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Flu Plan Scandal ahead - An urgent Warning

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Article from Mercola.com


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the swine flu pandemic officially over on August 9th. The swine flu, which we were warned would kill millions, if not tens of millions of people, turned out to be a complete "dud" as far as pandemics go, but health agencies and governments around the world still managed to create massive fear of this hybrid flu virus.


And, of course, vaccine makers made millions off their novel H1N1 vaccines.


For those in the southern hemisphere, like Australia, the flu season has already begun, and the health hazards of this year's seasonal trivalent vaccine have already become evident.


For the rest of you, the flu season is nearing, and another round of advertisements for flu vaccines are about to hit the media.


Summary of a Failed Pandemic

Last year the United States contracted for the manufacture of over 170 million doses of swine flu vaccine. Probably the most significant accomplishment of this website was that we were able to contribute to the fact that only 90 million doses were used in the United States.


Armed with the facts, less than one-third of the US population fell for the fear mongering.


It quickly became very clear that this was in fact a very mild disease that was not going to kill people in large numbers. Yet the projected number of casualties in the US alone was declared to be between 60,000 to 90,000! And the campaign to hype up the fear and force the untested, unproven pandemic vaccine on the masses through any means reached previously unheard of proportions.


Within a week of Australia reporting that the virus appeared to be 40 times less lethal than originally feared, the WHO instructed countries to simply stop lab confirming suspected H1N1 cases, which meant that any and all flu-like symptoms were reported as pandemic influenza, padding the statistics.


STILL, despite this misrepresentation of the facts, last year's flu season turned out to be one of the mildest in recent years!


Since 2003, the official government statistic on flu deaths has been an average of 36,000 deaths per year (although as previously reported, this number is also far from the truth as it includes pneumonia deaths, which account for most of these deaths), but last year the CDC reported only 12,000 flu deaths – a mere one-third of the average!


These cases were also not serologically confirmed to be influenza, but included pneumonia and other flu-like illness, which means the actual number of people who died as a direct result of the flu – let alone H1N1 -- was even lower than that.


See, whenever you see flu mortality statistics, you need to beware that the number includes secondary respiratory complications such as pneumonia, which may or may not have been preceded by a bout of flu. This is sort of a catchall category that has been conveniently ascribed to influenza when, oftentimes, that's just the precipitating trigger.


Now, typically, one of the common mechanisms of death as you get older is respiratory infections. The influenza doesn't actually kill the person, the secondary pneumonia does, and it does so because their immune system is too compromised, whether due to age or underlying poor health.


Either way, the fact that last season's flu mortality statistic was a mere one-third of the average should serve as a valuable eye-opener to anyone who may still be panicking at the mere thought of the H1N1 swine flu.


Key WHO Pandemic Advisors had Financial Ties to Vaccine Makers

This was perhaps suspected, but when the World Health Organization finally released a list of its pandemic advisors, it finally confirmed that at least five of the key players who influenced the phase six pandemic declaration indeed had financial ties to vaccine makers.


As we now know, our tax dollars were completely wasted on these nonessential pandemic vaccines, and it appears as though financial conflicts of interest between WHO pandemic advisors and the industry may have had a great deal to do with it.


Is it really wise to take advice from people who have a financial stake in the outcome of the decision to declare a worldwide pandemic?


I think recent history tells us the answer is clearly NO!


On June 24th, the European Parliamentary Assembly criticized the lack of transparency and "grave shortcomings" in the decision-making processes relating to the pandemic, stating:


"The Parliamentary Assembly is alarmed about the way in which the H1N1 influenza pandemic has been handled, not only by the World Health Organization (WHO) but also by the competent health authorities at the level of the European Union and at national level.


It is particularly troubled by some of the consequences of decisions taken and advice given leading to distortion of priorities of public health services across Europe, waste of large sums of public money and also unjustified scares and fears about health risks faced by the European public at large.


The Assembly notes that grave shortcomings have been identified regarding the transparency of decision-making processes relating to the pandemic which have generated concerns about the possible influence of the pharmaceutical industry on some of the major decisions relating to the pandemic."


They also remarked that:


"In Recommendation 1908 (2010) on lobbying in a democratic society (European Code of conduct on lobbying), the Assembly noted that unregulated or secret lobbying may be a danger and can undermine democratic principles and good governance."


I believe the swine flu pandemic of 2009 was a perfect example of just how devastating such 'secret lobbying' can be.


