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Colt McCoy


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is garbage...


Just kidding. Thought I'd make a little fun of the Carlton Mitchell post that started like this.



Anyways, I haven't seen a McCoy post in a while and wanted to get some perspective from you guys. His latest outing was pretty bad. I haven't seen really anything positive yet about McCoy. I know he's a 3rd round rook, but we're not going to see much more of him until next preseason. Thus far I'd say I'm underwhelmed by him.

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With the cast of third? string players he played with last game, he had no oline protection.


But before, in the earlier game, he gave me the impression that he's having a lot of work to do to


drop old habits and adjust to a very new offensive system in the pros.


I look for him to show us what he can do next preseason.


with the new faces starting, it will take a few more games the Browns to really start rolling.


And what we've seen already, from the starters, is impressive.


I absolutely LOVE the intensity and excitement. Any time now, I bet we start hearing


Brown, Wright and Haden start BARKING. Can't WAIT.

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The kid has a lot of work to do but those that judge colt as a bad qb based on his live work with our horrendous 2/3rd team dont get it...to me he looks like what he is...a rook thats learning to do new pro based things at a speed he never could have imagined...its way to early to tell if he can adjust or not...


Same for mitchell its an all new ball game lets give these guys a chance to learn on the job and adjust before judging them worthless...


Ratliff is a guy i find as not even at an nfl caliber...he is a poor teams DA at his very best and should be cut in the next round...we should have kept bartel last year instead, ratty is unfortunately mangini's failed pet project and i love to see coach projects but you have to know when your project isnt going to materialize and start another..

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Maybe we can stash one of them on the IR, we do need atleast 3 qb's on the roster, and I would like to see us keep guys who are familiar with the system. How is McCoys hand anyways after hitting it on the helmet a week ago?


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I watched the footage of his work in the first preseason game.. a lot of people have been criticizing his arm strength, but it's his feet that need work. Not his scrambling ability, but where he positions himself when he drops back. Also, he needs to step into his throws correctly to get his hips to help throw the ball.


Watch Drew Brees' footwork sometime, he always gets in exactly the position he needs to both see through an o-line gap to make a throw, AND have enough space to deliver the ball with zip.


Colt's problems are correctable, but it'll take some time for him to adjust to the speed of the game; he had WAY less time in the pocket to make his decision than he's used to. His mechanics are good and being able to extend plays with his feet is a nice bonus, but only after he establishes himself as a dangerous passer.

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I agree about his footwork and not having time. In the first preseason game, the pocket was collapsing and he still threw the ball without stepping into it. The result was one of his INTs.


I agree we still need to give him time. He seems to be a smart kid and I think with some more OJT he'll be able to improve.

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I agree about his footwork and not having time. In the first preseason game, the pocket was collapsing and he still threw the ball without stepping into it. The result was one of his INTs.


I agree we still need to give him time. He seems to be a smart kid and I think with some more OJT he'll be able to improve.


I think he'll need to start getting reps before he gets any good. I don't get why people would expect a guy to get table scraps for reps, and go out and wreck shop with the third string in preseason games. Not here, but all over the internet people are claiming they've seen his entire career unfold over the course of like 8 snaps.

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I think he'll need to start getting reps before he gets any good. I don't get why people would expect a guy to get table scraps for reps, and go out and wreck shop with the third string in preseason games. Not here, but all over the internet people are claiming they've seen his entire career unfold over the course of like 8 snaps.



Agreed. McCoy was getting zero time to set up in the Rams game. It's plain silly to expect him to look like Drew Brees after a couple of series. Same mentality as the negative Nellies who are already pronouncing Bradford a bust.

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Yep. As already mentioned, Colt isn't blessed with the O-line, backs, or receivers that Jake & Seneca are in these preseason games. Add the expected rookie factors/growing pains & what we have is a player that needs to be appraised by NFL Coaches who can see a hell of a lot more than I can. I'll just wait & see what the Coaching & FO experts say.

Personally, I think the kid will be fine. He has the intangibles that you like to see & he has been a winner at every previous level.


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The game is waaaaaay too fast for Colt right now. He's not going through his progressions fast enough and by the time he gets to the second or third option he's either on his back or he is tucking it under and running.


Ratliff has shown the ability to be more decisive with these same third-stringers so I am not going to use that excuse for Colt. He's just not playing/making decisions at the speed with which to succeed in the NFL.


Every rookie goes through it, but Colt is certainly struggling mightily. I, for one, won't be disappointed if he fails to be the guy. I wish him well and I like the kid because he's an outstanding human being. But a third round QB is what he is.

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I don't know if Colt will make it or not. He was in a top program, so he didn't fall because he was a unknown.



I do agree with Hoorta....unlike other positions, QB's need a certain degree of competency around them in order to show what they have got, and need some reps with the better teams v the scrub teams. A DT prospect can dominate against scrub players...that is how he moves up.



A QB on the other hand needs some time to make reads and deliver the ball.



Colt's progress this year is hampered by the fact both of the players ahead of him are new to the team and are going to get all the reps they can get and he isn't going to sniff playing with a solid line in front of him.



I'd say the odds of him making it aren't very good. BUT....I won't say that for sure until next years camp when Jake and Seneca are solid in their positions and Colt is afforded some PT with some better players around him.



For now, the new QB's that give us half a chance to win some games are taking all the PT with the first and second string....and I agree with that.



A rook QB with the Colts or Saints is going to get some quality reps with the 1st and 2nd team to see how he performs. It's not like Peyton has anything to prove or needs extended pre-season reps. He's at the point he tells the coach how much work he needs and when it is cool to sit him.



That isn't the case with the Browns of this year.




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I like a lot of the film I've seen on him.


There's something to be said for having a talented youngster sit around behind a seasoned vet for 2-3 seasons. If he's a motivated and competitive young man, he'll take the opportunity to learn the play book inside and out. I'm sure Jake and Seneca will be far more helpful to him than another ol' gunslinger (whose name has slipped my memory) was to Rodgers. :lol:

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We were talking today at work & I mentioned that the kid has no time to work. I would like to see him have a little time with the starting offensive unit at some point. That's the only way to really get a true read of his progress.


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I don't know if Colt will make it or not. He was in a top program, so he didn't fall because he was a unknown.



I do agree with Hoorta....unlike other positions, QB's need a certain degree of competency around them in order to show what they have got, and need some reps with the better teams v the scrub teams. A DT prospect can dominate against scrub players...that is how he moves up.



A QB on the other hand needs some time to make reads and deliver the ball.



Colt's progress this year is hampered by the fact both of the players ahead of him are new to the team and are going to get all the reps they can get and he isn't going to sniff playing with a solid line in front of him.



I'd say the odds of him making it aren't very good. BUT....I won't say that for sure until next years camp when Jake and Seneca are solid in their positions and Colt is afforded some PT with some better players around him.



For now, the new QB's that give us half a chance to win some games are taking all the PT with the first and second string....and I agree with that.



A rook QB with the Colts or Saints is going to get some quality reps with the 1st and 2nd team to see how he performs. It's not like Peyton has anything to prove or needs extended pre-season reps. He's at the point he tells the coach how much work he needs and when it is cool to sit him.



That isn't the case with the Browns of this year.


Having watched this kid for four years in college, I can honestly say that no one.. not even Tebow.. will try harder to succeed. That of course may not be enough, but the effort will be there.


I think he takes two to three seasons to work his way up and then makes a name for himself as a hard nosed gamer with an accurate arm and a knack for beating teams in the film room. That's because I'm a fan, and fans always see the bright side of things. He could easily wash out, but this kid won't go without a fight.


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