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Post game quotes from the Cleveland Browns


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Postgame quotes from Browns players after Saturday night's game against the Rams.




WR Josh Cribbs


(On the goals of the team entering the game and what the game meant)- “It’ll take some time. That’s why we have preseason to get ready for the regular season. We want to win these games and look good in front of the fans and have a good showing. We got a lot of good work in today and we have a lot of mistakes we have to correct. Even though it was a rainy game, it could be like this during the season. So we have to learn how to hold on to the ball in these rainy situations.”


(On the mishaps being a case of a slick ball )- “Yeah. I didn’t even wear gloves the whole day. Guys had to change up their style of play. Coach had to change his style of calling the game plan. You have to take precautions in this type of weather, but we’re going to have to play in it, so we have to learn.”


(On the spark Peyton Hillis brought)- “Oh yeah, definitely. He’s known for running over guys. Peyton is a tough back to bring down. We had great blocking up front. That’s one thing that (Coach) Mangini emphasizes with running the ball. Run the football effectively, it’s showing things we’re trying to work on during these preseason games. Last week was something else, this week was running the ball.”


RB Peyton Hillis


(On the turnovers)- “We had a lot of turnovers. We were pretty much inconsistent with that. If we hold on to the ball, a lot of things can be different than that.”


(On the weather conditions)- “You know weather definitely plays a factor when you’re playing the game. But, you’ve got to overcome that. Everybody’s going to play in tough weather games, you know rain, sleet. But you’ve got to hold onto the football. That’s just part of football.”


(On being able to spark the team)- “Yeah, you know I try to go out there and do the best I can. A lot of these guys helped out, great blocking by the offensive line and (FB Lawrence) Vickers. And we got some things going, but we still have a long way to go.”


TE Ben Watson


(On what he was able to get accomplished)- “Very tough game. The weather was horrible. But I think as a team, we obviously didn’t play as we wanted to. Coming off of a good week last week, we wanted to kind of keep that going and I feel like we still have some work to do. We’re going to come back and practice and try to correct our mistakes.”


(On what he says to the team as a leader following a tough week)- “Just take this on a day-by-day approach. I think whenever things go well, you don’t get too high. Whenever things don’t go well, you don’t get too low. It’s all about just pressing forward and paying attention to those details like we talked about. But understanding that sometimes stuff isn’t going to go the way you want it to and being able to come back, erase the slate, and work better for next time.”


(On his touchdown catch)- “I don’t know what to say. I came out of my break and the ball was in the air. I just tried to make an adjustment on it and tried to pull it in. I wasn’t sure myself if I was in until Coach (Mangini) decided to challenge it. I didn’t have a good view of it. (QB) Jake (Delhomme) put it out there right when I was coming out of my break and gave me a chance to make a play.”


QB Jake Delhomme


(On game conditions)- “It is what it is. It’s probably good that we had weather like this. Without a doubt it was disappointing how we started, but both teams had to play in it. We were sleep-walking in the beginning, but we made a couple plays in the second quarter to get back into the game.”


(On the touchdown pass to TE Ben Watson)- “He made a fantastic catch. To say that’s where I wanted to throw the ball, I would be lying to you. As I looked over the coverage before the play, I thought he was going to be open, but the catch was fantastic.”


(On the missed pass to WR Brian Robiskie in the end zone)- “It was close. That is obviously one I want back. He ran a good route, got under the ball, but I felt I left it up there a little too much.”


(On pre-game warm ups with wet footballs)- “Everything was fine then. The two plays we had issues on were the exact same play, so we got away from that play. You don’t want to sound this way, but I am glad they happened, so know we can work on that a ton. I think we settled down after those first few plays.”

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(On pre-game warm ups with wet footballs)- “Everything was fine then. The two plays we had issues on were the exact same play, so we got away from that play. You don’t want to sound this way, but I am glad they happened, so know we can work on that a ton. I think we settled down after those first few plays.”


i'm glad this popped up in the preseason, to. better to work on it now and be prepared if they have to play in a downpour somewhere down the road.

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hey guys, remember the lame excuses players used to make when butch and romeo were here? man, it's like night and day comparing the present browns roster to those in the past. no excuses, just solutions to the problems they need to fix!

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hey guys, remember the lame excuses players used to make when butch and romeo were here? man, it's like night and day comparing the present browns roster to those in the past. no excuses, just solutions to the problems they need to fix!


No excuses from the coaches or players equals good classy accountable football, i believe we would have won that game if it counted but our depth is so poor beyond the first unit that its sad but mangini imho is using the pre-season properly in looking at everyone there, wins and losses mean nothing getting your playbook, timing and roster in order and determining who stays and who goes means everything......



Im very impressed with our QBs, TEs ,RBs ,FBs and of course the left side of the line, the WRs still need to show up and give us something besides being constantly shadowed even in man coverage..



Im impressed with both rookies ward and haden and brown was a good trade, wright seems to have finally come to life and our LB corp is much improved..

Defensive line is getting old and is mediocre without rogers...elam and also bmac and adams when they are on the field are glaring weaknesses and painfully inconsistent...both our defensive line and secondary lack quality depth..


Ladies and jerks i believe we are on our way to having a genuine legitimate professional football organization! ;)

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I watched the replay on NFL network last night. I am very excited about this team. The hitting and intensity on defense is amazing. EVERYBODY is hitting. We are hitting on offense too. The Oline looked great. Delhome and Wallace were both great in terrilbe weather. I loved watching Vickers plow the road for Hillis. Truly smash mouth football.


We are a whole new team this year! Love Mangini's decision to hammer it out on 4th down.

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What I like best are the honest responses with NO excuses. As Jake said, both teams had to play in it.


When you signed Jake Delhomme, you instantly became a football team that took responsibility for it's mistakes. There are a thousand guys out there who can throw a pass, but very few have the leadership qualities you'll find in him.

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