Big F**king Pussy Whipped. Men don't want women that know sports as well as them. Its a threat to our masculinity. Men want to be secure that as least in one arena: sports, we are superior. Its OK for a girlfriend or wife to know a little about sports,, but just a little.

What do you think?


It has nothing about to do with masculinity....I simply like my own deal...and sports is it. Man and wife can't share everything if they want to maintain some individuality...


I like Pat to come to one game a year...after that, it becomes a burden to be honest....just like I go to a Broadway show or two a year and she can gallivant off with her friends or alone 2-3 other times a year to NYC or wherever to see plays I really couldn't care less if they were produced or not.




5. Radio guy says that real men like to be able give movie quotes upon demand from the likes of The Godfather, Ferris Beuhler, Airplane, Pulp Fiction, Caddyshack and the like. I say....the dude finally got something right. I wholeheartedly agree with him. Men love nothing better than pulling out a "We're going to the mattresses" or a "Don't call me Shirley" or a "they call it a Royale with cheese" or a "Its in the hole".

What do you think?



I prefer my own quotes to something some scriptwriter came up with


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Its a lot more than caring about history. It is caring about more than the bottom line. If all these investment and insurance companies cared a whit about people instead of money, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today. If Detroit cared more about putting out a good product instead of money, we wouldn't see nearly as many Japanese and German cars on the streets today. If the unions cared more about people instead of becoming money-making and political institutions in their own right, then the unions wouldn't be pricing American business out of the market.


I own a Volkswagen. First non-American car I've bought. But when Volkswagen and Toyota assembles more cars in America than Detroit does, how can you say Ford is more American than Toyota?


I was referring to Pearl Harbor, just didn't elaborate.


I know it's fashionable to blame our econonmy woes on unions, but just remember, it's a two way street in labor negotiations....oops, wrong forum.

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I know it's fashionable to blame our econonmy woes on unions, but just remember, it's a two way street in labor negotiations....oops, wrong forum.


You are correct. It certainly isn't just the unions. But when they move from making sure our workers get fair compensation and are treated fairly in the workplace, to pricing Americans out of the market, then they become more part of the problem than the solution.


It is no mistake that the most feasibly sound car companies (that is until Toyota had that huge recall) are not Unionized.

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Note to Ballpeen: though my timeshare is in Vegas, I have never used it there. I have always traded it. I have used it or my bonus weeks in places like Maui, Waikiki, Washington State, San Francisco, Capistrano Beach, San Diego, Sedona, Tuscon, Lake Tahoe, Breckenridge. British Columbia, Ruidoso NM, San Antonio, New Orleans, Hot Springs Ark., Panama City, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Williamsburg, Atlantic City, the Cayman Islands and Saturday we leave for Cape Cod, and later this year I will use it in Puerto Vallarta. So, you see I like to get around.

But that is not to say that it wouldn't be cool to take an annual trip to Vegas for maybe a weekend. But to go there on nearly every trip you take and that be practically the only place you go would be boring as hell. That is what the radio guy said.

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Note to Ballpeen: though my timeshare is in Vegas, I have never used it there. I have always traded it. I have used it or my bonus weeks in places like Maui, Waikiki, Washington State, San Francisco, Capistrano Beach, San Diego, Sedona, Tuscon, Lake Tahoe, Breckenridge. British Columbia, Ruidoso NM, San Antonio, New Orleans, Hot Springs Ark., Panama City, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Williamsburg, Atlantic City, the Cayman Islands and Saturday we leave for Cape Cod, and later this year I will use it in Puerto Vallarta. So, you see I like to get around.

But that is not to say that it wouldn't be cool to take an annual trip to Vegas for maybe a weekend. But to go there on nearly every trip you take and that be practically the only place you go would be boring as hell. That is what the radio guy said.






I know....I understand the advantages a time share can present....sorry if it sounded like I was putting it down...I know it appeals to many.

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I know....I understand the advantages a time share can present....sorry if it sounded like I was putting it down...I know it appeals to many.


Its OK, you are right, some people DO like to use it every year at the same location. But not I.

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OK, this week's survey comes from various comments I have heard on ESPN Radio the last several days regarding essentially "what men like". I will first give the radio commentators views, then my own, and you can decide who you agree with. (ladies are welcome to give their views as well)


1. Radio guy says that real men like "consistency" in sports championship series; that men like it when you have a Lakers/Celtics NBA Finals or Yankees/Dodgers or Cowboys/Steelers etc. (assuming that the team these "men" root for is not otherwise involved" I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men like new blood, fresh meat. They like it when a new team like the Saints make the Super Bowl, of if The Cubs would win the World Series. Nothing is more boring, putrid and nauseating than another Celtics/Lakers Finals.

What do you think?

I Agree, I dont think it was the Radio guy who wrote this but maybe it was the Radio girl.




2. Radio guy says that real men like going to the same place over and over again on vacation. That they like going to Vegas 3 times a year to gamble and sit by the pool, or to go to Maui or some such place year after year. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men are adventurous. They like going to new places and seein new things. They like to land in Vegas but then go out to The Grand Canyon, or Zion, or Death Valley or The Mojave, or to Sedona. Someplace new. They might want to spend a night or two in Vegas, but then go elsewhere and see other things. (and I am a guy that owns a timeshare in Vegas)

What do you think?

