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The Gods

The Gipper

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Someone on another thread mentioned that we should call Hillis and Harrison Thunder and Lightning, but I though that was a bit too cliche and overdone. But, along those lines I thought: Why not name them after Norse Gods? (though in reality this should apply to Vikings players, why not do it for The Browns). Here are a few I came up with:


Payton Hillis: THOR, God of Thunder


Lawrence Vickers: TYR, God of War


Josh Cribbs: LOKI, God of Fire, also known as the Trickster god


Jake Delhomme: WODAN, or ODIN, the Father of Gods, also the God of Magic, Learning, and Wisdom


Joe Thomas: WEYLAND, the Blacksmith God...God of Strength


Seneca Wallace: HEIMDALL, the Messenger God


Alex Mack: FREYR, the God of Fertility (after all the ball does have to go between his legs...like giving birth)


A few Gods could be assigned to some worthy defenders. Who should have these monikers:


HEL, God of the Afterlife?: (Which of our defender turns the lights out on the opponents?)


ULLER, God of the Hunt (maybe Joe Haden if he pans out?)


VALI, God of Vengeance (maybe TJ Ward if he becomes an enforcer)Well, its a thought, anyway.

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Someone on another thread mentioned that we should call Hillis and Harrison Thunder and Lightning, but I though that was a bit too cliche and overdone. But, along those lines I thought: Why not name them after Norse Gods? (though in reality this should apply to Vikings players, why not do it for The Browns). Here are a few I came up with:


Payton Hillis: THOR, God of Thunder


Lawrence Vickers: TYR, God of War


Josh Cribbs: LOKI, God of Fire, also known as the Trickster god


Jake Delhomme: WODAN, or ODIN, the Father of Gods, also the God of Magic, Learning, and Wisdom


Joe Thomas: WEYLAND, the Blacksmith God...God of Strength


Seneca Wallace: HEIMDALL, the Messenger God


Alex Mack: FREYR, the God of Fertility (after all the ball does have to go between his legs...like giving birth)


A few Gods could be assigned to some worthy defenders. Who should have these monikers:


HEL, God of the Afterlife?: (Which of our defender turns the lights out on the opponents?)


ULLER, God of the Hunt (maybe Joe Haden if he pans out?)


VALI, God of Vengeance (maybe TJ Ward if he becomes an enforcer)

Well, its a thought, anyway.


Pretty unique.

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