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Brett Favre Retires


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So how many times does that make it? :rolleyes:


Yeah i know i have a feeling he may be setting everyone up with his norm but its on espn and espn 2 thats all they've been talking about for like an hour they just had jerry rice come on and talk about him

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Somewhere Brad Childress is saying, "So that's what it's like to be in prison."


I mean, I understand the idea of not being able to make up one's mind whether or not to hang them up, but letting your...um...teammates?--is that what the Vikings have been for the last six months? I'm not sure; it's kind of like the homely girl who sent you a date request on E-Harmony calling herself your girlfriend until you tell her otherwise--go through their preparations expecting you to be there and then retiring has a certain level of douchiness to it. Not full on Ben Roethlisberger/Kobe Bryant "Sorry, I thought you guys wanted it" douchiness, but douchiness nonetheless.


To be charitable, he probably gave it something of the old college try and then decided that he just couldn't do it. To be uncharitable, he's also been such a primadonna over the years that not even his coaches were allowed to ask him more than once a week how he was doing/ what he was thinking without him getting all claustrophobic and quitting sooner. Which, of course, would have been a lot better for the Vikings.



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it's kind of like the homely girl who sent you a date request on E-Harmony calling herself your girlfriend until you tell her otherwise

OK, now wait ... in this scenario that ugly girl is the Vikings and Bret Favre is ... you?



--Big D got E-stalked on E-Harmony ... just another great reason to attend the tailgates and get the whole story.

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if he actually sticks to his word, i'd be PO'd if i was a viking because they missed out on the chance to get mcnabb, he would of been a perfect fit for them. with favre they are a 12-13 win team, with jackson they are probably still a 8-9 win team. I had them going to the superbowl, its a shame he had to wait til now

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OK, now wait ... in this scenario that ugly girl is the Vikings and Bret Favre is ... you?



--Big D got E-stalked on E-Harmony ... just another great reason to attend the tailgates and get the whole story.


No..."you" in the general sense of the word...I would have said "Like when one finds out that the woman who sent a date request has been calling herself one's girlfriend," but the last thing I would ever want is for people to think that I'm some kind of pretentious know-it-all. That's just not done.


Yes, the Vikings are the homely girl (presuming that they have a boyfriend), and Favre is "you"...actually, that doesn't work unless "you" told the homely girl "Hey baby, anything's possible, maybe I'll pick you up on Friday." If you did that, then "you're" a tool. Come to think of it, that's exactly what Favre did. He's a tool. Forget what I said earlier.



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It seems to me that if you ignore the other retirements and just look at this one, that he wanted to play and that he just isn't healing from the surgery. This is something that the Vikings knew might happen. They knew he might need the surgery, and they knew that his full recovery from a surgery was questionable. I can't blame the guy for this one!


With having said that I still think that if he heals by opening day or even after we may see him back with the Vikings this year.


And it is the Vikings own fault that they didn't go after somebody else in the draft or in free agency. If I was running that team I wouldn't have been betting on a healthy Favre or Jackson as a backup. They could have gotten Anderson or Wallace, or any number of other QB's as insurance.


Most teams try to have two good qb's on their roster, Why didn't the Vikings make sure that they would?

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Honestly im just glad its over even though for like the next week thats all were gonna hear about,i was just getting used to hearing about training camp and other things besides this,As far as im concerned he did kinda hang the viking players out there to dry a little but if he cant go because his body cant take it then you gotta face facts and call it quits

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If you ask me he's retired until after training camp or a few weeks in to the season. I don't know why he just doesn't excuse himself from camp but I won't believe this retirement until well in to the season. It's a whole bunch of unnecessary drama and Favre is someone I used to respect a great deal. He's still a great talent but the way he's handled things in the past is unnerving. His ass isn't officially retired.

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What are the odds that he ends up on some other team within 2 months? By then some team will be in need of a QB and his ankle should be healed.


I would say the chances of him ending up on another team within 2 months are precisely *zero*. I say this not to be argumentative at all, but because our team has been subjected to this once....or twice....or three times, and I think there's a larger drama sitch if he simply *hints* or even *says* he's retiring without actually submitting his retirement papers. :wacko:


Then the whole story of the NFC north is about Favre submitting his retirement papers. OH MY! Will he? Won't he? Is his ankle really hurt? Is he working out? Did a high school kid mow his lawn and throw a few balls around? Does that mean something? (Okay, I admit, as a Packer fan I would love this. I can't stand the pre-season hype we're getting right now, and a good Favre drama would pull the media off us!)


So then, after the ViQueen's hideous QB's (1,2,& 3.......take your choice) go 1-2 or 0-3, the bye happens in the lovely Twin Cities. Hmmmmmmmmmm. After the bye, game 5, Monday Night Football.......against who? The Jets. I mean, he could un-retire, declare his ankle shakey but healed.....and SAVE THE WORLD!


Of course, if he really retires.....I totally take this post back and admit I can be a homer. :lol:


As much as I can't stand them, the Queen's fans have my sincere sympathy in this situation. Sort of. :)

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Yeah nevermind hes coming back i guess there saying on sportscenter hes still unsure as to what hes going to do,i cant stand this guy for saying im retiring or not hes defentily coming back he just wanted to leak something to make everyone think he was going to retire that way he could come back again and get all the attention

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Yeah nevermind hes coming back i guess there saying on sportscenter hes still unsure as to what hes going to do,i cant stand this guy for saying im retiring or not hes defentily coming back he just wanted to leak something to make everyone think he was going to retire that way he could come back again and get all the attention

He is a drama queen of lindsey lohan proportions. Seriously what is this yahoo gonna do when the curtain does fall. If he craves this much attention now animd has to feel needed what will he do. I use to like brett farva but now I understand why mary chose ted over him

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I'll believe he's retired when I see Deanna personally poke his cold, hard body with a long, sharp stick.


That could happen sooner than expected


By Steven Hyden August 4, 2010



As the world waits for official confirmation on whether Brett Favre has indeed retired from the Minnesota Vikings, Deadspin has brought a topless bearded lady covered in hot sauce to this media circus: The site is reporting that the very married Favre made romantic overtures to a former New York Jets employee in 2008. And by “romantic overtures,” we mean “sent her disgusting photos of his penis.”


The Deadspin post outlines how the site wrangled this information out of Jenn Sterger, a model and writer who currently works for The Daily Line. According to Sterger, Favre’s advances began with a series of phone calls and his patented small-town Southern-boy charm. We’ll let Deadspin take it from here:


Sterger claimed she spurned Favre's advances because he was married, but also because she was working for the Jets at the time she didn't think it was the best idea to start a torrid affair with the team's highest profile player (the Jets have not responded to a question about any knowledge of the Favre/Sterger saga at this time). Plus, if she went forward with how aggressive he was and how skeeved out she was to some of her superiors, she suspected she might lose her job. The interactions were flirty and strange but she didn't think there wasn't anything that made her too uncomfortable. But then, one night, Sterger received a picture on her phone which was so shocking that she just tossed it across the room. It was his dick. Brett Favre's dick. And it happened multiple times. In fact, Sterger claims that, in one of the photos Favre allegedly sent her, he's masturbating—while wearing a pair of Crocs.


Suddenly, “gunslinger” has a whole new meaning. Have fun with that mental picture for the rest of your life!

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