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Survey Monday August 23

The Gipper

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?



2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)



3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?



4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?



5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?

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I like this one.


1) major league


2) there all pretty much gay, I guess cops by default


3) they had a statue of saddam, why not randy


4) hell yeah, but they have to be over the age of 18 sorry steeler fans....


5) wow I'm on my cell phone and that one actually requires thought. I believe in the butterfly effect so who knows. Everything could have changed

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?

Major League or Waterboy


2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)

None. Seriously.


3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?

Was this their plans? I think this is a good idea. He was a key part in bringing the Browns back. We still wear AL on our jerseys. We should do this if possible.


4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?

YES! Anyone with a penis will say the same thing.


5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existence. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?

Lots of catalysts. This wouldn't be the USA that's for sure. I believe their would be a few dozen countries split up in the area that we call the USA.

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


Here are my own views:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?


Hard to pick, but ultimately overall I think it has to come down to Caddyshack.

But subspecies by sport though how about: Hockey: Slapshot

Baseball: Major League or Bull Durham

Basketball: none that I can think of really

Football: The original "Longest Yard"

Bowling: The Big Lebowski



2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)


I am still a Survivor guy as #1

I also like Top Chef

Though there was a new one called Work of Art in which they brought artists together. One of the artists one this drop dead gorgeous, built like a brick shithouse chick who always seemed to ending up doing nudes of herself. A veritable treat.



3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?


Like I said in another thread, I would prefer they do statues of "The Cleveland Browns" Paul Brown/Jim Brown/Joe Louis.

But, Randy owns the team and he wants to have a statue of his Dad up there who only owned the team for 2-3 years all I can say is: Fine. Release the pigeons.



4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?


Believe it or not, I am a bit conflicted. If this happens you gotta take the good with the bad. You might get the ones like I described above, but, you may also get the ones who are 70 years old with banana and rutabaga boobs.



5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?


OK, on this lets start just with some basics: Alfred the Great actually invented the term "Anglo-Saxon" and though he didn't invent the term, he is the one who created the land known as England and he gave us the name of the language "English". (Don't know if you all knew that..it is why he is the only "English King" called "The Great")

So, if he had been buried in the swamps we might all now be speaking Danish instead of occasionally having one for breakfast.

Thus perhaps we have no Chaucer, no Shakespeare, no Beatles, etc. Paul Revere might have cried "The Danish are coming, the Danish are coming". England wouldn't swing like a pendulum do. We all might be named Canute or Bjorn or somesuch. The line "something rotten in Denmark" would never probably made it way into our lexicon.

So, yea, amazing. Its like, what would have happened if George Washington had been captured or killed....only the repercussions oddly may have been even greater.

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Ok if you break down into sports then


Basebal- major league, for love of the game, field of dreams


Football- longest yard, waterboy, the program


Basketball- hoosiers


Golf- caddyshack and happy gilmore


Figure skating- blades of glory


Nascar- talladega nights


Here are the worst movies for the ones above


Baseball- the rookie


Football- any given Sunday


Basketball - blue chips


Golf- caddy shack 2


Figure skating- cutting edge


Nascar- days of thunder or driven

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?

2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)

3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?

4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?

5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?


1. Major League

2. It's a toss-up between Top Chef and Project Runway

3. Better than one of Art Modell.

4. Not if we want traffic to keep running smoothly.

5. Ya, well, doncha know, the women would all be strong, the men good looking, the children above average and the Vikings would be America's team. :) Funny question.


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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?





2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)





3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?


negative ghostrider



4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?





5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?

the irsh would have not sufferd so much at the hands of the english empire

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?


League of Their Own

2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)


Don''t watch any . Used to watch "Survivor"


3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?


Sure....Why not . He brought us back after helping numb nuts take it away .

4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?


Only the ones with ample bosoms


5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?