Flu Vaccine Does Not Prevent Death in Elderly, CDC Director Admits

Clearly, what the pharmaceutical industry would love for you to believe is that the flu vaccine is going to somehow magically protect you from dying from the flu, when in fact the evidence couldn't be more clear -- It doesn't work at all in the elderly! And the data is flimsy at best when it comes to children and adults.


In fact, in April, Michael Osterholm, director of the national Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), publicly admitted that flu shots don't work in the elderly.


We also know the flu vaccine is fraught with side effects and health complications, so many people are literally receiving zero benefit and all risk when getting this vaccine!


There is a massive attempt to defraud and deceive people to generate profits from flu vaccines. Fortunately, we are able to penetrate this veil of misinformation, as we did so effectively last year. And this year, we want to start early by warning people about the new plan...


WARING: This Year's Flu Plan

The news for this year is that the flu vaccine you'll get this fall will be a combination vaccine that contains both the regular flu- and the swine flu vaccines – you will not be given the choice to take them individually.


Barbara Loe Fisher explains:


"In February of 2009, the CDC announced that every single American from the age of 6 months through the year of death should get an annual flu shot -- every single one of us, whether we're healthy or we're sick.


In March of 2009, this mysterious H1N1 bird-pig-human hybrid influenza virus was discovered.


So here we are… Everyone is supposed to get a flu shot every year. We're going into the flu season of 2010-2011…. [but] they have decided that in the annual influenza shot for this year, there will be three type A or type B viruses, and one will be H1N1."


This is the same type of vaccine that Australia recently suspended for use in children under the age of five because it caused a surprisingly high number of reports of children suffering high fevers, vomiting and febrile convulsions.


But children aren't the only group that seem to react more violently to the trivalent vaccine that contains the H1N1 component.


A special government committee has been created to investigate last year's H1N1 monovalent vaccine for signs that it may be associated with a higher rate of certain kinds of reactions. What the committee found out provisionally is that there were three signs of trouble with the H1N1 swine flu vaccine used last year.


Fisher explains:


"One was Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), which we know has been associated with influenza vaccine since 1976 when the first swine flu vaccine was used. There is [also] a sign of a blood disorder called thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is when your blood cannot produce enough platelets. It's an autoimmune type reaction.


The other is Bell's palsy. That's a facial paralysis. It's a neuroimmune reaction.


The government is saying they don't know if these are true signals or not, but there were some red flags that were raised."


So now we're moving into the 2010-2011 flu season with a vaccine that may be very reactive.


"I am concerned," Fisher says, "We have over 300 million people [in the US] which… are supposed to get this influenza vaccine. And we have a very aggressive push by the media and others who are following the lead of the government, so we could have a bad situation."


Flu Vaccine Doesn't Work for Seniors, So Their Dose is Quadrupled!

For seniors, the news may be even more dire.


When H1N1 first hit last year, the CDC explained that seniors weren't included in the first round of shots because studies indicated the risk of infection in this age group was less than for younger groups.


But now that H1N1 is part of the seasonal shot, the CDC and WHO have some hefty plans for the same seniors who, last year, they said were less likely to get H1N1.


In the ACIP Provisional Recommendations for the Use of Influenza Vaccines, dated February 24, it states:


"A higher dose formulation of an inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine (Fluzone High-Dose, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, licensed by FDA on December 23, 2009) for use in people age 65 years and older will be available in the 2010-11 influenza season.


"Fluzone High-Dose contains four times the amount of influenza antigen compared to other inactivated seasonal influenza vaccines. …


Studies are underway to assess the relative effectiveness of Fluzone High-Dose compared to standard dose inactivated influenza vaccine, but results from those studies will not be available before the 2010-11 influenza season." [Emphasis mine.]


Yes, you read that right: if you're age 65 or older, the CDC wants you to take a flu vaccine this fall that not only contains an antigen they previously said you probably already have antibodies to (H1N1), but that is also four times as potent, with no safety evaluation whatsoever until AFTER the season is underway!


Again, the CDC is asking you to be a part of a large public health experiment.


This is why we're warning you early, because for the most part, none of this is really known. It's not been announced. It certainly has not received widespread publicity.


Another mind-bending irony is that unused or expired flu vaccines that contain the mercury preservative thimerosal can by law not be disposed of in regular garbage because it's considered hazardous waste.


Yet it's deemed to be safe to inject into your body – in the case of the flu vaccine, once a year, each and every year of your life!


Is the Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women? Nobody Knows!

We now have the policy in place that every single American is supposed to get a flu shot this coming year, from six months of age through the year of death. That means every clinic; every doctor who has that flu vaccine is going to be pushing hard for it. Even in pregnant women.


