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Fan wears LeBron's Heat jersey at Indians game


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CLEVELAND - A fan wearing a Miami Heat jersey of LeBron James drew the ire of the crowd at a Cleveland Indians game and was escorted out of the ballpark.


Fans in the left-field bleachers chanted obscenities and pointed at the man Wednesday night during the sixth inning of the game between the Indians and New York Yankees. Hundreds of fans joined in before security led the man out of Progressive Field.


As he left, some fans followed him toward the gate with more derisive chants.





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Well, you know, I think as long as the guy wasn't making a royal asshole of himself he should be allowed to wear that jersey without being overly hassled. If he was throwing it up in people's faces and taunting people about it, then yea, he deserve's the derision, but I don't know if that is what he did.

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I guess it is one thing for this kid to be feckless. Its another thing for the man himself to be that way. See the story and video:




unreal, he's gonna be booed at every arena in the NBA.....its like he wants to be the villian, he cant be this stupid.

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By the way, something I thought of in the whole LeBron James deal. You know when he said he was going to "take his talents to South Beach" do you know what the center of South Beach is? i.e. what the top hotel/bar/club location on South Beach is? Give a look and be sure to watch the video:



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Had he done that at Cleveland Browns stadium, or walked through the Muni Lot where all the tailgaters are acting that way, I don't think security would have been able to save him. He would have gotten his brains kicked in! I don't necessarily condone fighting the dude, because of the jersey, but I would take issue with the childish taunts! At any rate it's obvious that he was trying to get a rise out of the Cleveland fans, and he got his 15 minutes of fame. I wonder if someone put him up to it for money??? As crazy as it sounds, he would have been safer wearing a Ben Roethlisberger jersey there.

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did you say feckless?



Uh, yea. It essentially means worthless, irresponsible. Is it OK if I use the full range of my vocabulary?

Perhaps you would have liked me to call him feculent, meaning that he would be foul or impure (same root as fecal)


Contrast however to fecund which means intellectually productive, prolific, or inventive. It can also mean to be fruitful in offspring.


Perhaps you would like to attempt fecundity (produce offspring with) the feckless feculant's (worthless shithead's) girlfriend?

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Well, you know, I think as long as the guy wasn't making a royal asshole of himself he should be allowed to wear that jersey without being overly hassled. If he was throwing it up in people's faces and taunting people about it, then yea, he deserve's the derision, but I don't know if that is what he did.


Maybe. But, he only did it for one reason, well maybe two. He wanted to piss people off and start a confrontation. Bad things happen when you try to piss off 20,000 people

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Uh, yea. It essentially means worthless, irresponsible. Is it OK if I use the full range of my vocabulary?

Perhaps you would have liked me to call him feculent, meaning that he would be foul or impure (same root as fecal)


Contrast however to fecund which means intellectually productive, prolific, or inventive. It can also mean to be fruitful in offspring.


Perhaps you would like to attempt fecundity (produce offspring with) the feckless feculant's (worthless shithead's) girlfriend?



no need to keep any quick access handy dictionary.com link with The Gip onboard./ There is a palpable intensity increse as training camp opens.


The Gipper seems to be chompin at the bit in his efforts to evaluate and handicapp the returning vets, The FA's and the always nervous rookies..


It's time to focus on pure Browns football......starting with the QB's and Dabbol and his efforts in drafting a passing game with a lot of work required in assesing the strenghts and weaknesses of his mainly


unproven receiver corp.......I see an emphasis placed early in developing a running game that should be featured early in the season against the Bucs and Chiefs......two games that can be won...


The Browns secondary is improved......Their skills will further be showcased if we are able to come up with consistent prressure on the oppossing qb's

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no need to keep any quick access handy dictionary.com link with The Gip onboard./ There is a palpable intensity increse as training camp opens.


The Gipper seems to be chompin at the bit in his efforts to evaluate and handicapp the returning vets, The FA's and the always nervous rookies..


It's time to focus on pure Browns football......starting with the QB's and Dabbol and his efforts in drafting a passing game with a lot of work required in assesing the strenghts and weaknesses of his mainly


unproven receiver corp.......I see an emphasis placed early in developing a running game that should be featured early in the season against the Bucs and Chiefs......two games that can be won...


The Browns secondary is improved......Their skills will further be showcased if we are able to come up with consistent prressure on the oppossing qb's



Wait a minute. This thread is all about dickheads, and you want to get all football serious on us now?

OK Slowburn. I see where you are coming from. Keep your focus. Be the ball, slowburn. Be the ball.

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This makes me love being a Cleveland fan even more! Just seeing all the crap this guy in a Lebron jersey got, just wait until the real Lebron shows his face in Ohio again. Cleveland fans get your beer bottles ready!



Get your beer bottles ready? I agree that it was ill advised to wear that jersey in Cleveland this soon BUT the fans acted like a bunch of wounded Retards. It's one thing to sling a comment here or there but to have what seemed like a entire portion of the stadium heckling and even attacking this dude and his gf is super classy. I understand the city is hurt and rightfully so HOWEVER I never want to hear about Pittsburgh being a "classless city" when fans from outside the area come in to town. I honestly don't think you'd ever see something like this and Cleveland to this day is still one of the few to litter their own damn field with beer bottles.


I sure as hell wouldn't be "proud to be a cleveland fan" after watching those videos.

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Get your beer bottles ready? I agree that it was ill advised to wear that jersey in Cleveland this soon BUT the fans acted like a bunch of wounded Retards. It's one thing to sling a comment here or there but to have what seemed like a entire portion of the stadium heckling and even attacking this dude and his gf is super classy. I understand the city is hurt and rightfully so HOWEVER I never want to hear about Pittsburgh being a "classless city" when fans from outside the area come in to town. I honestly don't think you'd ever see something like this and Cleveland to this day is still one of the few to litter their own damn field with beer bottles.


I sure as hell wouldn't be "proud to be a cleveland fan" after watching those videos.


He shouldn't have been there, deal with it. He wanted attention and was being a dick, he deserved to get kicked out.

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He shouldn't have been there, deal with it. He wanted attention and was being a dick, he deserved to get kicked out.


Of course he wanted attention. Wearing that there was not bright, but he wanted to incite and he did. However, this episode also makes Cleveland fans look bad.



I think the classy thing to do would have been to strip that jersey off, stomp it into the ground and let the taunters tear it to shreds. Now, that would have been worthwhile.


In fact I recommend that to someone who goes to the next Indians game. We should take up a collection to pay for the jersey.


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I am all for an opposing fan wearing there team colors to a game but remember this was a baseball game between Cleveland and New York and he wore a Miami basketball jersey. The only reason he wore that jersey was to taunt. He got what he deserved.

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I am all for an opposing fan wearing there team colors to a game but remember this was a baseball game between Cleveland and New York and he wore a Miami basketball jersey. The only reason he wore that jersey was to taunt. He got what he deserved.


I agree, and I posted this in another thread. That wasn't fandom or freedom of expression- it was flat-out taunting. The a-hole WANTED to create a scene, and it's exactly what he deserved.


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