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Survey Monday 7/12

The Gipper

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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)



2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?



3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him?



4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays?



5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?

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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)

Tim Ryan

2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?

Cleveland Browns

3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him?

Is he from Pittsburgh, whats the point of watching if you dont have a passion for a team

4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays?

OK you answered my first question to #3

5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?

I been to a few games that looked like training camp

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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)


My guys name is Bob Gibbs I believe. The thing is, to be certain, yes, I will have to look it up.



2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?


It ain't the Indians. And the Browns will probably not make a .500 record. But, I actually believe the Cavs probably will.

I suspect that come next June and you look back on the 2010 baseball season, the 2010 football season, and the 2010-2011 basketball season, the Cavs will probably still come out of it with the best winning pct.



3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him?


I think it is apparent that I don't agree with him because: A. like I said, it was a "heated" discussion, and B. You have seen my posts on here. I think it is natural..and good for a person to get involved with a sports team and to have an emotional attachment to their teams.

...but, I admit, there ARE times when I become overemotional to the point of it being "unhealthy". There literally are times when I have to go do something else rather than watch the Browns etc. because I can get so crazy angry with things at times that go on with these teams. I haven't watched a full Indians game this year because I am angry at the mess the Dolan's have made with this team that I refuse to watch. I have to go for a walk, or to a movie sometimes in the middle of a Browns game. That is how it is.



4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays?


F**K NO I don't agree with that. This ain't golf, tennins or bowling. You don't root for player, you root for your team.

Example that should bring this home to idiot LeBron: I have certain connections to St.V.St.M. My niece, nephew and a couple of good friends are alumni there. If LeBron James after his junior season in high school that "I am now going to take my talents and play for The Archbishop Hoban Knights and I hope all my fans will still follow me there", do you think for a f***ing minute that the students and alumni of St.V-M are going to say "its OK LeBron, we will still love you and be your fans while you play for Hoban"? G-damn Hell no (Hoban is the rival Catholic School in the City of Akron to St.V-M).

I mean, what kind of a dumbass would even think that such a thing is possible? The only reason I "rooted" for LeBron is because he was a Cleveland Cavalier. If he doesn't play for my team, he is the f**king enemy and he can rot in hell....or at least play very poorly and suffer many nagging injuries. On a team sport you don't play for yourself. You represent a City or region. When the NBA starts playing its game one on one, and eliminates teams....then I can think about rooting for an individual.



5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?


I have only ever gone one time: when Bernie Kosar first signed up for the Browns.


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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)

I'm a college kid, I don't have to know these things yet, right? :P


2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?

Browns.. I am more excited for this season than I have been since the browns rejoined the league.. Although I don't think the cavs will be as awful next year as everyone thinks..


3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him? He is entitled to his opinion, but Cleveland fans have a right to be mad.. We have had so much heartbreak but keep rooting for our teams anyway.. You can't be a true fan of a team if it doesn't bother you when you lose a game, series, championship, or a special player.. No offense to him, but he sounds like a bandwagon fan, or not a cleveland fan at all.. However, should we burn lebron's jersey for what he did? No, thats a bit excessive..


4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays? You can be a fan of a player in my opinion.. I like still root for Victor Martinez and Jim Thome even though they don't still play for the indians.. Does this mean I am a Red Sox and Twins fan? HELL NO!! I root for the Indians more than anything.. For example I hope Thome reaches 600+ homers yet I hope the twins don't win another game.. However its different with Lebron.. I will never root for him or Miami..


5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?

I live in Illinois so unfortunately no..



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Supplemental Question:


Now that LeBron is gone from here, Who is the biggest sports star in Cleveland?



The Quarterback of the NFL team in any city invariably is the default person to be the BMOC in any town.

But, not here, not now. Delhomme is too new to us, too unknown.

Grady Sizemore had a chance to be, but since the Indians have become irrelevant, and he is injured, now way.

That leaves one of the other Browns.

The best candidates are Cribbs and Joe Thomas. Thomas probably should be, given his talent. But he is a down to earth O Lineman. Star power isn't really attachable there.

Cribbs is probably it by default....and the excitability factor he brings to the game.

Unless Jerome Harrison racks up a couple of more 200 yard games on the ground!

Or Montario Hardaway is the reincarnation of Eric Dickerson.

Then it is Cribbs.

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Note to bringbackbrownie: the fellow in question is really not a sports fan at all. He likes to play golf, but he doesn't follow sports.

Someone else I talked to about this put his attitude about sports this way: Imagine if you were asked to get heavily emotionally involved with a romance novel, or something like "The Twilight Saga". That is something that you might not be able to relate to. He could care as much about LeBron staying or going as you could care about who ends up with Bella: Edward or Jacob.

In that respect it may illuminate the man's attitude.

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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)


Sue Myrick.........actually I think you meant STATE US rep.......you are forgiven



2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?





3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him?





4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays?


Sure if that floats your boat



5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?




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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)

2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?

3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him?

4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays?

5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?


1. Nope. But it's easy enough to look up if I feel compelled to send a message or decide how to vote. My opinion is that most of us (my self included) don't spend enough time communicating with the people who represent us.


2. Tough call. Since I've just finished teaching a science class to teachers, my inclination is to ask for an operational definition of "best." Gad. Based on the team I currently find most interesting, I'd say the Browns.


3. I know people like your colleague. Every one of them is passionate about SOMEthing whether it be hiking, astronomy, quilting, or something else. Is it unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be passionate about any of those things? I think he's absurd for judging how a person FEELS about anything.


4. In some instances, I think you can continue to admire and enjoy watching a player who leaves the team you root for without being fully invested as a fan. For some reason it seems easier with baseball players for me than with other sports (as long as they don't play for the Yankees, who are generally revolting). In the case of LeBron, there was a difference. Not only is he a great player, he was the home grown hero who not only left, but insulted the area where he grew up and acted like a self-absorbed boob in the process. I could not POSSIBLY care less what happens to him from now on.


5. Nope. I would have taken my kids to the Carolina Panthers training camp if they'd showed any interest (it's very close to where I live) but they didn't inherit the "sports fan" gene.





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Here is my survey for the week. Give your opinions or info on these subjects:


1. Without looking it up, can you name your own local State Representative? (not Congressman of Senator, State Rep.)


negative ghost rider


2. What is now the best team of the 3 Cleveland professional teams?


The Browns



3. I had a heated discussion with my colleague at lunch today. He thinks it is unnatural, absurd, and unhealthy for people to be angry over the LeBron situation; thats sports is really meaningless to a person's life, and that no one should ever get emotionally involved or upset at a situation that occurs surrounding sports. Do you agree with him?


your colleague is a weenie.......sports, for me, is a much needed diversion as I trod through the oozing muck of life



4. My colleague also suggested that he saw nothing wrong with continuing to be a fan of a player that leaves the team you root for to play for another team. Essentially, he asked "Why can't you just continue to be a fan of that player?" Do you agree with him that you can be a fan of a 'player' no matter where he goes or plays?


da hell no.......once a player leaves for greener pastures he becomes dead to me


5. Have you ever been to a Browns (or for non-Browns fans...your favorite team's) training camp? When?


no but it is on my list as is calomine lotion to help me out with poison ivy all over my junk


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