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An Open Letter to Mike Holmgren


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Dear Mike,


As a life-long Browns fan welcome aboard!! It's early but it looks like at the very least


you have set this team in the right direction.


The purpose of my letter is to give you a little advice on one "teensy tiny" thing as a


departed Browns' coach used to say. That is; CALL LAWRENCE VICKERS INTO THE




watching the Browns over many years I don't ever recall seeing a fullback block like


Vickers! As evidenced by the first two pre-season games he is not just making blocks, he is


flat out destroying people. He puts LBs on their backs. I would go on to say that he may be


a better blocker than some of the second and third team OL.


Thanks Mike and good luck!!!!

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The guy has turned into a beast of a blocker...as an actual fullback he isnt as good at running the ball as hillis appears to be...oh wait a minute maybe thats because vickers doesnt have vickers throwing the key block...


I am lovin what i see in our running game...just to think back vickers was another one of many of RACs talented bench rotters that was not developed or used correctly...mangini and crew are doing a better job than some think..

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Yeah i saw him blowing people up last night as well i believe we need to lock him up ecspically if we wanna continue to be a run first team you need an elite blocker to lead the way,he deserves to be paid and great blockers are the key to a great run game as well as our O-line

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Vickers has been my favorite player for over year. He is All Pro material at his position.


Roth is my favorite guy on defense.


I think those two breakout big time in the public perception department if we start winning some games this year.




I would like to think so, but they are blue collar WORKERS...except for some sacks for Roth, they're not the flashy types that the casual fan will notice & that is sad. Sort of why the Browns' Clay Matthews will most likely NOT make the HOF. Players like them are what Teams need to win Championships.



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You know I like you Mike, but I think the reason Clay falls just a bit short is because was was just a bit short.


I don't think Clay was much better than Jim Houston, but you don't hear much clamor for Houston to be in the HOF.



I'd like it if he does, but LB is a star studded position....there are always going to be plenty of players more current to the generation from which to select.



It would be interesting to know the last LB selected buy the old timers committee, which is where Clay's hopes rest.




The fact his brother Bruce is in helps his cause, I would assume Bruce likes Clay. It keeps a HOF voice in his favor.

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Vickers is awesome! Hillis looks really good too! I agree that alot of times we get good talent and they aren't developed right and then they end up sucking! Lets crack down and start building a future for our running game!

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