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Clarett a Nighthawk


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I thought the bet was clearly -IN THE NFL- ....


not playing elsewhere.


Zombo never got paid, deal was off.


Too bad, Rich. Cluckett, hopefully gets himself straightened out, and if he does,


good for him.


But it's been YEARS, fer cryin out loud.

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LOL, Rich will use this to extend the bet, saying Clarett's career is not over and he has a chance to get back to the NFL.


Watch for the Nighthawks to sign William Green who will beat out Clarett...





I guess if Ricky Williams can come back from being Up in Smoke (those of you old enough will catch the Cheech and Chong reference), perhaps Clarett can come back?

If so, then you can put it on a chapter of the Twilight Zone.

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