"I am very concerned about the issue of pregnant women getting influenza shots, particularly this one," Fisher says. "We don't have enough scientific studies that have looked at the effects of giving influenza vaccine, particularly this H1N1 vaccine, to pregnant women.


Last summer the NIH announced that they were doing studies in children, adults and in pregnant women with the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. About 120 pregnant women were supposed to be enrolled in a study in early September… We have yet to see any announcement of what the results of those studies were."


I agree. It's shocking to think that pregnant women are advised to take a vaccine that has no scientific backing for its safety for either the mother or the unborn child.


Cradle to Grave Approach to Flu Vaccine – Is it Wise?


Fisher says:


"I think that we really need to take a hard look at this cradle to grave approach for influenza vaccine. We have to certainly demand that the proper scientific studies be done.


For those people who want to use influenza vaccine, they deserve no less. But we certainly shouldn't be in the business of mandating the use of influenza vaccine in this country. It seems like every single time the CDC recommends a vaccine for universal use by children, and now by adults, there is this issue of whether or not it should be required.


I am very concerned about that because we should all have the right to make free choices about the kind of healthcare we want, and the kind of products that we want to use, and that should go for vaccines as well."


Remember that products like vaccines that contain additives like mercury and aluminum can cause brain damage, or even death. If you happen to have certain genetics or biological high risk factors that put you at greater risk than others for suffering vaccine induced harm, you're out of luck…


There's also the issue of contamination, such as the rotavirus vaccine that was recently found to contain potentially dangerous pig viral DNA.


In truth, we have no understanding of what the acute implications are, let alone the long-term ramifications to the second and third generations.


Fortunately, we fought back and the H1N1 vaccine was not made mandatory last year. That was a major victory for the freedom to choose. So now, I encourage you to spread the word, to get educated, and to let your friends and relatives know about the flu plan for this year because they are not going to hear this from the conventional media.


In order to make an informed choice, you need to have the facts of what you're up against; including all the risks and the benefits.


Your involvement can play a huge role in preserving you and your family's freedom and protecting innocent children from undue harm. Let's make sure that we are never in a position where we are forced to get an influenza vaccine that has not been proven safe, effective, or necessary.


One More Time – Vitamin D to the Rescue

I've written about the benefits of vitamin D to ward off the flu in the past, and I'm pleased to announce that more and more studies about how Vitamin D can prevent infections, disease, and flu are coming out.


For example, if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you'll be pleased to know that an article published May 1 in the American Academy of Pediatrics News recommends pregnant women take 4,000 IUs of Vitamin D daily to fight infection and disease, to maintain good health, and to deliver healthier, stronger babies.


But even this seemingly large amount may be seriously inadequate in many women. Some may need more than 10,000 units per day and the only way to know for sure is to have your vitamin D level tested.


Then, take a look at this Japanese study from last year, which showed that a group of children taking Vitamin D3 was 58 percent less likely to catch influenza A. That's a higher effectiveness than any flu vaccine can claim, and doesn't come with a barrage of potentially devastating side effects!


Since we already know that most children and teenagers are Vitamin D-deficient, I urge you to get your children's vitamin D levels tested, and if found deficient, follow my recommendations for optimizing their levels. Do this, and they'll be far less likely to catch any cold or flu this year.


For more information, I highly recommend you watch my one-hour free vitamin D lecture along with my video on vitamin D's role in flu prevention.



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I'm never one to buy into this hype. The flu kills people. That's what it does. No matter what we do, it's gonna continue to kill people. If you're elderly or really young, it wouldn't hurt to get a flu shot. If you're healthy and an adult, save it for people who need it more.


The virus is constantly mutating, and no matter what we do, it will always be one step ahead. You can immunize yourself against one or more strains, but you're still just as susceptible to hundreds if not thousands of other strains that aren't in the vaccine.


Before this it was SARS, and before that it was bird flu. I'm just going to trust that we've evolved mostly better than the viruses, and that we'll be okay. Obviously, the young and elderly are pretty screwed, but I don't think that we'd have to worry about an influenza epidemic wrecking the world's economy.


I'd be more concerned about fungal and bacterial infections. They're nasty and we don't have an answer to the ones that are resistant to antibiotics. Our antibiotics are running low, and they're becoming obsolete.

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It basically works by taking a flu virus and modifying it so that it is really weak and easily defeated by your immune system. Once your immune system knows how to fight something, the next time it enters your body, your immune system will respond more quickly and more effectively. So, you may or may not get sick when you do get a flu shot, but I would say that most often, you don't get sick when getting it.


Speedy, what about MMR and hep vaccines? I thought everyone needed those (or is it just college students).

