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Marcus Benard


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I had the game on out in the garage, and from what I saw he was looking really good last night.


Seemed to be flying around and getting in on alot of tackles. I even saw him drop back into coverage and make a really good play on a quick out to a reciever.


You guys think he could become a solid LB this year? It would be really nice to see one of these project guys come out and make an impact.


At any rate, I'd rather see young guys like him and Trusnik, then Barton and Bowens.

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I had the game on out in the garage, and from what I saw he was looking really good last night.


Seemed to be flying around and getting in on alot of tackles. I even saw him drop back into coverage and make a really good play on a quick out to a reciever.


You guys think he could become a solid LB this year? It would be really nice to see one of these project guys come out and make an impact.


At any rate, I'd rather see young guys like him and Trusnik, then Barton and Bowens.


Same here, im for developing the youth or at least finding out what they got to offer over throwing in old vets like barton or bowens, however i do realize that sometimes a veteran presence is needed in the learning process but most the time all the fire and energy is going to come from the youth not the aging vets..


Bowens played well yesterday but wont even be a factor in the regular season other than being a marked target and tattle tell sign of what the defense is up to right along with elam..its time to throw veikune and benard out there and see if they rise to the occasion and develop or rather we need to look to the draft...keeping zombie like unenthusiastic old vets and overpaid bad talent in the rotation is really getting old and jake dont count he is not 35 years old but 35 years young an awesome guy i have grown to really like in a short time...


I am glad to see our players and coaches smiling and actually having fun and our youth playing with heart and fire..its awesome!


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I'm a huge Marcus Benard fan & think he should start. I LOVE that aggressive style of play he brings. He'll make mistakes, but they won't be for lack of effort.


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Veikune does not compare. When did we here his name last season as much as we hear Bernard's name this season? The guy is really enjoying his football and expressing himself in every game - I like the guy and look forward to much more from him. Trusnik looked sharp - I kept seeing 93 making the effort to get to the play - I'm happy with that all day long.

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I have a hunch that we might see some significant change to this roster as of tomorrow. As far as LBs go, I don't know if they will keep eight or nine but here's what it could look like:


Fujita, Gocong, Roth, Jackson, Benard, Trusnik, Maiava and ?Titus Brown/Veikune.


CUT: Bowens, Barton, Costanzo, Veikune/Brown


I think that keeping Bowens and Barton was smart last year when the overhaul was underway and the talent pool was smaller but now, it makes much less sense. We need more speed at the LB position and the old guys really are lumbering. I wouldn't be shocked if Veikune was gone tomorrow. I think you only get so much opportunity to show you can contribute and the new regime may not be inclined to keep him over a more productive player.


Don't be surprised to see some familiar names gone...just a thought.

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I have a hunch that we might see some significant change to this roster as of tomorrow. As far as LBs go, I don't know if they will keep eight or nine but here's what it could look like:


Fujita, Gocong, Roth, Jackson, Benard, Trusnik, Maiava and ?Titus Brown/Veikune.


CUT: Bowens, Barton, Costanzo, Veikune/Brown


I think that keeping Bowens and Barton was smart last year when the overhaul was underway and the talent pool was smaller but now, it makes much less sense. We need more speed at the LB position and the old guys really are lumbering. I wouldn't be shocked if Veikune was gone tomorrow. I think you only get so much opportunity to show you can contribute and the new regime may not be inclined to keep him over a more productive player.


Don't be surprised to see some familiar names gone...just a thought.



I hope you're wrong about Costanzo. That kid's a demon on special teams & ok as a sub. I tend to like hard nosed Special Teamers....they are the unsung, blue collar guys who bring value & desire to the game.


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I hope you're wrong about Costanzo. That kid's a demon on special teams & ok as a sub. I tend to like hard nosed Special Teamers....they are the unsung, blue collar guys who bring value & desire to the game.



Mike, I like Costanzo too and I certainly could see him being kept instead of Veikune or perhaps Brown. It's gonna come down to three guys for one or two spots if they part ways with the two old guys.

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I reckon we'll keep 9-10 LBr's. I can't see Blake getting cut. He's awesome on special teams, and an above average back up (at least).


On Bernard, he's been looking very solid. He'll be finishing the season as a starter.

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