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Jerome Harrison Is Trying To Turn The Page On Turnovers


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DETROIT -- Jerome Harrison promised Saturday that he'll get his fumbling issue fixed -- and soon.


"It's definitely not a part of my game," the Browns' starting running back said. "I definitely don't want it. I just have to be more conscious of it and get back to [protecting the ball]. But I'm not worried about it. It's something I've never been big on doing and I'll definitely get it fixed before [the opener] comes around."


Harrison put the ball on the ground twice in the driving rain last week against St. Louis and then fumbled Sunday in Detroit with 3:40 left in the first half. Chris Houston recovered and scored on a 14-yard return to pull Detroit to within 17-14.


Browns coach Eric Mangini talked to Harrison about the fumble at halftime. The Browns' three errors in the game all led to TDs.


"It's got to get better," said Mangini. "When you have the ball in your hands, you have the whole team in your hands and there's no statistic that determines the outcome of games more than turnovers.


"When you trust someone with that responsibility, they have to protect the football. I know that he can protect the ball effectively. I have faith in Jerome. I don't expect it to be a continuing trend."


Harrison said Mangini knows how much he hates making mistakes. Last season, he fumbled only twice in 194 carries.


"He knows me as a player, and when I make a mistake, it's something the whole week I'll be conscious of," Harrison said. "I'm constantly, constantly working on it. I'm going to go watch film with my running back coach and see what I'm doing wrong."


It appeared that safety Randy Phillips knocked the ball out with his knee, but Harrison wasn't sure.


"It was a good shot," he said. "I don't know how it came out yet; I thought I had it tucked away."


Harrison gained 34 yards on 11 carries. It was consistent with his preseason totals: 23 carries for 72 yards for a 3.1 average. He hasn't yet produced like the Harrison who ran for 561 yards over the final three games of last season.


"My run reads have been better," he said. "I have to break some more tackles and get back to hitting the home-run ball. The offensive line is giving me holes to pick and choose from, and all of the backs are going to hit them when it's time to."


He praised the offensive line's performance against the Lions.


"They handled their front four very, very well," he said. "They picked up the pressure and won their battles."


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jerome accomplished what he did last season while having historically low passing attempts from his qbs and 8-9 men in the box regularly. he had some great blockers, but jerome still deserves alot of credit because of his speed, shiftiness and field vision.


after reading a number of posts in various threads, i guess some people want to throw jerome under the bus now and try to downplay what he achieved last season because of some uncharacteristic fumbles in this years preseason. he fumbled once in the browns vs rams game. the other "fumble" in that game wasn't even a real fumble because he was down by contact (according to the refs and the replay). in the game vs the lions, he didn't fumble the ball, the ball was punched out by the defenders knee. that's more of a freak incident than a jerome fumble.


i'm glad jerome is going to sit down with his rb coach and watch game film so he can see what it is that he can do to further improve his grip on the football (he doesn't have a history of fumbling the ball alot). that's all you can ask for and it will only help to improve his game.

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I guess I'm one who "threw Jerome under the bus". I don't wish him ill, I just am not convinced he is our feature back. If he wins a battle for that, God Bless him, & I'll support him 100%. Actually, I think we're deeper at RB with quality backs than we have been in MANY years & that's a good thing.


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Maybe now teams have a better look at Harrison since he's our official starter. I still have faith in him and think he can turn it around. But i am excited to see what Hardesty has to offer. Hopefully Hardesty isn't made of glass like he's appearing to be.

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Lol....tear up a couple shitty teams and he's accomplished something great? Remember....jamals single game record came against us.....and we sucked ad well.


As was said...I wish him no ill will....but he's nothing special.

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Lol....tear up a couple shitty teams and he's accomplished something great? Remember....jamals single game record came against us.....and we sucked ad well.


As was said...I wish him no ill will....but he's nothing special.


OK, well, but, fool, there have been thousands and thousands of game played in the history of the NFL against "shitty" teams yet only twice in history did someone gain more yards that JH did in that game. Yes, the Browns were a shitty team that day that Lewis went off against them, and the Chiefs were shitty the day JH went off against them, but these were by no means the worst teams in the history of the NFL. In a game just a week or two earlier that same KC defense held the Steelers to like 41 yards rushing. The 0-16 Lions never gave up a record like that. The 0-14 1976 Tampa Bay Bucs never gave up a record like that. So don't just attribute it to a "shitty" team. You have to give a lot of credit to the runners, and the O-lines of those teams in those games.

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OK, well, but, fool, there have been thousands and thousands of game played in the history of the NFL against "shitty" teams yet only twice in history did someone gain more yards that JH did in that game. Yes, the Browns were a shitty team that day that Lewis went off against them, and the Chiefs were shitty the day JH went off against them, but these were by no means the worst teams in the history of the NFL. In a game just a week or two earlier that same KC defense held the Steelers to like 41 yards rushing. The 0-16 Lions never gave up a record like that. The 0-14 1976 Tampa Bay Bucs never gave up a record like that. So don't just attribute it to a "shitty" team. You have to give a lot of credit to the runners, and the O-lines of those teams in those games.


well said. the glass is definitely half full and not half empty.

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Once you have developed the reputation as a fumbler everyone tries that much harder to strip the ball usually resulting in that player truly becoming a fumbler, the only way jerome can shake this career killing determination now is to give up speed and flexibility to keep both hands on the ball...


I hope he can disprove it by evading many strip attempting arm tackles or his career could be in jeopardy...i have always thought he runs dangerously with the ball and unfortunately now he will be targeted..

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