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This should make everyone MAD as Hell

Mr. T

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If you are not mad at this then you need to lay off the anti depressants and get out of your state of zombie hood, When Obama ask the UN to go after Arizona over the new immigration law he is placing the country in control of the world leaders to tell us how we have to live and what we are allowed to do.


Will this nation stay sovereign, if we allow the UN to treat us as a state or municipality?



Obama isn't being smart on Arizona


The latest CBS poll found that 59 percent of Americans view Arizona's SB1070, the immigration bill that allows Arizona to prosecute immigration violations, as "just right," while another 14 percent think the bill doesn't go far enough. So why does President Obama continue to hammer Arizona's law? And why did the State Department include a reference to the Arizona law in a report for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights on America's human rights record?


Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...L#ixzz0yBiVXhvI


Why the UN? Is that big of a coward he cannot uphold our laws because his puppet master is pulling his chords?

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What does he aim to accomplish except pissing off more people ?


Maybe he wants the UN to get influenced so he can get another Nobel peace prize or similar ?



Nobel peace prize winners = Renowned Socialists. That isn't a good thing to receive.

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Well, it's obvious that Obamao and the rest of his ilk WANT the illegals to become citizens




Meanwhile, Obamao and his justice dept are giving waivers to certain states so they don't have to


mail absentee ballots to our service men and women overseas......


they DON'T want the service folks to vote.


We're in big, big trouble. Unless we can stop it from occuring this Nov.


I hope it isn't too late.

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Why the UN? Is that big of a coward he cannot uphold our laws because his puppet master is pulling his chords?


Remember, the UN is part of the new world envisioned by those who want a one-world nation. Why have national boundaries, they ask. How about coupling this with other 'one world' actions like proposed emissions controls like cap and trade - another way to control the world economy.


Remember, I've said I have a fear that Obama is the Anti-Christ.


"Merging" the world would be the first step followed by one man - Obama - leading the world.


Then all the pain and suffering before The Rapture.


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Remember, the UN is part of the new world envisioned by those who want a one-world nation. Why have national boundaries, they ask. How about coupling this with other 'one world' actions like proposed emissions controls like cap and trade - another way to control the world economy.


Remember, I've said I have a fear that Obama is the Anti-Christ.


"Merging" the world would be the first step followed by one man - Obama - leading the world.


Then all the pain and suffering before The Rapture.



I have heard the same statements several times this week about fears of Obama being the Anti-Christ. And they came from several people who dont like to polish the brass on a sinking ship, So to speak.


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It's far less scary to just say "I believe we are in for big, big trouble". :mad:


That way, I can go to bed earlier and sleep.



Your not allowed to go to sleep yet, I need you to come in and help me finish this book before the dang hurricanes get here.

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It's far less scary to just say "I believe we are in for big, big trouble". :mad:


That way, I can go to bed earlier and sleep.


Hopefully, you're asleep now Cal.


Obama is currently talking with Israel and the Palestinians about a 'Two State' solution.


IF this were somehow to be successful - and it is a big if - it would be a huge sign for "The Demise". Especially if Israel was to build a third temple.


If and when that happens, well now I have to try and get back to sleep.


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Hopefully, you're asleep now Cal.


Obama is currently talking with Israel and the Palestinians about a 'Two State' solution.


IF this were somehow to be successful - and it is a big if - it would be a huge sign for "The Demise". Especially if Israel was to build a third temple.


If and when that happens, well now I have to try and get back to sleep.



I find it amazing at what a horrible job Obama is actually doing though. His popularity has plummeted even among dems. He is almost half way through his term and hasn't accomplished anything. If he is the "anti-christ" he is not very powerful. He is more like a weak Jimmy Carter. :rolleyes:

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Your not allowed to go to sleep yet, I need you to come in and help me finish this book before the dang hurricanes get here. T


fine lot of help I would be, T... I haven't finished my own book yet, and we're not


anywhere near a hurricane.


The plot thickens... it was a dark and stormy night at T's print shop.... @@

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Well, now that it's daytime, I have a lot to do....


and we're all tired from John scaring the bejeebers out of us....


Everybody have a great day, and go to the Brownsboard, and read


my Rapunzel story about Troy Pollyakapupu. GGG

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