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Marion Barber


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NFL Total Access was just talking about guys that might get traded in the next 24-48 hours. One being T.J. whosyourmama and the other Marion Barber. The latter one, in my opinion would be a great addition. Baber is a AFC North style runner, and if Harrison leaves next year and Hardesty doesnt come back soon enough, then we still have good depth. I know a 3rd would be pretty high for him, but I think it would be worth it. Any thoughts?

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I have no problem with Marion Barber as long as he isn't promised anything in terms of touches. When I look back at last night's highlights and see Hardesty churning and fighting down to the one yard line....it's refreshing and we need that. It ignites the fans and the guys on the bench. The intensity carries over to the defense. Barber is that kind of runner. Dump Jennings...get Barber.

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nice player, and the hardesty injury hurts, but definitely no to this. Running back is one of a few position on this team i think we have legit depth on. I absolutely love all three guys we have now, and you should too


not to mention im sure he's going to want a decent salary

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nice player, and the hardesty injury hurts, but definitely no to this. Running back is one of a few position on this team i think we have legit depth on. I absolutely love all three guys we have now, and you should too


not to mention im sure he's going to want a decent salary


I forgot....besides the salary that you mention...if Hillis or Davis is #2 HB then Barber's spot in the depth chart has to play specials. He probably won't do that at this point in his career.

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nice player, and the hardesty injury hurts, but definitely no to this. Running back is one of a few position on this team i think we have legit depth on. I absolutely love all three guys we have now, and you should too


not to mention im sure he's going to want a decent salary


First off I never said anything in my post about not liking the depth of our RBs. Second, Harrison is unrestricted next year and he will most likley look for a fresh start. You are telling me that if Harrison keeps fumbling and gets benched that you will be perfectly happy with Hills and unproven Davis, or if one gets injured. I love Hillis but he dont have much speed, and I really dont want him gettig the shit beat out of him his first year. I dont trust Davis yet, he hasnt really got a starters chance either. Barber is proven and would be a damn stud behind our line. Also I thought this was an uncapped year, so they could do that gauranteed money thing up front.

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First off I never said anything in my post about not liking the depth of our RBs. Second, Harrison is unrestricted next year and he will most likley look for a fresh start. You are telling me that if Harrison keeps fumbling and gets benched that you will be perfectly happy with Hills and unproven Davis, or if one gets injured. I love Hillis but he dont have much speed, and I really dont want him gettig the shit beat out of him his first year. I dont trust Davis yet, he hasnt really got a starters chance either. Barber is proven and would be a damn stud behind our line. Also I thought this was an uncapped year, so they could do that gauranteed money thing up front.


it is an uncapped year, but that doesn't mean there's a money tree growing somewhere to give people anything they want. He's set to make 3.86 million this year, and I highly doubt he'll want much less than that with a new deal. I love marion barber, he's a beast and is definitely overall better than hillis in a back up role. But, like i said I would say RB is one of 2-3 positions on this whole team we actually have depth on. It seems you aren't as sold, but I put my faith in jerome harrison based on what i saw last year and hillis has looked really solid this preseason. All i'm saying is that if we go sign some people, i'd much rather pick up somebody in a position with less depth. when I said "you should too", i meant the browns fan base as a whole, not you specifically. Sorry if that come off the wrong.

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First off I never said anything in my post about not liking the depth of our RBs. Second, Harrison is unrestricted next year and he will most likley look for a fresh start. You are telling me that if Harrison keeps fumbling and gets benched that you will be perfectly happy with Hills and unproven Davis, or if one gets injured. I love Hillis but he dont have much speed, and I really dont want him gettig the shit beat out of him his first year. I dont trust Davis yet, he hasnt really got a starters chance either. Barber is proven and would be a damn stud behind our line. Also I thought this was an uncapped year, so they could do that gauranteed money thing up front.

Have you looked at the rushing totals per game for the Cowboys during this preseason? One game they had a total of 13 net yards. Not all of that is Barber's fault, but he was one of the running backs in that game. Do you think Barber would be willing to go to ANY team where he would not be the feature back? I don;t think he's worth it for the intangibles he would bring.


If we have what we need for this season, let's get on with it and worrry during the offseason about what we need to do next year.

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First off I never said anything in my post about not liking the depth of our RBs. Second, Harrison is unrestricted next year and he will most likely look for a fresh start. You are telling me that if Harrison keeps fumbling and gets benched that you will be perfectly happy with Hills and unproven Davis, or if one gets injured. I love Hillis but he dont have much speed, and I really dont want him getting the shit beat out of him his first year. I don't trust Davis yet, he hasn't really got a starters chance either. Barber is proven and would be a damn stud behind our line. Also I thought this was an uncapped year, so they could do that guaranteed money thing up front.


Regarding UFAs- there's going to be a ton of them out there next year, not just Harrison. & for that matter, who knows if there's even going to be a season next year? I'll give Harrison a pass on his preseason fumbling- he didn't do that last year- 2 fumbles in almost 200 attempts-Adrian Peterson had 6 drops in 350. Hillis may not be fast, but neither was Jerome Bettis. Remains to be seen if Davis can stay healthy, but I like what I've seen out of him so far- and he's not going to cost us anything to find out what he can do.


Finally, the Browns are in a rebuild mode- we're not going to trade away future draft picks to pick up a win or two now. OTOH, we have any player (we'd be willing to part with) that you think the Cowboys might want? You only make a move for a guy like Barber if you think you're "one player away"- like say the Bengals or Ravens.




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