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least favorite?


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Abram elam as far as the current team goes, but unfortunately he appears to be the 2nd best safety we currently have and i certainly dont dislike the man however there is far more talented players at SS and FS as its a vital position that abe doesnt seem to possess many of the aggressive attributes needed to be successful at it...


He will likely be cut or released after his 1 year tender unless he somehow miraculously gains attributes he doesnt possess...




I dont really dislike any of them but chris collinsworth is probably the most annoying to me....


none not even the stooler fags..i miss lums.hehehehe

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I would like to know who everyones least favorite browns player.


I would say abe elam for sucking...


Who is ur least favorite nfl announcer? I am going dan dierdorf..


Who is ur least favorite member of the browns board- mine is any one that isn't a fan of the browns


My least favorite guys are the ones who are going to get cut..... surprise- Lawson got the axe.....


My least favorite announcers of all time are thankfully dead..... Nert Bowdy (Curt Gowdy) it's not sudden death folks- it's sudden victory- and 1\2 the time he couldn't even get the teams he was announcing right. Myron "the Dope" Cope besides trying to get every Steeler who played in the '70s into the HOF, he sounded annoying like Arnold Stang-............

................ Go to 1:45- you be the judge.... ............ Living? I'll have to vote Brent Mush-head (Mussberger). I'd take a senile Keith Jackson over him. Retire soon so Herbstreit can take over.


Now really guys- it would be pretty boring if we didn't have opposing viewpoints- the really obnoxios flamebaiters get shown the door fast.

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Dave Lapham is the worst/most annoying announcer in the game


Damn, living in SW Ohio, how could I forget to give the "Ultimate Homer" at least an Honorable Mention in that poll? Ain't so much an announcer as a freaking cheerleader. FUMBLE!!! FUMBLE!!! HOW BOUT AN INTERCEPTION RIGHT NOW???? Must be a survival thing- block out the negative. :)

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I never liked trumpy as an announcer.


As for player, James Jackson got me pretty irritated. The guy would fall over if he even thought he was going to be tackled.



Sorry Butch, he didn't make me forget Leroy Kelly.

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Dwayne Rudd....could fuk up a two car funeral



For those of us who do not recall.......in a game against KC in 02 he took his helmet off after a seemingly game ending play. Fuzzznutz was flagged for unsportsmanlike and the chiefs went on to win a game the Browns had in the bag and should have won......the horror


Then again i am sure most of the fans on this board have not forgot this collosal cluster

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I must agree with Peen on the announcer as Trumpy always gets to do Browns games and i always dislike his stances in regards to our team. The dude is an idiot and has been one for as long as i can recall. (I even recall as a teenager my old man saying the very same thing) --i'm 36--


The Brown i dislike i our current team would have to be St. Clair and that is from the swinging gate we all saw last season from him. Past players are Jeff Garcia for the same reason Zombo stated...it just didn't feel right and also Trent Dilfer.


Most folks on the board are pretty cool. I could do without SOME (not all) of the Steeler fools who troll around here...but hey...it comes with being a Browns fan!

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I would like to know who everyones least favorite browns player? shaun smith. he was an ex-bungle who came to the browns with a big mouth and nothing else. the only qb he ever hit wore the same uni that he did.



Who is ur least favorite nfl announcer? the kc chiefs play by play announcer. every time i hear a soundbite for kc, it's always the same annoying line from the same annoying voice. "TOUCH-DOWN KAN-SAAAAAS CITTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!



Who is ur least favorite member of the browns board?

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I could never hate anyone on the Browns.. but I don't really care for Barton much....


I HATE joe buck


Don't know anyone on the board that well to hate/dislike anyone...


P.S. This is the best board for Browns info by far!


Joe Buck is such a Douche! I couldn't agree more. Although he isn't as bad as when he first started calling games. And unlike others I think Collinsworth is great as an announcer.


And how can you dislike any player on the browns? I will go back a few years though and say that I really hated Braylon Edwards!!!