Can't say for sure , but maybe someone that can cook . :D




Gee......this is fun . :unsure:

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1. Golf - Caddyshack and Sandlot I and II


2. SURVIVOR, and Survivorman


3. Rather one of Paul Brown.


4. YES. I believe it's very, very unfair to women. It's freakin UNCONSTITUTIONAL, it's discrimination.


5. Generally, who knows. Maybe a lot, maybe little.

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?

Major League

2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)

Pawn Stars


3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?

I would prefer a great player, ie Jim Brown or Otto Graham


4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?

Yeah, but they should loose their right to criticize men's reactions!


5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?

English soccer clubs would have different names




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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?

Jerry Maguire

2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)

Deadliest Catch

3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?

not in favor, I think you should win something before your immortalized

4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?

The young wild side of me says hell yea. The son, brother, father side of me says hell no

5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?

What Gipper said


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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?






2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)


The news



3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?


No real problem here, though I don't credit him all that much



4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?


I say make it mandatory....hell...toss the bottoms as well



5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?


The Brits brought order to the world. Just look to non Brit Africa for the alternative


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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?

Major league



2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)


Fear Factor..(no longer running)



3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?

Why not? But to do so before we win a superbowl would be tasteless..



4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?




5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

If it wasnt alfred the great it would have been someone else perhaps even the irish/scottish celts that would have eventually rose up and won their freedom and their lands back from the norsemen just like the irish united and expelled the vikings after 700 years of domination only to have the normans and then the saxons invade..never a break for the emerald isle..there is no doubt that minus alfred things would be considerably different though regardless of the outcome of who won or didnt overcome the danes...

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Cal, great call in sandlot. That was a classic... "you play ball like a girl"



I honestly didn't think of The Sandlot. GREAT movie. I also liked League of Their Own (where they really did play like girls) but didn't think of it as a comedy. Hmm.

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4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?


I don't think it is a consTITutional issue. Those BOOBS in Washington would screw it up anyway. Each individual state should keep aBREAST of the situation with their own privacy laws. We don't even have topless beaches here in NIPPLES Naples.


In the words of Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike in "Deathproof": "Now THAT was fun(ny) !

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4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?

Yeah, but they should loose their right to criticize men's reactions!


Excellent point. Like at certain beaches, you can look, but not stare.


Which is apparently maybe more than a tenth of a second?


Ms KsHutchins is right - we'd have to avoid traffic jams...

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Here is your survey for today: Give your opinions:


1. What is your favorite sports themed comedy movie?




2. What is your favorite "Reality" show? (Live sports not included)




3. What are your thoughts on a statue to Al Lerner being erected outside Browns stadium?




4. Sunday was National Go Topless Day. Should women have the constitutional right to go bare chested in public the same way men can?




5. Bizarre alternate reality question:

Setup: In the late 800s the Danes and the Norse occupied much of what is today England. In the year 878 then, Alfred, King of Wessex (later Alfred The Great of England) had his "kingdom" reduced through Danish invasions to a few square miles of swamp in Somerset County (SW England) where he was hiding from the Danes who were out after him before he was able to rally his people and later retake nearly all of England in the years to come. Had the Danes captured and killed Alfred the country we know today as England would probably never have come into existance. Instead, it would have become Daneland or Norseland or something.

Question: How do you think history would have been changed had the Danes captured/killed Alfred in those swamps and had England never come to pass?




The Danes and the Norse or Vikings as they are also known (this event took place within the 1st 100 years of the Viking age) had a tendency to blend in and eventually adopt much of the culture they had just overwhelmed. I doubt this would have happened so early in the age of Viking expansion. This brings me back to William the Conqueror. With the Norman conquest of 1066 (Normans : Scandinavians who converted to Christianity and controlled Normandy in Northern France) they became the ruling aristocracy for England and set the tone for what the British Empire would become.


Like someone said before the British Empire brought order to much of the world.