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And, those WHO officials?


Have investments and close ties to those that do have those investments....


in the vaccines companies.


It's fraud, and run amok greed, and corruption.

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It basically works by taking a flu virus and modifying it so that it is really weak and easily defeated by your immune system. Once your immune system knows how to fight something, the next time it enters your body, your immune system will respond more quickly and more effectively. So, you may or may not get sick when you do get a flu shot, but I would say that most often, you don't get sick when getting it.


Speedy, what about MMR and hep vaccines? I thought everyone needed those (or is it just college students).



I had my MMR done about 13 years ago when I was in 7th grade. They called us down to the school's cafeteria and gave everyone the shot. This was before I didn't know any better lol.


I dont ever remember getting a flu shot and I honestly (Knock on wood) can't even remember the last time I had so much as a head cold. Everytime my girlfriend gets the flu shot she get's sick but it's nothing bad and it usually passes in a few days time but ill take my chances without it.



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I'm never one to buy into this hype. The flu kills people. That's what it does. No matter what we do, it's gonna continue to kill people. If you're elderly or really young, it wouldn't hurt to get a flu shot. If you're healthy and an adult, save it for people who need it more.


The virus is constantly mutating, and no matter what we do, it will always be one step ahead. You can immunize yourself against one or more strains, but you're still just as susceptible to hundreds if not thousands of other strains that aren't in the vaccine.


Before this it was SARS, and before that it was bird flu. I'm just going to trust that we've evolved mostly better than the viruses, and that we'll be okay. Obviously, the young and elderly are pretty screwed, but I don't think that we'd have to worry about an influenza epidemic wrecking the world's economy.


I'd be more concerned about fungal and bacterial infections. They're nasty and we don't have an answer to the ones that are resistant to antibiotics. Our antibiotics are running low, and they're becoming obsolete.




I agree. If you are over 59 or under 13 it might be a different story, but if you are in relative good health, it is a manageable risk.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay, so I'm taking a disease ecology course right now, and I may have to go back on some of the things I've said. But I want to tell you guys about some of the things I've learned so far.


Right after World War I, there was an avian strain of the virus, H1N1, that killed 30 million people. The people that it targeted, however, were not only the elderly and children; this virus killed a ton of people in the 15-45 age range. This is why there was such a heavy response to the swine variant of the flu last year. Fortunately for us, the virus didn't transfer very well from human to human, nor was it as deadly as its 1918 counterpart. So, the problem that arises is that we are skeptical of a flu killing off humanity, but there is evidence that a similar strain nearly did, do you or do you not get vaccinated? We have no way to tell whether the virus is going to kill millions or not as the situation emerges. Therefore, since it would be a really bad thing for half of a country's workforce to fall ill, and possibly die, the government will typically assume the worst-case scenario and churn those vaccines out asap.


As for refusing to get immunized to anything, this is really friggin ignorant. Take a look at the whooping cough in California. This year, 9 babies have died as a result of whooping cough. They didn't get immunized because of some unfounded fears that the vaccine causes autism.




Another reason to get immunized is that the layer of protection provided by vaccines is through minimizing the amount of susceptible individuals, it's a technique called herd immunity. For some diseases, there is a minimum population threshold for an outbreak to occur. Measles, for example, has a critical community size of approximately 500,000. This means that if the population of susceptibles was above this number, the people in this community provide a working breeding ground for the disease to spread. When critical community size was discovered, they hit the major cities with vaccines, and watched as the cases dropped after getting the number of susceptibles below that 500k mark.


This means that if you are not getting an MMR shot out of fear that the government is out to get you, you are really cheating everyone else. The lack of outbreaks of Measles relies on a good portion of the population being immunized. If enough people don't get this vaccination, and live in the same area, it is possible for measles to spread again.


Also. xxxx me. I had 2 exams and 2 lab reports due this week already. Today I have a quiz and another exam, then band practice at 9. Tomorrow, I have quantum physics homework due. I haven't gotten laid in two weeks. I'm beginning to forget what sex feels like.

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I didn't use to totally distrust the government...


but this one,


and this Obama Mafia's love for the corrupt UN....


and UN advisors... who have financial ties to the vaccine companies....


We need a new pres, vp, speaker of the house, new justice dept,


need to eliminate the "Dept of Education" for starters...


But Vapor is right, a simple important flu shot given to many, helps many.


But I still don't know about some of these sensationalized flu epidemics that never happened.


Sure, Whooping Cough and Polio, etc. And flu can be dangerous.


It's just that the UN is completely corrupt, and so is this administration and justice dept....

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