The Radio guy must be single. I love adventure.



3. Radio guy says that real men go glassy eyed and tune out if you talk about history, be it world history or sports history. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men love history, the forced that created this world and nation, especially military history and the like. And sports history.

What do you think?

I Agree, I love history. Did the Radio guy turn gay?




4. Radio guy says that real men like women who like sports. I say that guy is Big F**king Pussy Whipped. Men don't want women that know sports as well as them. Its a threat to our masculinity. Men want to be secure that as least in one arena: sports, we are superior. Its OK for a girlfriend or wife to know a little about sports,, but just a little.

What do you think?

I Agree.




5. Radio guy says that real men like to be able give movie quotes upon demand from the likes of The Godfather, Ferris Beuhler, Airplane, Pulp Fiction, Caddyshack and the like. I say....the dude finally got something right. I wholeheartedly agree with him. Men love nothing better than pulling out a "We're going to the mattresses" or a "Don't call me Shirley" or a "they call it a Royale with cheese" or a "Its in the hole".

What do you think?

He may have gotten part of it right.


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People like to see King Kong vs. Godzilla, people like to see Lakers / Celtics, people like to see Steelers/Cowboys (of which we own them in SB's)


People don't want to see the Browns, the Indians, the Cavaliers. They are weak teams who find ways to lose.


It is the consensus of all here that only Big F**ing Pussys agree with you. You know what that makes you? A Big F**king Pussy.

Not that we didn't know that already.


Plus, it doesn't have to pertain to Cleveland teams. This Blackhawks/Flyers NHL Finals is an excellent example of some new fresh blood. The Saints winning it was good as well.

What we don't want is a team whose followers are a bunch of FrontRunnerAssKisser fans being satisfied to play anotherteam whose fans are a bunch of FrontRunnerAssKissers....like the ones you mention..

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OK, this week's survey comes from various comments I have heard on ESPN Radio the last several days regarding essentially "what men like". I will first give the radio commentators views, then my own, and you can decide who you agree with. (ladies are welcome to give their views as well)


1. Radio guy says that real men like "consistency" in sports championship series; that men like it when you have a Lakers/Celtics NBA Finals or Yankees/Dodgers or Cowboys/Steelers etc. (assuming that the team these "men" root for is not otherwise involved" I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men like new blood, fresh meat. They like it when a new team like the Saints make the Super Bowl, of if The Cubs would win the World Series. Nothing is more boring, putrid and nauseating than another Celtics/Lakers Finals.

What do you think?


New blood is always exciting as long as it provides good competition and not an underdog choking display on national TV.



2. Radio guy says that real men like going to the same place over and over again on vacation. That they like going to Vegas 3 times a year to gamble and sit by the pool, or to go to Maui or some such place year after year. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men are adventurous. They like going to new places and seein new things. They like to land in Vegas but then go out to The Grand Canyon, or Zion, or Death Valley or The Mojave, or to Sedona. Someplace new. They might want to spend a night or two in Vegas, but then go elsewhere and see other things. (and I am a guy that owns a timeshare in Vegas)

What do you think?


Nope, he's wrong again. Variety is the spice of life, although to be fair, my favourite destination every year is a certain city in Ohio and, hope to God, I will go back every year whilst I still breathe. But for family holidays - variety.



3. Radio guy says that real men go glassy eyed and tune out if you talk about history, be it world history or sports history. I say that guy is a Big F**king Pussy. Men love history, the forced that created this world and nation, especially military history and the like. And sports history.

What do you think?


I love history - I have to force myself to read novels - my shelves sag with History texts. Us Brits have a lot of history to soak up - we are essentially a european mongrel race slow cooked over 1400 years.


4. Radio guy says that real men like women who like sports. I say that guy is Big F**king Pussy Whipped. Men don't want women that know sports as well as them. Its a threat to our masculinity. Men want to be secure that as least in one arena: sports, we are superior. Its OK for a girlfriend or wife to know a little about sports,, but just a little.

What do you think?


My wife hates sport. She is not in the remotest bit interested in any Sport and, considering I am pretty much obsessed with the Browns and spend about an hour a day online reading about the team, she couldn't name a single player if asked. Does it bother me? No. Much as I love her, I would be totally F'ing devastated if she insisted on coming with me to Cleveland for a game.


5. Radio guy says that real men like to be able give movie quotes upon demand from the likes of The Godfather, Ferris Beuhler, Airplane, Pulp Fiction, Caddyshack and the like. I say....the dude finally got something right. I wholeheartedly agree with him. Men love nothing better than pulling out a "We're going to the mattresses" or a "Don't call me Shirley" or a "they call it a Royale with cheese" or a "Its in the hole".

What do you think?


"now that had to hurt" "he looked like a pimp muthaf*ka with a hat" "This aint Taylor, Taylor got shot, this here's Chris" I used to be able to roll off hundreds of quotes but I'm a little rusty now - but yeah, most of my mates would love to spend hours playing the quotes game over a few beers back when we had lives that didn't revolve around work / wives / kids!! :)




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