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I absolutely hated Charlie Frye. That hick carried himself as though he couldn't believe somebody drafted him and that he knew some day, he would be outed as the undersized, talentless, southern Ohio hick that he is. And he only threw to KII probably because Kellen was the first b;ack guy he ever met. God i hate Charlie Frye.


I HATE JOE BUCK! One of these days he's going to lay a big fat wet one on Troy Aikmen or get busted in Vegas with a few male prostetutes. The guy is a momo who took to sports as a cover up for his feminine ways. He hides behind a wife and a "passion" for sports but the guy is a fraud.


And I don't dislike anyone on this board. I really think it's the most diverse and reasonable collection of Browns fans on the net. I get mad at some things that are said but I move on and don't hold a grudge.

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Joe Buck is such a Douche! I couldn't agree more. Although he isn't as bad as when he first started calling games. And unlike others I think Collinsworth is great as an announcer.


And how can you dislike any player on the browns? I will go back a few years though and say that I really hated Braylon Edwards!!!



I agree about Collinsworth. He notices little things in the game like Madden used to before he went nearly senile. Chris is the best we got right now.

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I would like to know who everyones least favorite browns player.


For me, it would differ from game to game, play to play. Whoever screws up. But when they do something right, they are back in my good graces


I would say abe elam for sucking...


Who is ur least favorite nfl announcer? I am going dan dierdorf..


No name in particular, but I don't like it when the jockocracy is at play where they bring in an ex-athlete who can barely speak the English language.


Who is ur least favorite member of the browns board- mine is any one that isn't a fan of the browns


For me, it would differ from day to day, post to post. Guys that I have major disagreements with may in fact be some of my favorite posters....though don't on to them that that is the case.


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My least favorite guys are the ones who are going to get cut..... surprise- Lawson got the axe.....


My least favorite announcers of all time are thankfully dead..... Nert Bowdy (Curt Gowdy) it's not sudden death folks- it's sudden victory- and 1\2 the time he couldn't even get the teams he was announcing right. Myron "the Dope" Cope besides trying to get every Steeler who played in the '70s into the HOF, he sounded annoying like Arnold Stang-............

................ Go to 1:45- you be the judge.... ............ Living? I'll have to vote Brent Mush-head (Mussberger). I'd take a senile Keith Jackson over him. Retire soon so Herbstreit can take over.


Now really guys- it would be pretty boring if we didn't have opposing viewpoints- the really obnoxios flamebaiters get shown the door fast.



Actually I like that guy Arnold Stang. What's also funny about that show is that they gave the girl that suggested he appear on the show all of TEN DOLLARS to be on that game show....and the panel had to give him $20.00 each....seemingly out of their own pockets!

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I absolutely hated Charlie Frye. That hick carried himself as though he couldn't believe somebody drafted him and that he knew some day, he would be outed as the undersized, talentless, southern Ohio hick that he is. And he only threw to KII probably because Kellen was the first b;ack guy he ever met. God i hate Charlie Frye.


Charlie wasn't from Southern Ohio. He was from Willard which is in the northern part of the state, about 50 miles west of Akron.


I HATE JOE BUCK! One of these days he's going to lay a big fat wet one on Troy Aikmen or get busted in Vegas with a few male prostetutes. The guy is a momo who took to sports as a cover up for his feminine ways. He hides behind a wife and a "passion" for sports but the guy is a fraud.


And I don't dislike anyone on this board. I really think it's the most diverse and reasonable collection of Browns fans on the net. I get mad at some things that are said but I move on and don't hold a grudge.


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I would like to know who everyones least favorite browns player? shaun smith. he was an ex-bungle who came to the browns with a big mouth and nothing else. the only qb he ever hit wore the same uni that he did.



Who is ur least favorite nfl announcer? the kc chiefs play by play announcer. every time i hear a soundbite for kc, it's always the same annoying line from the same annoying voice. "TOUCH-DOWN KAN-SAAAAAS CITTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!