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The Danes and the Norse or Vikings as they are also known (this event took place within the 1st 100 years of the Viking age) had a tendency to blend in and eventually adopt much of the culture they had just overwhelmed. I doubt this would have happened so early in the age of Viking expansion. This brings me back to William the Conqueror. With the Norman conquest of 1066 (Normans : Scandinavians who converted to Christianity and controlled Normandy in Northern France) they became the ruling aristocracy for England and set the tone for what the British Empire would become.


Like someone said before the British Empire brought order to much of the world.


Perhaps you are aware that a large contingent of the conquering Norman army were made up of people from Brittany...which in fact got its name from the Britons that were displaced by the Saxons who had taken over the isle several hundred years earlier and emigrated to what is today northern France. In essence, some think that the Norman conquest was in part merely a retaking of the "homeland" by it original inhabitants.

In fact, there is some theory in history that William the Conqueror was perhaps a descendant of the legendary King Arthur, during whose realm the invading Saxons were successfully fought off, but after his death his descendants were forced to abandon Briton for Brittany.

So, Arthur, the once and future King, indeed may have had his future come to fruition.....and have that fruit blossom to this very day, as Queen Elizabeth is in fact a direct descendant of William the Conqueror.

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The Danes and the Norse or Vikings as they are also known (this event took place within the 1st 100 years of the Viking age) had a tendency to blend in and eventually adopt much of the culture they had just overwhelmed. I doubt this would have happened so early in the age of Viking expansion. This brings me back to William the Conqueror. With the Norman conquest of 1066 (Normans : Scandinavians who converted to Christianity and controlled Normandy in Northern France) they became the ruling aristocracy for England and set the tone for what the British Empire would become.


Like someone said before the British Empire brought order to much of the world.


Perhaps you are aware that a large contingent of the conquering Norman army were made up of people from Brittany...which in fact got its name from the Britons that were displaced by the Saxons who had taken over the isle several hundred years earlier and emigrated to what is today northern France. In essence, some think that the Norman conquest was in part merely a retaking of the "homeland" by it original inhabitants.

In fact, there is some theory in history that William the Conqueror was perhaps a descendant of the legendary King Arthur, during whose realm the invading Saxons were successfully fought off, but after his death his descendants were forced to abandon Briton for Brittany.

So, Arthur, the once and future King, indeed may have had his future come to fruition.....and have that fruit blossom to this very day, as Queen Elizabeth is in fact a direct descendant of William the Conqueror.


Yes, I'm aware of that. I didn't spend all that time at YSU for nothing.


There are theories that Arthur was Roman too. So maybe the question for this week should be were would the world e without The Roman Empire?

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Yes, I'm aware of that. I didn't spend all that time at YSU for nothing.


There are theories that Arthur was Roman too. So maybe the question for this week should be were would the world e without The Roman Empire?


Well, considering this is August, and it is named after Augustus Caesar..who even more than July Julius Caesar was responsible for the creation of the Roman Empire...I guess we would at minimum have different names for our months.

Maybe we would be operating under the Metric Time system that the French Revolutionaries attempted to implement.

(10 months in a year...of 36 or 37 days in a month....10 hours in a day, 100 minutes to an hour, 100 seconds to a minute)

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Well, considering this is August, and it is named after Augustus Caesar..who even more than July Julius Caesar was responsible for the creation of the Roman Empire...I guess we would at minimum have different names for our months.

Maybe we would be operating under the Metric Time system that the French Revolutionaries attempted to implement.

(10 months in a year...of 36 or 37 days in a month....10 hours in a day, 100 minutes to an hour, 100 seconds to a minute)


Lets just give it up for that wolf that raised Romulus and Remus...

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Lets just give it up for that wolf that raised Romulus and Remus...



If it weren't for the Romans our days of the week would probably be named after Norse Gods....err, wait a minute....they ARE. At least half of them are. Tuesday for Tyr, Wednesday for Wodan, Thursday for Thor, and Friday for Frigg. Odd how that prevailed. In the Middle Ages certain pious monks wanted to change the Days to like Maryday, Josephday, Peterday etc. It never caught on.

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