Who is ur least favorite member of the browns board?




lol I just watched a few nfl.com clips of the chiefs scoring. I hate that guy after 2 minutes


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I would like to know who everyones least favorite browns player.


I would say abe elam for sucking...


Who is ur least favorite nfl announcer? I am going dan dierdorf..


Who is ur least favorite member of the browns board- mine is any one that isn't a fan of the browns


He asked for least favorite guys, he didn't say dislike, hate or anything else. All browns players are our favorites, he's just looking for the least. If you have favorites, you have least favorites, of all your favorites who is the last one you named ;)


My least favorite current brown is TE Joel Gamble. Don't know him, don't recall seeing him play and he is 27 with no career stats.


My least favorite announcer is Randy Cross, what a tool. There is another one I recall that I couldn't stand, was it Solomon Wilcots maybe? Since i'm not sure, Randy Cross it is.


My least favorite Browns board member is WRREBEL...hey, you asked. I don't consider other teams fans as members, more like guests so they are exempt (for me). Don't worry WRREBEL, it was a close count. I don't really know many on this board anymore since the split. There are a few that I could mention from the Farking Tard board, but none of those are members here anymore (they also have a few of my favorite posters).


On second thought i'm going with roach, yeah that guy...


And whats the deal with Balpeen? He's like the cranky uncle one minute and the cool one the next.


And Zombo, Okay i'm a little scared of Zombo so i'll let that one go.


That Kathy is another one, girl this is a football discussion, not a baking show.


That ADMIN guy sucks too, almost as bad as that Skippy and Aten guy.


...looking forward to the next group of questions, this is fun!




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He asked for least favorite guys, he didn't say dislike, hate or anything else. All browns players are our favorites, he's just looking for the least. If you have favorites, you have least favorites, of all your favorites who is the last one you named ;)


My least favorite current brown is TE Joel Gamble. Don't know him, don't recall seeing him play and he is 27 with no career stats.


My least favorite announcer is Randy Cross, what a tool. There is another one I recall that I couldn't stand, was it Solomon Wilcots maybe? Since i'm not sure, Randy Cross it is.


My least favorite Browns board member is WRREBEL...hey, you asked. I don't consider other teams fans as members, more like guests so they are exempt (for me). Don't worry WRREBEL, it was a close count. I don't really know many on this board anymore since the split. There are a few that I could mention from the Farking Tard board, but none of those are members here anymore (they also have a few of my favorite posters).


On second thought i'm going with roach, yeah that guy...


And whats the deal with Balpeen? He's like the cranky uncle one minute and the cool one the next.


And Zombo, Okay i'm a little scared of Zombo so i'll let that one go.


That Kathy is another one, girl this is a football discussion, not a baking show.


That ADMIN guy sucks too, almost as bad as that Skippy and Aten guy.


...looking forward to the next group of questions, this is fun!





I am forlorn at being left out.

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There was a piisburgh troll boy named Bubby who really rattled my cage last winter. I did not like him. Fer sure, a troll boy who needs to show up at a browns outing.


Bubby, where the f are you?????



Collingsworth is so biased against the browns it make me puke. If he is commentating, down with the tv volume and up with the radio broadcast. He may be a closet homo like his running dog joe buck.


Just throwing it out there.

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I would like to know who everyones least favorite browns player.


I would say abe elam for sucking...

I wasn't happy with Mark Harper in the 86 & 87 AFC Title games...let the 3 Amigos run free in the secondary as a nickel back...cost us dearly.....honorable mention was our punter in the 70s....Johnny Evans...horrible

Who is ur least favorite nfl announcer? I am going dan dierdorf..

I agree on Dierdorf, has way too much to say, must think all fans are stupid....Trumpy was hideous as well

Who is ur least favorite member of the browns board- mine is any one that isn't a fan of the browns

Don't have one, it's an open forum

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